Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<TwistenX> shut up
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Ezriilc_ is now known as Ezriilc
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<TwistenX> :)
<TwistenX> :)
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<TwistenX> :)
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<TwistenX> :)
<TwistenX> :)
<TwistenX> lithobraking?
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<TwistenX> anyways im outta here
<TwistenX> time to have infinite fun
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<Guest43039> wow
<Guest43039> place really changed since the forum migration
<packbart> what changed?
<Guest43039> pretty dang empty
<Guest43039> :)
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<XXCoder> lol its lready pretty empty here
<XXCoder> i first joined when this channel was over 800 people and text never stops
<packbart> well, it's IRC. pretty much unknown today
<packbart> the Reddit KSP Discord Thingy is quite active
<packbart> try talking KSP on Usenet... ;)
<Althego> hehe
<Izaya> services die when they are murdered
<packbart> but they aren't
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<packbart> we're still here. and my NNTP server apparently still transfers Usenet articles between its peers. I just don't read them
<Izaya> was mostly talking about certain ... competitors acting hostile towards IRC, the zombie state of many channels makes me sad
<packbart> well, it's not what $people expect from their chat services nowadays
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<packbart> <insert reaction.gif>
<packbart> irssi doesn't even have a quick emoji selector
<packbart> 🤔
<Izaya> my terminal can't even render whatever that is :D
<Althego> thinking face emoji
<Althego> the terminal can render it
<Althego> you just need the font
<Izaya> sure, it could, if I had any fonts with that glyph installed :p
<packbart> it's standard since 2015
<Izaya> I just install fonts that look nice for text, emoji don't tend to express anything important or interesting anyway
<packbart> I'd disagree
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<Althego> not used much in irc
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<Majin> Fun is infinite!
<Majin> セガエンタープライズの楽しさは無限大です。 -マジン。
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<Majin> why does this website give out your ip address
<Majin> isn't that kinda illegal
<Althego> how else would you expect the packets to find you?
<darsie> Which website?
<Althego> i guess webchat
<Majin> darsie: this website, dingus
<Izaya> I'm not using a website
<Althego> it is not a website
<Izaya> don't even have a web browser open
<darsie> idk what website you're talkind about?
<Majin> darsie: this webchat** dingus
<Althego> you are using a web client
<darsie> You're in an IRC chat. IRC is not web, just as email is not a web site.
<Althego> but for most people it is, because they use gmail through a browser
<Majin> .
<darsie> .
<Izaya> ,
<Majin> what if i change my ip
<Althego> right now?
<darsie> Then your packets will be routed another way.
<Majin> sure
<Althego> the packets wouldnt find you and you would be disconnected
<Majin> o
<Majin> what packets
<Izaya> poor lost packets
<darsie> If you send an email, the headers may tell the recipient your IP.
<Majin> is that bad
<darsie> idk
<Izaya> not usually
<Majin> o ok
<Izaya> an IP address alone only really tells you which ISP that IP is currently controlled by
<Althego> and in many cases approximate location on earth
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<darsie> says you're from Lynnwood Lilliwaup Shelton Union
<Althego> too late
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<Majin> approximate??
<darsie> says you're from Lynnwood Lilliwaup Shelton Union
<Majin> me?
<darsie> yes
<packbart> an IP address is considered private data under GDPR rules, though
<Althego> there are geoip databases that try to correlate you location with ip
<Majin> I HATE IT
<Althego> so usually you could get a city, maybe a district
<darsie> Maybe IRC is not for you.
<darsie> Try discord or so.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> does that help?
<darsie> idk
<Althego> i dont know how it works
<darsie> Also avoid email.
<Althego> sooner or later there has to be an ip somewhere for bidirectional communication
<Izaya> it used to not proxy media requests
<Izaya> so you could post an image URL and get all the clients that fetch it
<Majin> oh ok
<packbart> discord doesn't disclose your IP to all the channel members. and mail servers can be configured to strip that information, too
<Izaya> I'm told that's been fixed, but I've never used it
<Althego> you could use a vpn. if you dont feel sick instantly on the mention, because of all the youtube channels advertising vpns
<darsie> Worry about pics in emails, even 1x1 pixel pics. They may be loaded from a web server telling the email sender your IP.
<packbart> I've got some Perfect Privacy coupons somewhere...
<darsie> I use simple HTML view for emails.
