Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<TwistenX> Did you guys see the unlisted tutorial shaders video on the KSP YT?
<umaxtu> I didn't
<TwistenX> I really like the new UI, but I hope it comes with a Legacy option as well.
<TwistenX> It's just a seven second video
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<ron> you look weird
<deadmind> why thank you
<deadmind> i did it to myself *_*
<ron> you lookin like a uhhh umm you look like an uhhh you kinda look like an uhh ummm you kinda like an unnn uu ummmmm wait you kinda uhhhhh humnnnn nnmmmm wait let me think uhhhh hmmmmm ummm ummehhhh ermmmmm uhh
<ron> you look weird
<ron> me cool guy
* flayer throws sticks at ron
<ron> ow
* deadmind buys ron's freestyle CD after that firestorm of a diss
* ron is hurt (in a cool way)
<ron> my name is ron and you lookin kinda uhhhh
<ron> you look like a ummm uhhhhh looking uhhhhhhhmmmmm
<ron> you kinda lookin like an ummmhhhhh errrrrmmmmmmmm a lookin a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<ron> weird
* ron
<ron> i like mcdonal
<ron> and 6 piece chick nugt
* deadmind applauds
<ron> i hate women
* deadmind un-plauds
<ron> ron
<ron> uhhh
<ron> you lookin kinda funky
<deadmind> yeah wtf ron you soured the vibe
<ron> SHUT UP
<deadmind> how can you categorically not like 52% of humanity
<ron> im cool guy
<deadmind> oh ok
<ron> women bad
<ron> B)
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<deadmind> am i supposed to vote for you now or what
<deadmind> :D
<ron> ron for president
<deadmind> i'd rather ron for the hills
<flayer> lmao
<ron> not funny]
<ron> didnt laugh
<deadmind> well give me back the vote then
<ron> no
<ron> B)
<flayer> i'm laughing at the whole thing
<ron> little man
<deadmind> oh that's what you call it
<deadmind> kinda hard not to laugh at the whole thing
<ron> ur sus lmao
<deadmind> :D
<Althego> is this some mahjong thing?
<deadmind> i am not sure what we are doing tbh
<Althego> calling mahjong from a discard. whatever that means
<ron> i really dislike wemen
<deadmind> that changes around 11 or 12
<Althego> and changes again after marrieage :)
<deadmind> you're probably not wrong :D
<ron> im 17
<deadmind> 5 years of catching up isn't that much
<deadmind> you'll get there
<deadmind> i didn't have my first gf until about that age
<ron> im gay
<ron> i hate woemn
<deadmind> well, I mean
<deadmind> that's better, for you, i guess?
<ron> bob
<deadmind> you know lots of chicks like mcdonald and chik nugt
<ron> women bad
<ron> women arent funny
<deadmind> some of them might even vote for you y'know
<ron> i dont care if womne vote me
<ron> i dont like wmoen
<ron> bababooey
<ron> vote for ron as presdent i will give free mcdonal chikn nuget and rondal mcdondal slide and i will elimnate all wemen
<ron> ok guys my friend bob is getting on now
<ron> ccol guy leave now
ron is now known as bob
<bob> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, bob
<bob> i am bob
<bob> also i am not dream
<bob> do not call me dream
* raptop blinks
* bob blinks back
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<Mat2ch> woah, B4 is at the launch site and S20 has almost all defect tiles replaced
<Mat2ch> static fires incoming! :D
<raptop> reusability via rapid tile replacement?
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<bob> ok im back
<Mat2ch> well, I have the feeling the tiles weren't placed correctly at all...
<bob> sorry ron was acting like a moron
<bob> he's an idiot
<raptop> bob: so, how do you feel about the LV-T30 "Reliant" liquid fuel engine?
<bob> it's useful as a vacuum engine, like a swivel/reliant equivalent of a raptor for a starship
<raptop> uh
<bob> ive seen ron watching someone do that
<bob> again, sorry for how he was acting
<bob> he's kinda a [NOT FRIENDLY] idot
<Althego> couldnt you just coat the ship with a heat shield?
<bob> would that be more expensive than heat tiles?
<Althego> it looks like the individual placement is quite labor intensive
<bob> sometimes labor is needed
<bob> working harder is sometimes better, as long as you're working smarter
<bob> ron is getting back on
bob is now known as ron
<ron> ok guys im back
<flayer> wb ron
<ron> what is wb
<flayer> welcome back
<ron> oh
<ron> tank you
<ron> women are:
<Althego> it doesnt matter
<Althego> dont care
<raptop> new topic
<Mat2ch> Althego: you can't coat that kind of ceramic
<Althego> then coat a different kind
* raptop pokes materials science with a stick
<ron> women are bad
ron was kicked from #KSPOfficial by raptop [ron]
<raptop> ...though that's a field where they make up all sorts of particles that then turn out to be relevant
<raptop> (not to be confused with HEP, where the made particles keep on not showing up)
<Althego> what kind of particles?
