Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<darsie> 1337
<flayer> nice
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<Mat2ch> Oh, nice, Raptors are being installed on Sn20. We might see tests soon \o/
<Mat2ch> Also the quick disconnect systems are almost all in place
<Mat2ch> We will soon see many tests and then hopefully a launch \o/
<Althego> soon probably noy next week
<Althego> or an explosion that only n2 could rival :)
<Althego> n1
<Mat2ch> SN20 tests could start next week
<Mat2ch> we know that from installing the raptors to doing tests takes only a couple of days
<Althego> no road closures yet, just intermittent for 2 days
<Mat2ch> :(
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<Althego> bird is coming with german anime songs karaoke. i hope there will be sailormoon and i can still sing it after more than 2 decades :)
* raptop assumes that at least one Evangelian song is mandatory
<Althego> maybe a fan version
<Althego> rocketlab went public?
<Althego> i dont check their twitter unless i know something is happening
<Althego> kikkerikii
<umaxtu> it was a SPAC thing, so IDK if RL technically went public
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<Althego> eh no kamikaze kaitou jeanne this time. i liked that
<Althego> except the early cg looked ugly
<Althego> finally, the sailor moon op
* raptop feels silly for taking so long to realize that kureiji is pronounced like "crazy"
<raptop> (on a semi-related note)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it took me a while too
<Althego> also when they thre ollie in the lava, in deep voice: saraba. hahahahaha
<Althego> it seems ksp 2 is either going to be amazing
<Althego> or fail miserably
<Althego> the scope is quite big
<raptop> I've expressed my concern that the new engine mechanics will mean that orbital mechanics will be largely irrelvant, right?
<raptop> (High Isp + high TWR might mean that you can torch around planetary systems for most of the game)
<Althego> i havent even though all of that
<Althego> i was just thinking it wants to make everything ksp1 was and base management too
<Althego> and interstellar travel
<raptop> yeah, all of that presents problems
<Althego> but it looks awesome
<Althego> i wosh ksp looked like that
<raptop> To reference Interstellar, they need to think a bunch about time as a resource
<umaxtu> I am worried about the probable lack of a Linux native version
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<raptop> KSP1 having non-windows versions is something of a happy accident from using Unity, right?
<Althego> probably
<Althego> but they are still using unity
<umaxtu> of they are!? thats great!
<Althego> at least that was the last thing i heard about it... a year ago or so?
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<packbart> KSP 1 looks amazing, too, if you add a few mods
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