<packbart> darsie: those servers also fall under GDPR
<darsie> If they're in the EU.
<packbart> IRC flies deep enough under the radar so that nobody really cares
<Izaya> it's kind of neat how every youtube video that advertises a VPN mildly degrades the trustworthiness of the whole enterprise
<darsie> Or operated by an EU entity, I guess.
<Majin> but before we continue this video...
<Althego> video killed the radio star
<Majin> N O R D V P N
<darsie> BTW, I and others log chat, including the IPs.
<Izaya> friendly reminder that sponsorblock exists
<darsie> I have 4 GB of logs.
<Izaya> and that you should use it, because advertising rots your brain
<Majin> i hate grammarly
<packbart> yeah, I worked for PP and we could never figure out how NSAVPN could run with those small fees (and they give 100% to the affiliate)
<darsie> Some logs are public.
<Majin> it is literally 70% of my ads on youtube
<packbart> darsie: I did not give you permission to store my chat texts :P
<darsie> true
<packbart> *calls lawyer*
<packbart> indeed, it probably would be
<darsie> In what jurisdiction?
<packbart> yours
<Majin> #downwithdarsieparty on twitter
<darsie> I don't do twitter.
<darsie> or fb
<darsie> or ig
<XXCoder> nor jz?
<darsie> what's that?
<Izaya> fedi or bust
<XXCoder> nonexistant site lol
<darsie> I don't do whatsapp
<Althego> jz sounds like asm mnemonic
<Izaya> Jump if Zero
<darsie> jump if zero
<XXCoder> jump if zero
<darsie> :
<darsie> :)
<Majin> jz sounds like a soundcloud rapper name
<XXCoder> iz is winner, what wioth caps and all
<Althego> but how did we get there?
<packbart> through a call
* packbart pops the stack
<Althego> calli
<packbart> iret
Majin has quit [Quit:]
<darsie> There's a public log of an IRC channel with IPs: 21:23 -!- fenn_ [] has joined #hplusroadmap
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<darsie> There's a public log of an IRC channel with IPs: 21:23 -!- fenn_ [] has joined #hplusroadmap
<Majin> here, take a random non-suspicious google drive file of mine
<darsie> I had malware I received via email on my web server when it was still online. GPG encrypted.
<Majin> lmao maybe you should've been smart
<darsie> Do you play KSP?
<Majin> ye?
<Althego> do you even lift? :)
<Majin> when you have fun, you don't need to lift
* darsie rides bike and climbs stairs.
<packbart> what a drag
<darsie> Sometimes I ruin my spine by lifting stuff.
<Majin> i ruin my spine by existing
<darsie> We're supposed to be quadpods.
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<darsie> Majin: Maybe a dedicated IRC client doesn't cut out that often.
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<Majin> a what
<darsie> Majin: Maybe a dedicated IRC client doesn't cut out that often.
<Majin> shut up
<Majin> my device keeps trying to close the tab itself
* darsie hugs Majin.
<darsie> silently
* packbart slaps darsie around a bit with a large trout
<darsie> That's not vegan!
<Majin> T R O U T S L A P
<Majin> i am an official animal rights activist
<Althego> hehe the classic trout
<darsie> official. Got a badge?
<packbart> People Eat Tasty Animals?
<Althego> peta
* Majin flips out his Animal Activist bage
<Majin> verified on twitter
* darsie has a lifetime v-card.
<Majin> wow
<darsie> Vegan society of Austria membership card
<Majin> lmao imagine living in Austria
<Majin> cringe
<darsie> I got that for paying money, not being vegan.
<Majin> that's cheating
<darsie> It's easy to imagen for me.
<Majin> I'm gonna have to revoke that card from you
<darsie> imagine*
<darsie> I'd give it to you for 400 EUR.
* Majin grabs darsie's v-card and rides away in his motorized shopping cart
<Majin> speed
<Majin> also i dont have any european money
<darsie> I accept bitcoin and monero.
<Majin> lmao bitcoin is so bad compared to what's being invested in right now
<Majin> i would say what it is but nah
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<Majin> dumb client
<Majin> DANG IT
<Majin> マジン
<Majin> ya'll remember Sunky.mpeg?
<Althego> no
<Majin> oh
<Majin> well then
<Majin> do you remember sonic.exe?
<darsie> Are you TwistenX?
