Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<raptop> ;outcome add You experience several dozen anomalies during launch.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: You experience several dozen anomalies during launch.
<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You attempt to hijack a fully-fueled and ready-to-launch rocket sitting on the pad. Danny2462 thinks you're crazy.
<raptop> >P>
<raptop> <_<
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<bees> raptop: Instead of adding canards to your aircraft, someone has instead drawn a crude map of Canada. A flock of geese asking for directions delay the launch. This is grossly ethical.
<Althego> hehe
<XXCoder> lol
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You make a vehicle out of physicsless parts. The Kraken pays a surprise visit.
<XXCoder> surprise? nah
<bees> XXCoder: You attempt to re-create the Orion mission and synchronise it with the real-world livestream. While you weren't looking, Kerbin's atmosphere gets left behind by the planet's motion.
<Althego> eh... firefly launch failed
<Althego> very high up
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<Althego> oh no, i was watchin ina minacraft from yesterday and i missed hakos live
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You decide to do nothing today. Circus clowns replace your monopropellant with a mixture of unicycles and fake noses.
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<Althego> lol
<Althego> because you did nothing. you could have fortrified your position against circus clowns
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<Mat2ch> Althego: btw, did you see the Firefly launch? They did go sideways...
<Mat2ch> in Kerbal style!
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> in replay only
<Althego> i missed both of the explosive launches
<Althego> because they were too late
<Althego> or to early not sure
<Althego> and i tried to watch the astra the first time and thre was a scrub, and for the next one i was too tired to stay up
<Althego> the firefly was even more interesting
<Althego> but didnt want to wake up around 3
<Mat2ch> I only watch the replays of them, too, if they're too late
<Althego> partly fault of irys
<Althego> because she starts stream usually around 5
<Althego> and that is why i am so tired
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<darsie> 1337
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<sandbox> 1337
<Althego> we could have a perpetual rolling leet hourly if there were enough people (1 in each time zone)
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<Althego> russian spacewalk
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<TwistenX> What do you think A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S. stand for?
<Althego> airbrakes
<TwistenX> bruh
<TwistenX> i mean in ksp
<Althego> Aerodynamically Integrated Retrograde Braking Robustly Armed Kinetic Extending System
<Althego> otherwise known as airbrakes
<TwistenX> cool cool
<TwistenX> it's also cool how Starship SN-20 is gonna be the largest rocket ever launched in 50 years
<Althego> and if it goes like this, sls will never launch
<Althego> i think thye needed to launch this year, ebcause there was ome part warranty that expires
<TwistenX> then NASA needs to step up their game
<Althego> more like boeing. they will not
<TwistenX> it's funny how Blue Origin's first orbital flight will be from launching inside the cargo bay of a Starship
<Althego> how so?
<TwistenX> Since SpaceX and Blue Origin are competetors
<TwistenX> It's kinda strange how they would work together
<TwistenX> Unless they're both making bank from it
<Althego> i mean what mission does this arrangement?
<TwistenX> I'm not sure yet
<TwistenX> SN-20 still has to happen
<Althego> at this point i am pretty sure blue origin is never going to be orbital
<Althego> or maybe in 10 more years
<TwistenX> you're probably right
<Althego> but with spacex that is pretty much never
<Althego> by that time spacex takes over everything
<TwistenX> SpaceX is beating Blue Origin by a long shot
<TwistenX> it's also weird how China is trying to copy SpaceX and the Starship
<TwistenX> even though they worked with Musk in building the Tesla
<Althego> blue origin orbital rockets: 0. spacex: 3.5 (falcon 1, falcon 9, flacon heavy, starship)
<TwistenX> true
<Althego> also first full flow stage combustion engien ever flown
<TwistenX> i also don't see Blue Origin making a new rocket every few weeks
<Althego> how many new shepards they have?
<TwistenX> 15
<TwistenX> As of June 2021
<Althego> that is a lot
<Althego> for one launch every few months
<TwistenX> The first was built in November tho
<Althego> they could get by with one
<TwistenX> of 2105
<TwistenX> 2015*
<Althego> i think spacex has fewer boosters, and they launch into orbit, and can do it every two weeks
<TwistenX> that's cause they have reusability skill
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<Izaya> SpaceX installed StageRecovery
<Althego> kikkerikii
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<TwistenX> h
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<TwistenX> communism or capitalism
<Althego> communism doesnt work
<Althego> capitalism is horrible
<TwistenX> yeah both are bad
<Althego> and this is where we stop
<TwistenX> stop what
<Althego> no politics
<TwistenX> ok
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<raptop> mrrf
<TwistenX> ok
<TwistenX> Elon Musk is definitely the most degenerate Millennial in the world, change my mind
<raptop> ...
<TwistenX> can you?
