Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
<TwistenX> Ok, so you recommended using a Pressure-Fed Engine, but the problem is, the tank has to hold a lot of pressure, so those tanks are gonna be Super Heavy BN5.
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* TwistenX decides that fuel tank clipping isn't cheating in KSP anymore.
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<ron> ayo bob lookin kinda goofy rn
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<XXCoder> ;missiom
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You hire Big Man Japan for your next mission. Ironic.
<XXCoder> ok. lol
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<bees> XXCoder: You detect an unknown probe approaching Kerbin and send a mission to investigate. The supply of snacks is exhausted.
<raptop> The probe was hungry
<packbart> I wish my stupid Mars Colonists would stop dome-hopping for no good reason
<raptop> tourism?
<packbart> nah, they just quit their job and move to another dome
<raptop> hm
<Althego> which game:
<Althego> ?
<packbart> Surviving Mars
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<Mat2ch> Bezos is such a bad loser... who would've thought.
<minas_tirith> Bezos is a smart man
<Mat2ch> Not really
<Mat2ch> if he'd be smart he would care about his workers more, which would result in higher production and maybe orbital rockets.
<kubi> well
<kubi> do you think is it really important for him or just the boy scouts in his league measuring their man-parts?
<minas_tirith> what
<XXCoder> smart people can be dumb
<Mat2ch> kubi: it's just a hobby he's not good at.
<Althego> you mean suing companies?
<Althego> because it looks like that is what he does
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<ron> cool guy has arrived
<flayer> sup bro
<flayer> *fistbump*
<ron> i actually hope that ksp2 has a mcdonal with rondald mconald slide with chick nugit 6 piece
<ron> (in a cool way)
<ron> i also went to the beach with little man and bob on sunday
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<ron> ok ron is back
<ron> i like to come here so i can hang out with flayer and umaxtu (cool) and raptop and althego and FLHerne (uncool)
<ron> and Mat2ch (also uncool)
<UmbralRaptop> Anyway, happy チルノ day
<Mat2ch> In the old days this would've resulted in a kickban...
<UmbralRaptop> (speaking of cool things)
<ron> Mat2ch: wow i never knew IRC was chinese and suppressed people's opinions (very uncool)
<Mat2ch> being rude is not an opinion.
<ron> but you were rude to me
<ron> you said im not cool (even though i'm very cool)
<Mat2ch> Which I'm usually not. So you should ask yourself, why I was rude to you
<ron> and so did raptop
<ron> Mat2ch: cause i'm cooler than you (in a cool way)
<Mat2ch> arrogant may fit better.
<flayer> not cool Mat2ch
<ron> or you just hate me (which is extrememly uncool)
<ron> is also just dont like althego and flherne
<ron> i dont know why, i just do
<Mat2ch> I don't hate people.
<ron> (that's cool)
<Mat2ch> I may be sometimes upset with some, but I do not hate.
<ron> Mat2ch: *doesn't hate ron* (in a semi-cool way)
<Mat2ch> Hate brings only suffering.
<Mat2ch> To others and yourself.
<ron> (in a cool way)
<ron> you lookin like a uhhh umm you look like an uhhh you kinda look like an uhh ummm you kinda like an unnn uu ummmmm wait you kinda uhhhhh humnnnn nnmmmm wait let me think uhhhh hmmmmm ummm ummehhhh ermmmmm uhh
<raptop> Life is suffering
<raptop> Therefore life is hate?
<ron> you lookin kinda goofy
<ron> *vine boom*
<Mat2ch> The most suffering in our life bring the things we do to each other.
<flayer> oh damn, smoke and burning smells on the space station
<ron> im going to get political
<Mat2ch> flayer: oh no
* raptop ponders
<flayer> it's been resolved, but yeah
<raptop> flayer: though confusingly no fire alarms went off
<ron> mcdonal is better than borgir kin
<Mat2ch> so, just some magic smoke?
<ron> the space station is on fire (very not cool)
<flayer> ugh, i have so many things i need to do
<ron> you've already completed one of them
<ron> and it's be cool guy (in a cool way)
<ron> "ugh"?!?! fnf reference !!11/1?!/1?!?11
<ron> space smells like burnt steak
<ron> also you can cook a chicken by slapping it 23, 034 times
<ron> you can do it in one slap if your slap speed reaches ~1.6km per second
<raptop> ah, yes, those things that get endlessly reposted on /r/theydidthemath
* raptop downvotes yet again
<ron> * becomes uncool ( in an uncool way ) *
<ron> raptop is no longer cool
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<ron> did you know that your brain stays alive for 10-12 seconds after being chopped off until eventually dying due to lack of oxygen
<bees> ron: do you volunteer to be a test subject?
<bees> we need to validate that study
<ron> my good old friend chum buddy pal friend pal amigo good friend buddy pal pal friend amigo pal chum bob told me
<ron> bees: i dont have a brain
<ron> im a folder
<flayer> its gotta be weird to be a disembodied brain
<ron> im ron not disembodied brain
<ron> im cool guy ron (cool guy)
<Kracc> Hey guys, if you hadn't heard the news Nyrath(Winchell Chung), the creator of the Atomic Rockets website (and perennial KSP modder) has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. If you want to write him a note or something there's a doc to do so:
<ron> oh thats sad
<raptop> aaaaaa
<ron> rip
<ron> wait so he got cancer??
<ron> that's very sad :( (not cool)
<Kracc> It wasn't said what specifically he has, just that he likely doesn't have long.
