Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<Guest37556> Hi im really un happy with the latest KSP update and was wondering is there anyway I can uninstall it?
<darsie> Guest37556: Steam?
<Guest37556> yes
<darsie> Library, RMB Kerbal Space Program/Properties/Betas/ select 1.12.1
<darsie> Maybe save your saves directory first
<Mat2ch> what did they break this time? ;D
<darsie> Maybe she thinks 1.12.1 is latest.
<Guest37556> I had an update on my steam with ksp so i was assuming it was the latest update.
<Guest37556> but thanks Darcie
<Guest37556> darsie*
<darsie> yw
<Mat2ch> Guest37556: do you know the version you were using before?
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<Mat2ch> grrrrrr
<Mat2ch> I want to know what the problem is!
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<flayer> its none of your business, Mat2ch !
<Mat2ch> I know, I'm doing this for free!
<Mat2ch> :D
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<Mat2ch> S20 stacking on B4
<Mat2ch> Are they going to fly it without testing it?!
<flayer> if they actually get to a 2/3rds orbit with this thing, i'm going to have a party
<flayer> the booster looks amazing with all those nozzles
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<FLHerne> Mat2ch: I'm certain they'll destack it before it flies
<FLHerne> (a) needs more tiles (b) they've just finished building a 6-engine thrust simulator to test it on
<Mat2ch> But that would mean that they have to take off the engines, too
<Mat2ch> I wonder what the plan here is. Just integration testing?
<FLHerne> That and PR
<FLHerne> I think it's just a repeat of the time they stacked Mk1 before destacking it and then blowing it up
<Mat2ch> Let's hope that latter wont happen
<FLHerne> You don't want to watch the massive explosion?
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<Mat2ch> I don't know what I want. That's my lifes struggle
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