<raptop> 1) Humans by in large do not consist of things like metals, so the whole "room temperature/pressure exhibiting electron degeneracy" isn't a thing
<raptop> 2) He was born in 1971 (gen x)
<TwistenX> 1) that's not what i meant
<TwistenX> 2) Gen X isn't millennial?
<raptop> No
<TwistenX> o
<TwistenX> well then let me rephrase
<TwistenX> Elon Musk is the most "Gen Z-like" Gen X in the world. Change my mind.
<raptop> Using the defs proposed by Strauss & Howe: (1901-1924); Silent Generation (1925-1942); Baby Boom Generation (1943-1960); Generation X (1961-1981); Milenial Generation (1982-2004)
<raptop> I believe that the consensus has pushed around a number of those by a few years (in particular millenials ending in like 1996)
<TwistenX> bruh
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<TwistenX> What's Gen Z?
<TwistenX> (2005 - 2017?)
<TwistenX> because there's a Gen Alpha now
<raptop> Unclear exactly where the line between z and α is
<raptop> Give it another decade?
<TwistenX> ok
<TwistenX> but still, can you change my mind
<Azander> so besides birthdate what defines these "gen"s ?
<TwistenX> i guess nothing besides birthdate
<TwistenX> or maybe
<Azander> They birthdate is factual. No way to compare to a different Gen group
<raptop> birth dates and the associated events, economic and political conditions, etc
<Althego> elon is not even am illenial lol
<TwistenX> Gens are basically Eras and Ages
<Azander> By the definitiion above I'm Gen X
<TwistenX> Like we could call the Space Age the Space Era, or the Space Generation
<raptop> My semi-serious description would be: Boomers don't remember WW2, Xers don't remember Kennedy, Millenials don't remember Vietnam, Zoomers don't remember the Cold War. (presumably α won't remember the War On Terror(tm))
<Althego> however i try i cant get this knife to have a usable edge
<TwistenX> By the definition above, I'm a Gen Z
<X> I’m also generally X.
<raptop> Althego: ...stabbing things?
<TwistenX> he speaks
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<Althego> no, it is a common knife
<TwistenX> used for stabbing things
<Althego> doesnt even cut tomatos anymore
<TwistenX> that must be a VERY dull knife
<raptop> and/or soft tomatoes
<Althego> probably older than me
<TwistenX> it's probably dull enough to be used as a fish stunner if you go fishing
<TwistenX> you just smack it on the head and the fish stops moving
<TwistenX> you'd probably kill it though, instead of stunning it
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<TwistenX> I hope KSP2 has a Raptor-Equivalent Liquid Fuel Engine
<raptop> It would probably be straightforward enough to add, given that KSP1 has an off-brand SSME
<TwistenX> And the KS-25 Engine is EXTREMELY over-powered, too.
<Althego> small area high thrust
<TwistenX> Yes
<raptop> It's a size-2 engine stat-wise
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<Althego> also high gimbal angle
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<Althego> i like to use it for eve sacent behicles, it performs well
<TwistenX> I also hope that if they add a Raptor Engine, it has a sea-level and vacuum configuration
<raptop> probably *gestures vaguely at the LV-T30 and T45*
<TwistenX> The Swivel and Reliant engines would be great for a small-scale Starship
<TwistenX> the only problem is
<TwistenX> making a superheavy booster at the same scale
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<TwistenX> wait, does the superheavy's raptors have gimbal?
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<TwistenX> i think they do
<Althego> the center ones
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<Althego> the side oens are too closely packed
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<TwistenX> i see
<TwistenX> maybe you could make the engines all swivels
<TwistenX> but lock the gimbal on the outer engines
<TwistenX> but that's still a lot of engines
<TwistenX> i dont know if you'd be able to fit 29 or 32 swivels in a 3.75m diameter
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<packbart> fwiw, I'm a 1st generation Digital Native :) born 1976, I don't remember a life without "personal computers" in the house
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<TwistenX> do you guys think the devs will fix the symmetry glitch in KSP2?
<Althego> i was born later but i do
<Althego> we didnt even have a phone. you know wired one
<packbart> TwistenX: maybe. KSP2 will have a completely new set of bugs ;)
<TwistenX> did you know ksp2 will not only have destructible buildings...
<packbart> KSP 1 already has. ask that danny guy
<TwistenX> not like that
<TwistenX> not spaghetti-fying the planet
<TwistenX> i mean you can create craters
<packbart> that sounds interesting
<TwistenX> yes
<TwistenX> have any of you ever built your own capsule in ksp?