<ron> virus and illness (stupid) should be destoryed (which would be very cool)
<ron> B(
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<ron> i just sent a thing into the doc
<minas_tirith> Mr Bezos is a very smart man
<ron> more like Jeff Bozo
<ron> B)
<ron> this is a certified hood classic
<ron> cool guy is leave
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<flayer> minas_tirith, and a very evil one
<minas_tirith> How would you say he is more evil than anyone else in a similar position of money and power?
<flayer> why would i say that?
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<minas_tirith> flayer, how is he evil?
<flayer> he gathers wealth and power to himself
<Althego> bald evil guy with a male body part shaped rocket? dr evil
<minas_tirith> Gathering wealth and power is a natural thing
<minas_tirith> Everyone does that
<flayer> minas_tirith, once you do it beyond the realm of personal safety/security, you are evil
<flayer> and he is far, far beyond
<flayer> because if you start doing it at that level, it means in practical terms that you have to take from others, one way or another
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<ron> cool guy is back ( cool )
* umaxtu brings out a blowtorch
<umaxtu> how cool are you now?
<ron> still cool
<ron> you fail to realize that im a living folder/meme
<raptop> Oh, good. We can use ron as part of the TPS
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<ron> the what
<ron> whats a TPS
<raptop> thermal protection system
<Althego> tps report :)
<ron> but im a folder
<Althego> that is exactly where tps resports belong
<ron> but im only full of memes ( which is cool )
<ron> althego: i'm not gonna do a tps report ( because tps reports are uncool )
<Althego> you have to do it. and dont forget the correct cover
<ron> no
<ron> i wont
<ron> it'll ruin my storage
<ron> (and that wouldn't be cool)
<ron> plus you don't even know the command to put it inside my brain B)
<ron> get noob
<ron> i will only do the TPS report if i get chiken nuggt 6 piece from mcdonal after i do it
<ron> i will do TPS
<ron> i need data and chikn nuget first tho ( cuz im cool guy )
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<ron> B)
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<ron> amogus
<ron> ok
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<TwistenX> The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. *Ding!* A single lap should be completed each time you hear this so
<TwistenX> und. *Bing!* Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start. *Ding!*
* flayer giggles
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<TwistenX> gurdamma
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<TwistenX> amogus reference
kwdrt is now known as bees
TwistenX is now known as wasps
<wasps> im going to kill bees
<darsie> By eating non organic food?
<wasps> no is sting them
<darsie> ahh, twistenx ...
<wasps> yes :)
<darsie> I have something for you ...
<wasps> what is it
<wasps> ?
wasps is now known as TwistenX
<TwistenX> i gtg tell me what it is later
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* raptop blinks
<raptop> darsie: I have questions
<darsie> .
<darsie> prove it
<raptop> No, just, what's going on with the 40,000 bananas, and why are we trying to irradiate someone with them?
<darsie> [21:10:57] TwistenX [webchat@] has joined #KSPOfficial
<darsie> [21:11:29] <TwistenX> did you know that if you eat 40'000 bananas in 10 minutes you would die of radiation poisoning
<darsie> I guess twi tried to save us from radiation poisoning with this advice.
<darsie> BTW, you proved you had questions.
<raptop> I like the 15 kg of potassium bit, since that'll kill you through other methods
<sandbox> rad-x
<darsie> also eating 4 t bananas.
<darsie> Whatever they're made of.
<raptop> Yeah, at that point you're >98% banana by mass
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<TwistenX> darsie: ok what is it you have for me
<TwistenX> off-brand discord moment
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<TwistenX> so im right?
<darsie> I don't think so.
<darsie> But I could be wrong.
<darsie> I've made mistakes before.
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<TwistenX> oh
<TwistenX> there hasnt been an argument i started that big ever since the imperial vs metric system war
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<TwistenX> ksp island runway speedrun
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<TwistenX> m4v is speedrunning IRC CHat
<TwistenX> Would you rather render KSP with RSS, Waterfall, Scatterer, and RO, or KSP2 with max graphics settings?
<raptop> If I used mods more, there's a legit chance that I'd be entirely looking at telemetry readouts and mostly ignoring the graphics
<TwistenX> hmm
<TwistenX> Why?
<raptop> Something like kRPC being interesting for control purposes, and I'd want to look into Principia and RO
<TwistenX> i see
<TwistenX> I really hope the asteroids in KSP2 are larger than they are in KSP
<TwistenX> The asteroids in KSP are incredibly small, with Class G's only being about 1.5km wide
<TwistenX> At least I think so
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<TwistenX> Hopefully KSP2 has Class Z's with a diameter of ~50km
* raptop eyes gilly and pol
<TwistenX> 25km and 13km lookin a-- lmao
<TwistenX> The asteroids need Sphere's of Influences too
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<TwistenX> I also hope that you can catch some dust from a comet's tails and gain science points from it
<TwistenX> New EVA Kerbal Performance: "Take Cosmic Sample"
<umaxtu> and hopefully they don't neuter the mod support
<TwistenX> KSP is probably one of the most mod-friendly games
<TwistenX> I don't think they'll nerf modding abilities in KSP2
<umaxtu> they might if they thought they would sell more dlc
<TwistenX> What DLC's do you think KSP2 would have?
<umaxtu> horse armor probably
<TwistenX> They'd probably have a similar DLC to Breaking Ground and Making History
<TwistenX> horse armor?
<umaxtu> oh yeah, thats before your time isn't it
<TwistenX> oooh
<TwistenX> Yeah KSP's DLC's are at a fairly high price
<TwistenX> but it fits what you get from it
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<TwistenX> There's quite a few things I look forward to in KSP2
<TwistenX> Whether that's improved or new things
<umaxtu> yeah
<TwistenX> I would list them all here, but it wouldn't even fit
<TwistenX> I'd have to put it all in a Google Doc or something