<Majin> yep
<Althego> should have known
<Majin> you guys are so unsmart
<Majin> everytime i change my identity it somehow confuses you
<Izaya> stop
<Majin> no
<Majin> you physically cannot make me
* darsie votes to quiet Majin for a minute.
<Majin> your vote is not counted in this capitalistic land of infinite fun
<darsie> For insulting me.
<darsie> us
<darsie> Althego: do it.
<Majin> no
<Majin> please
<Majin> i don't regret it but please don't mute me again
<darsie> hahaha
<Majin> shut
* darsie jetpack deorbits Majin without a parachute.
<Althego> but no
<Majin> if this were a discord call i'd be screaming into my mic
<Althego> the problem is, there is no hostmask, just ip
<Althego> or rather no host, and cant make a hostmask
<Majin> me when the fun is infinite:
<Izaya> I like how some networks show a hash of the IP/host and a server-side salt instead of the actual host
<Majin> yes
<darsie> Majin: Or if you want a real challenge, try to jetpack to orbit from the surface of the Mun.
<Majin> im not good enough at the game
<Althego> git gud
<Majin> i've never finished a mission (successfully) outside of the Kerbin-Mun-Minmus System.
<darsie> Why not?
<Izaya> attention span too short
<Majin> Izaya: ADHD gets you good as a teenager
<darsie> Building a space station in Kerbol orbit is easy.
<Majin> I'm usually never inspired enough and I don't finish missions
<Majin> darsie: ehhhh...
<darsie> an IR telescope in Kerbol orbit can give you all the money you need, but it requires some tech.
<Izaya> the Gigastructural Engineering mod for Stellaris adds a Kerbol system with a "Rogue Weaponised Eeloo"
<Majin> there's a lot more space outside of any planetary systems and you gotta be moving fast to catch up with the core
<Majin> a gilly space station sounds interesting
<darsie> tera, peta, exa, (yocto?), (zepto?)
<darsie> yocta, zepta*
* Majin dies by colliding with Kerbin's oceans at the speed of sound
<Izaya> the base game has megastructures
<darsie> zetta, yotta
<Izaya> so gigastructural engineering also adds gigastructures and kilostructures
<Majin> you can make extreme gigastructures with the infinite symmetry glitch
<Majin> Wow, these KSP flash animations are cool
<Althego> flash. which is not used by anything anymore
<Majin> rip
<Majin> :(
<Althego> no, i hope it is in digital hell
<Althego> screaming up at us
<Majin> why
<Althego> along with activex
<Majin> wait im gonna go draw that
<Majin> brb in about 10 minutes
<Althego> birb in about 3 hours :)
<Althego> (with a rat)
<Majin> done
<Majin> adobe flash in digital hell (feat. Izaya, darsie, Majin, Althego, and raptop)
<Althego> macromedia flash
<Majin> yes
<Althego> i am not going to log in unless absolutely necessary
<Althego> which is about never
<Majin> inside of Majin's mind: (what is he talking about?) (what's macromedia flash?) (where am i?) (im hungry)
<Majin> Valentina eliminates coronavirus with an imperial star destroyer:
<Althego> before adobe it was macromedia. but i didnt know that even before that it was futurewave
<Majin> im not old enough to know that
<Althego> even until its last day it was in the macromedia dir on windows
<Majin> i want to see how ksp looked when it was 2d
<Althego> it was never 2d
<Althego> but there is a joke about it
<Majin> what is the joke
<Althego> this video
<Majin> ohh, that video
<Althego> the chiptune is still better then the actual menu music
<Majin> I told VAOS to sing the KSP theme and he didn't know which song i was talking about
<Majin> he said that he thought KSP was just a bunch of copyright-free music stacked on top of each other (which is partly true)
<Althego> most of it
<Althego> the menu music is original. and i think the credits too
<Althego> but nobody clicks on that :)
<Majin> in my opinion, the main theme is one of the best tracks in-game
<Althego> yes, but chip version is better
<Majin> no
<Majin> orchestral version
<Majin> i also want an orchestral version of all the space tracks
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<Althego> hidnseek.mid
<Majin> 10
<Majin> 9
<Majin> 8
<Majin> 7
<Majin> 6
<Majin> 5
<Majin> 4
<Majin> 3
<Majin> 2
<Majin> 1
<Majin> foUnD yOu
<Majin> give me your liver for free infinite fun
<packbart> Adobe Gordon
<Majin> what
<Althego> flash, a-aaaa
<Althego> (every time somebody mentions flash, i think of this)
<FLHerne> Althego: now I want 8-bit KSP that's actually playable :-(
<FLHerne> It's kind of cheating in that video when the rocket rotates and the pixels rotate with it
<Althego> yes
<FLHerne> that isn't a feature of real displays
<Majin> fake news smh
<Althego> there was also the 8bit starcraft
<packbart> Flesh Gordon was a funny movie, too. Probably would be illegal today
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<Majin> im going to drive over the speed limit
<Majin> im going to be offline for a few days
<Majin> dont ask why
<Izaya> why
<Majin> i did something illegal
<Majin> let me into your home, althego
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> lol, who would put a chaos rat in a kitchen
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<darsie> "This page has been requested to be moved to Tutorials/Jetpack deorbit." Is this requested to be done by me?