<raptop> Phonons and Skyrmions come to mind on the materials science side
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<Althego> i know about phonons
Webchat072 is now known as ronbutcooler
<ronbutcooler> why
<raptop> uh, a bunch of other ones also (eg: plasmons, but I forget what they do)
<Althego> skyrmion
<Althego> apparently it does exist
<Althego> is this because of skyrim?
<raptop> at least in US-english they're pronounced rather differently so probably not
<ronbutcooler> why am i not allowed to not like women
<Althego> you think what you like
<Althego> but this is not a place for that discussion
<ronbutcooler> ok
<ronbutcooler> can i like mcdonal
<ronbutcooler> i like chikn nuget
<ronbutcooler> 6 piece
<ronbutcooler> and rondal mcdonal slide
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* ronbutcooler for president
ronbutcooler is now known as ron
* ron ron
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<packbart> !mission
<LunchBot> packbart: You send Jeb to astronaut school to learn more about safety procedures. The SAS hits 88 mph, and the rocket reverts to the VAB.
<packbart> sounds safe enough
<raptop> The CSB has determined that this is silly
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<ron> cool guy is here
<Althego> dont look at explosions
<packbart> I'll look into it
<flayer> noooo
<ron> im going to look at the explosions
<Althego> you cant be cool then
<ron> o
<ron> im not gonna do it then
<ron> so im cool
<ron> ron is leave
ron has quit [Quit:]
<deadmind> is that kid really 17?
<deadmind> pretty far gone if he is
<flayer> some plastic
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<ron> cool guy is back
<ron> B)
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<ron> those people left cuz they scared of me cuz im too cool
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<packbart> there are no cool people on IRC or Usenet. that's a fact
<ron> yes i am
<ron> you just jelous
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<ron> i am cool guy
<packbart> jellous. mmh. I could do with a tasty snack
<ron> amogus
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<ron> raidernick
<ron> stop
<ron> leaving
<ron> and rejoining
<ron> you arent cool if you do that
<raptop> Huh, surviving mars is currently free on Steam
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<FLHerne> Wow, and I thought TwistenX was annoying
<packbart> raptop: ooh, thanks. I didn't notice
<packbart> I had it on the Steam wishlist for a while
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<Althego> hmm, open world persistent survival game arrakis
<ron> hello it is me ron and i am back
<Althego> that sounds interesting
<Althego> new dune movie, new dune game
<Althego> one eyed ron
<Althego> (really obscure reference)
<ron> no i have 2 eyes
<ron> dum
<ron> my full name is ron
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<ron> my first nickname was cool guy
<ron> my second nickname was the
<ron> mcdonal
<ron> ok i leave now
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<raptop> Althego: constantly managing water?
<Althego> he didnt tell anything more about ut
<raptop> (...and do you need to be worried about worms and spice addiction?)
<Althego> i doubt spice addiction is a problem on dune. you cant get rid of it
<Althego> it is everywhere
<raptop> yay
<Althego> (see broken silicon on moore's law is dead)
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<TwistenX> h
* raptop stares at the IPs
<TwistenX> yes
<TwistenX> i am ron
<TwistenX> i am cool guy
<Althego> should have known
<TwistenX> i am make rocket
<TwistenX> in real
<Althego> i am die, thank you forever
<TwistenX> change the world, my final message
<TwistenX> goodbye
* TwistenX dies (in a cool way)
<Althego> water in the firey, why
<raptop> oh, hi korone
<TwistenX> i think it's cause ron hates women
<TwistenX> and likes 6 piece chicken nugget from mcdonalds
<TwistenX> im make rocket moment
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<TwistenX> ok it forced me to disconnect
<TwistenX> would it to be better to use ethanol or liquid oxygen as a fuel when liquid hydrogen is your oxidizer
<TwistenX> for an effecient fuel and oxidizer mix
<Althego> since whn is oxygen a fuel?
<Althego> and hydrogen an oxidizer?
<TwistenX> or is it the other way
<TwistenX> hydrogen, fuel? oxygen, oxidizer?
<raptop> I'm pretty sure you can come up with a sufficiently silly fuel to make hydrogen an oxidizer, but the only way you're going to oxidize oxygen involves halogen shenanigans
<TwistenX> ok then
<TwistenX> should i use ethanol or liquid hydrogen as a fuel with my oxidizer being liquid oxygen
<Althego> chlorine trifluoride burns everything
<raptop> For a paper rocket, the answer is obviously hydrogen for Isp or kerosene for TWR
<Althego> there fore you want to be as far from it as possible
<raptop> (...and still higher Isp than ethanol because those oxygens in the fuel are IIRC a net loss)
<TwistenX> im currently starting a "space program"
<TwistenX> and i'm trying to start with building a solid-fuel rocket as a plastic bottle with some thermal protection
<TwistenX> and with building a small, yet effecient, liquid fuel (preferably combustion) engine.