<TwistenX> like
<TwistenX> building it out of fairing pieces, disabling the fairing stage, and putting EVA seats inside
<packbart> I've returned to KSP in the last week. seen everything in Elite Dangerous that is to see, I guess. been playing on a GTA RP server some nights, too, but most of the players are in the wrong timezone
<packbart> TwistenX: two of my favourite KSP streamers often do that (jakeinaboat, backslashjack). I just don't have the knack for making it as aesthetic, I guess
<packbart> EJ ist too loud, I don't like watching him, tbh
<packbart> and linuxgurugamer likes working on mods more than playing KSP, he said ;)
<TwistenX> hm
<packbart> jake uses SSTU. that mod just has too many options for my taste but it can build almost anything from basic parts
<packbart> and they are not afraid of clipping things
<TwistenX> SSTU?
<packbart> a mod with extensibly customizable parts -
<TwistenX> oh
<TwistenX> i can't download mods for KSP anyway because i play on console :, )
<packbart> oh, I see
<raptop> huh, I guess no custum flags or mods for you
<raptop> er, wait, you said no mods
<TwistenX> i really need to get the money to download it onto my PC
<TwistenX> i can pay for the game, but not the game and the two DLCs
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<TwistenX> did you know that if you eat 40'000 bananas in 10 minutes you would die of radiation poisoning
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> probably not even then
<TwistenX> idk
<Althego> there was an xkcd radiation chart
<Althego> bananas are tiny
<TwistenX> potassium has a small amount of a certain type of radiation that dies out quickly
<TwistenX> and bananas have loads of potassium
<Althego> it is bad for any radiation if you get it from the inside
<Althego> but still, bananas are barely radioactive
<TwistenX> BARELY
<TwistenX> but they still are
<packbart> I'd wager that you'd die before reaching 40k bananas
<TwistenX> yeah but what if you have an infinite stomach
<TwistenX> restricted website moment
<TwistenX> :,)
<packbart> wot
<TwistenX> im on my school computer rn
<Althego> lol
<TwistenX> im gonna make a LEGO Starship and send it to LEGO as an Ideas Set
<packbart> and they ban a scienc-y site?
<packbart> tsk
<TwistenX> ikr
<Althego> it says banana is 0.1 uSv, while a head ct is 2 mSv
<TwistenX> what is a head ct
<Althego> and even with that you are still far from getting sick from it
<TwistenX> that's why you have to eat 40'000 of them in 10 minutes
<TwistenX> that'll be enough to poison you
<TwistenX> 40'000 bananas in 10 minutes
<darsie> TwistenX: Potassium content in bananas is overhyped. It's not in this list:
<Althego> whic hyoutuber was that collected it from bananas?
<Althego> cody's lab?
<darsie> yes
<Althego> scott
<Althego> firefly -> fireball
<TwistenX> even if there isn't a lot
<darsie> And you'd die from potassium poisoning than from radiation poisoning.
<Althego> probably
<TwistenX> 40'000 bananas eaten in 10 minutes would still kill you of radiation poisoning if nothing else does it first
<Althego> plays an important role in the cells
<darsie> 20 g KCl i.v. will stop your heart.
<Althego> no it wouldnt
<Althego> i mean the bananas wouldnt
<TwistenX> what have i started
<darsie> BS
<Althego> you didnt start me
<Althego> (look at the real name)
<TwistenX> i started this argument
* darsie read 'stated'.
<TwistenX> where
<TwistenX> 16bit Starship Simulator releasing on GameJolt when?
<darsie> In my mind. Instead of 'started'.
<packbart> very long exposure times, though
<TwistenX> ok
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<darsie> 40,000 bananas contain about 15 kg potassium. 0.012 mol% are 40-K or 4.6 mol. With a half life of 1.251E9 years that's 49 MBq. In about 89.28% of events, it decays to calcium-40 (40Ca) with emission of a beta particle (β−, an electron) with a maximum energy of 1.31 MeV and an antineutrino. Idk how much energy the antineutrino carries away, so I'll go with half that energy and get 4.5 µSv/s.
<darsie> That's 2.7 mSv in 10 min. A single full-body CT scan is 10-30 mSv. One of us is wrong.
<Althego> but twinsenx has quit already
<darsie> Wait, Sv is J/kg, and a human has 70 kg. So divide by 70.
<darsie> Yes, but I'm storing the message here for when he comes back.
<darsie> That's one issue with bogus claims. It takes too much time to refute them in a discussion instantly.
<darsie> often
<Althego> unless you are already prepared
<darsie> Hmm, he didn't say you'd die in 10 minutes, but eat them in 10 minutes. How long is the potassium supposed to remain in the body?
<packbart> and then they'll just divert to another argument
<Althego> more than 10 minutes
* packbart spent some time in Ufo and conspiracy groups on Usenet many years ago
<Althego> i was debating creationists on mailing lists some 20 years ago
<packbart> it's fun when you can demonstrate that two of their arguments cannot be true at the same time but need to for their theory to work
<packbart> mental implosions follow
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<darsie> How long does the potassium stay in the body if you eat 4 tons of bananas in 10 minutes and you don't die ...
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