<packbart> I don't know. can you move pages in the wiki?
<darsie> idk, is this a special privilege?
<darsie> I can sure make a new one.
<darsie> But not delete the old one.
<packbart> I think it's a thing for a wiki admin to do
<darsie> I don't see how I can move it.
<raptop> hrm
<Althego> "i like to move it move it" :)
<raptop> I think it works better as Tutorials:Jetpack deorbit?
<darsie> Was that a question?
<packbart> well, it's been moved
<packbart> "UmbralRaptor moved page Jetpack deorbit to Tutorial:Jetpack deorbit: requested" :)
<raptop> only partially a question
<packbart> hm. either Tutorial or Tutorial_s_ probably works
<packbart> ( redirects to Tutorials )
<packbart> ah, I see. the others also use singular
<packbart> never mind me rambling. carry on
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<packbart> the only question that remains... "farther" or "further"?
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<raptop> yay
<Althego> no, the question is, if we have robot arms, why ant we have sample return without kerbals?
<raptop> Well, it's possible for a kerbal to walk on the mun before they figure out basic radio-controlled rockets
<packbart> or ladders
<raptop> heh
<packbart> and besides, there's a mod for that ;)
<raptop> kerbals inveted the jepack before the ladder, like they're a TF2 meme
<Althego> they invented rockets before wheels
<packbart> it happens
<bees> raptop: given that ladder is a reactionless thruster with planet-exterminating capacities...
<bees> totally justified.
<raptop> aaaaa
<Althego> heh
<flayer> raptop, hey prissy
<Althego> danny can destroy planets in his 5 minute break with random parts
<raptop> often klaws are involved
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<Majin> h
<Majin> (now i just need to get my hands on an Xbox Series XS for a reasonable price)
<Majin> apparently you can launch yourself out of the solar system with only a velocity of ~5000 m/s at an altitude above Kerbin of 100-200km, and burning at Kerbin's prograde relative to Kerbol...
<Majin> I wonder if this can be exploited :)
<flayer> "only"
<Majin> it's not that hard, nor expensive in funds
<Majin> I did it with a Bobcat Engine, 5 Shrimp SRBs, and a Mite SRB
<Majin> however, the satellite i launched is only ~3t
<flayer> like your mom?
<Majin> my mom is dead
<flayer> just like the satellite isn't a living organism
<Majin> who says?
<Majin> you don't know what's inside the parts
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<kubi> kindergarden?
<TwistenX2> no
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<Mat2ch> I loved Kindergarten :(
<Deddly> That was weird, flayer
TwistenX has joined #KSPOfficial
<TwistenX> "aerodynamics" is just a funny way to spell "more boosters"
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
<TwistenX> is it better to use 4 KS-25 Engines with a fuel tank or to just use the Mammoth Engine?
<raptop> yay I guess
<Deddly> :)
<TwistenX> (now i just need a Xbox Series XS, that's a reasonable and fitting price for what it's worth)
<raptop> huh, same Isp, same overall thrust, but the Mammoth is 1 tonne lighter
<Deddly> How much are they?
<TwistenX> expensive
<raptop> (So I guess it's that 1 tonne vs which has the best drag characteristics)
<TwistenX> not as much as the PS5 tho
<Deddly> How much is a PS5?
<Deddly> Don't make me Google it, man
<TwistenX> it's very unreasonable
<TwistenX> crackheads on ebay tryna sell it for $3000 USD
<Althego> also less part count
<darsie> Deddly: links https:// are clickable with KVIrc.
