Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You attempt to refine Rockwell's Turbo Encabulator by recalibrating the Reciprocating Dingle-Arm. The non-space worthy MK1 Prototype Command Pod goes missing.
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<Althego> heh now i have a private division account. didnt want it
<Althego> probably the account switch was the reason of the forced password change (which caused me to forget it, good job)
<Althego> at least it is not a steam account
<raptop> o_O
<Althego> the ksp store account was converted to private fivision account
<Althego> from next week we are back to 2 days in the office each week... less hololive
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<raptop> Consider: go all remote, and join meetings as a vtuber
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> we were in home office for about a year
<Althego> we had these two day in office weeks last year in the summer, otherwise working from home for about 1.5 years now
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<Althego> calli and gura king cover
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* raptop could go to the office at this point, but I was really hoping to wait until after COVID was in terminal decline
<Althego> probably never going away now
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<Mat2ch> Althego: you should switch to a job where you can work fully remote and take two or three jobs and work on all three :D
<Mat2ch> Some US americans are doing this. Even having different webcams/monitor setups
<Mat2ch> *display
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> you can only do that with big corporations
<Mat2ch> Working on three jobs, making > 150k a year now
<Althego> where you dont do anythinganyway
<Mat2ch> and nobody cares, because they get their job done
<Althego> because your efficiency is hilariously low, under 10%, because other constantly block you, you can work even 10 jobs
<Mat2ch> yeah, you can't be too good, because then you might get promoted.
<Althego> i spent years waiting on germans in cae :)
<Althego> waiting for
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* TheKosmonaut only just now saw his notifications from the modbot
<TheKosmonaut> I think it crashed my notifications. Because I totally didnt see that till now
<Althego> it was flooded
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<XXCoder> was all ksp accounts converted?
<XXCoder> and whats that account type private fivision
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<darsie> .
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<Althego> guh
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<TwistenX> i have returned B)
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<Althego> not for long
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<TwistenX> i drop kicked a small child
<raptop> ...okay
* raptop waves a banhammer threateningly
* TwistenX dodges
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<raptop> hm
<Althego> hehe really dodged it
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<Guest82675> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest82675
<Guest82675> i was just looking around the forums, and i saw this, and i wondered what it was lol
<Guest82675> it seems like a knock off version of discord
<raptop> ...
<raptop> It's an IRC channel, IRC being chat protocol that ends up underlying a lot of stuff
<raptop> probably the most notableIRC server is libera, which hosts chats for a whole bunch of FLOSS projects
<raptop> (In any case, I personally don't talk *that* much because I for various reasons got somewhat burned out on KSP, and am busy with "real" life)
<darsie> .
<raptop> ..
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<packbart> calling IRC a "knock off version of discord" is somewhat cute, though :)
<packbart> IRC goes back to about 1989, iirc
<raptop> soudns about right
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<packbart> well, it has a 4-digit RFC number. not absolutely prehistoric like E-Mail ;)
<raptop> Huh, IRC post-dates IP over avian carriers
<FLHerne> The important thing about IRC is that it's an open standard that can be used by anyone, not controlled by one company like Discord
<FLHerne> but anyway, this is #KSPOfficial and we talk about KSP (sometimes)
<FLHerne> There are other clients available, the webchat kind of sucks
<raptop> And so you get all sorts of IRC clients for random bits of hardware
<raptop> (and require absurdly small amounts of resources)
<Azander> yeah :)
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