<TwistenX> part count only usually matters with frame rates and the kraken
<Althego> in practically all clients. unless you are in irssi via putty, then the terminal is too dumb
<Deddly> darsie, hmm? What link?
<darsie> in the topic
<Deddly> I'm on Hexchat
<Deddly> Oh right
<raptop> yeah, the links without an https:// aren't clickable for me (irssi+LXTerm) though the ones with are
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
<Deddly> Does that work, or does it have to be https?
<raptop> that works
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
<Deddly> OK thera ya go. Links galore
<TwistenX> wow
<Deddly> I can recommend Hexchat, by the way. Links work ;)
<Althego> even without protocol part
* raptop slaps hexchat around with unicode (especially characters off the BMP)
<TwistenX> undertale 3
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<Althego> but sometimes it just doesnt want to open them, it knows they are links, but nothing happens. then i must right click
<Deddly> Ooh Dman979, hey :)
<Dman979> Behold! It is I, your Mod!
<raptop> Hilight/copy/paste always works at least
<raptop> Dman979: graphite? light water? heavy water?
<TwistenX> Behold! I don't care.
<Althego> lol
<Althego> the moderator
<Dman979> How do I ban someone again? Asking for a friend who doesn't care
<Deddly> Whatever happened to Aplayer?
<Dman979> They became Aformerplayer
* raptop has no real idea. College maybe?
<Deddly> Dman979, you type /ban *!*
<TwistenX> :(
<raptop> wait, wrong sign
* TwistenX forces raptop to EVA outside of his capsule while entering Eve
* Dman979 rotates raptop to land on his helmet and survive
* raptop has apparently been kerbalized
<TwistenX> no
<TwistenX> stop
<Deddly> Stop what?
<TwistenX> he was supposed to burn in the hellscape of entering Eve's atmosphere
<Deddly> Ah
<Deddly> Apparently he was in the cold side of the air flow until the atmosphere slowed him down enough.
<TwistenX> darsie already tried to kill me yesterday by jetpack deorbiting
<TwistenX> however, using my insanely high iq, i was able to exploit the aerodynamics engine and slammed into the ocean at several times to speed of sound and freaking died
<Dman979> Should have *landed* on your helmet
<TwistenX> why does that save a kerbal??
<Althego> because it is a kerbal
<Dman979> Because it's a *helmet*
<Dman979> It protects your *head*
<Dman979> And if you land head-first, the head protects the rest of you
<TwistenX> i dont think a spacesuit helmet would save you from smacking into the ground at mach 3
<Dman979> Now, let's say you're not a Kerbal.
<TwistenX> you die
<Dman979> Let's say you're a tigger. In that case, you'd want to land on your tail.
<raptop> kitty!
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i didnt expect that
<Dman979> Because tiggers are wonderful things. Their tops are made out of rubber, their bottoms are made out of springs!
* TwistenX shoots a tigger and turns them into the L-4 Landing Struts
<TwistenX> :)
<Dman979> You can't do that, they're an endangered species
<FLHerne> Does the helmet thing still exist?
<TwistenX> shut up it's not illegal if you don't get caught
<FLHerne> TwistenX: in older KSP versions at least, Kerbals could survive impacts at terminal velocity on Kerbin so long as they landed on their head
<Dman979> Still wouldn't work, TwistenX, because there's only one Tigger
<FLHerne> leading to fun demonstrations of falling out of orbit
<FLHerne> It would have made sense to remove that when they added parachutes
<TwistenX> welcome to physics class where ksp makes no sense
<TwistenX> and we can use these physics to ruin the game
<Dman979> *improve
<TwistenX> average normal ksp players vs average ksp kraken drive/exploit user
<Althego> was the docking port drive fixed?
<TwistenX> idk
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<TwistenX> i've honestly never made a kraken drive before
<TwistenX> hey do you guys like pudding
<Althego> not another one of deez jokes
<TwistenX> :troll:
* darsie escapes Kerbol
* TwistenX falls into Kerbol
<darsie> Try it. It's easier said than done.
<TwistenX> How fast is Kerbin's orbital velocity?
<TwistenX> Around Kerbol
<TwistenX> cool
<TwistenX> so you only need ~8500 m/s to fall into Kerbol
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<raptop> !tell twistenx It's way easier if you exploit the Oberth effect and bi-elliptic transfers...
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<raptop> dees: It's way easier if you exploit the Oberth effect and bi-elliptic transfers...
<dees> yeah
<dees> it's me, bees evil brother
<raptop> [X] doubt
<Althego> bee gees, not bee dees :)
* X doubts
<dees> dees nuts
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* raptop ponders
<X> Lol
<X> I haven’t seen a troll in a long time.
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<raptop> try something actually funny?
<TwistenX> never
<Althego> doesnt help
TwistenX was banned on #KSPOfficial by raptop [*!*@]
<Althego> that does
<darsie> Why did I trust <Majin> apparently you can launch yourself out of the solar system with only a velocity of ~5000 m/s at an altitude above Kerbin of 100-200km
<raptop> It's accurate if you're going in the right direction (if the statement isn't 100% clear)
<darsie> I get a Kerbol escape trajectory at 2727.3 m/s from 71 km orbit.
<darsie> Is it really that much worse at 200 km?
<raptop> I don't think he means Δv
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<raptop> hm
<darsie> Did he mean total delta-v?
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<raptop> No, as in that's how fast you're going at that altitude
<raptop> ah, webchat's like *that*
<darsie> ah
<TwistenX> :(
<darsie> velocity, not delta v.
<TwistenX> what's the purpose of ion engines
<TwistenX> they're so ineffecient
* raptop headdesk
<darsie> Only 4200 Isp.
<TwistenX> and a low TWR even with small craft
<Dman979> Low thrust? Yes. Inefficient? Absolutely not.
<Althego> they are ridiculously overpowered if you compare them to real ones
<Althego> nevertheless i avoid using them
<darsie> 2000 N vs. 250 mN irl.
<TwistenX> you also can only recharge EC but not Xenon Gas
<raptop> Like 3 or 4 orders of magnitude higher TWR, so with clever design you can hover in Mun or lower gravity
<TwistenX> star wars logic
<darsie> Dawn orbited two asteroids, a firts due to ion engines.
<raptop> Star Wars logic is that old movies about WW2 and samurai are cool
<raptop> (And they are!)
<Althego> at least until ww3
<darsie> Dawn is a retired space probe that was launched by NASA in September 2007 with the mission of studying two of the three known protoplanets of the asteroid belt: Vesta and Ceres.[1]
<raptop> ^
<raptop> Shame that they weren't able to pull off the Pallas flyby
<darsie> With the propellant it carried, Dawn was able to perform a velocity change of approximately 11 km/s over the course of its mission, far more than any previous spacecraft achieved with onboard propellant after separation from its launch rocket.[58]
<TwistenX> milk
<darsie> Dawn finally launched from pad 17-B at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on a Delta 7925-H rocket[76] at 07:34 EDT,[77][78][79] reaching escape velocity with the help of a spin-stabilized solid-fueled third stage.[80][81] Thereafter, Dawn's ion thrusters took over.
<TwistenX> ok
<raptop> Ah, the best Delta II
<TwistenX> there was a Titan rocket that had a bunch of SRBs
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You outsource the assembly of your rockets to Australia. You find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
<XXCoder> thanks australia!
<TwistenX> plot twist; it's all stolen gold
<Dman979> ;mission
<LunchBot> Dman979: You try adding a mission with the ;mission command. You are swarmed by drones, but thankfully they are from Amazon and come bearing gifts.
<Dman979> ;mission
<LunchBot> Dman979: You attempt to drive your solar sail vessel with a flashlight. Unfortunately your Linux install lacks the Arial.ttf fonts so you have no idea what your outcome in KSP is.
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<Dman979> ;mission
<LunchBot> Dman979: You build a ship for the stated purpose of outrunning its own mass. A boat is in the way, and everyone complains until its interference is dealt with.
<Dman979> ;mission
<LunchBot> Dman979: You attempt to aerobrake Jool in Eve's atmosphere. Your flightplan ends up being messed with by UmbralRaptor.
<Dman979> cool command
<UmbralRaptor> Dman979: you'll need more engines for the jool moving
<FLHerne> ;mission add Dman979 keeps requesting new missions.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added mission: Dman979 keeps requesting new missions.
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<TwistenX> name a yellow fruit
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<packbart> well, there's a friendship drive mod for KSP now
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<TwistenX> ÿ
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