<Althego> bilding a vompletely liquid fuel rocket is hard
<TwistenX> me and my cousin are going to build a, multi-stage, approximately 15 foot tall rocket but we're building smaller rockets for now
<TwistenX> i know the simple physics and basic construction
<TwistenX> the most basic parts of it are a fuel tank, oxidizer tank, pumps for each tank, the combustion chamber, the preburner, and the engine bell/nozzle
<Althego> you can have a pressure fed engine. no pumps
<TwistenX> how good compared to a combustion cycle engine is it?
<Althego> not too good. but simple
<TwistenX> as long as it's efficient enough, it'll work
<TwistenX> i see
<TwistenX> so the pressurizer tank pushes out the fuel and oxidizer into the control valves, then into the combustion chamber
<TwistenX> i also had an idea for a new type of liquid fuel engine
<TwistenX> but i don't think it would've worked
<TwistenX> the idea was a Propane-Ignited Combustion Cycle Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engine. Or the "PICCLIPRE."
<Althego> not pickle rick?
<TwistenX> no
<TwistenX> there isnt even
<TwistenX> nvm
<TwistenX> it initially was supposed to work as a crewed-flight engine
<TwistenX> the way you would control the throttle was a gear connected to the Propane/Ignition Tank that you would twist to increase/decrease the throttle
<TwistenX> if it were to be used as an un-crewed engine, there would be an arm that would twist the gear
<TwistenX> that was controlled from earth
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<TwistenX> but i don't think that propane can ignite liquid fuel & hydrogen, but there might be another liquid/gas that can
<TwistenX> i'm gonna need to draw diagrams for some engines and possibly a diagram for the PICCLIPRE
<TwistenX> Also, what does isp stand for and what does it mean? Also what does it do
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<Althego> that is actually I and sp in subscript
<Althego> specific impulse
<Althego> basically the physical meaning is exhaust velocity divided by earth's average gravitational acceleration
<Althego> that is why the delta v formula has a g in it, to egt rid of it
<Althego> so Isp is in seconds
<Althego> which is incomprehensible and meaningless
<Althego> while exhaust velocity has an understandable physical meaning
<Althego> the fatser stuff goes out, the higher the efficiency of the engine
<TwistenX> so it's essentially how you measure how long the engine can burn, and how powerful the engine can burn
<Althego> i understand it better without how long
<Althego> no, to me it is how strongly it burns
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<Althego> but it happened because of historical reasons, since on the apollo program germans and americans worked together
<Althego> and one would use si the other imperial units
<Althego> but seconds are the same for both
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<Althego> and one would use si the other imperial units
<Althego> but seconds are the same for both
<Althego> so by converting it to seconds the could talk about easily
<Althego> and i need to sleep
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<TwistenX> So, isp is how strong the engine burns for a certain amount of time, and TWR is just if the engine is powerful enough to lift its cargo
<raptop> Sorta. There's the old definition of how long an engine can produce a certain amount of thrust with a certain amount of propellant, but the exhaust velocity definition seems easier
<raptop> And yeah, TWR being thrust to weight ratio. ie: thrust/weight
<TwistenX> there's a pretty simple way to find out the TWR of an engine and it's cargo
<TwistenX> you need to put your engine, nozzle down, on a scale, and turn on the scale after you put the engine on the scale so it reads the engine as no weight
<TwistenX> burn the engine for a few seconds and record the lowest, middle, and highest thrust reached
<TwistenX> then weigh your cargo
<TwistenX> if the highest thrust is higher than the weight of your rocket, your TWR is high enough for the rocket to launch
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<TwistenX> obamna
<TwistenX> you know what
<TwistenX> screw you
<TwistenX> *takes your mechazilla*
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<TwistenX> ok my first liquid fuel rocket is gonna be a pressure fed engine
<TwistenX> and then i'll make a combustion cycle
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<TwistenX> ron
<TwistenX> ron is coolest guy
<TwistenX> which one should i build
<raptop> they're both redirecting to staged combustion cycle on wikipedia?
<raptop> anyway, pressure fed
<TwistenX> why
<raptop> So, how are you with machine tools?
<TwistenX> im learning
<raptop> (turbopumps add a great deal of complexity/difficulty)
<TwistenX> a what
<TwistenX> what engine does a turbopump go into
<raptop> the staged combustion that you linked?
<raptop> ditto some other cycles (eg: expander)
<TwistenX> i tried to link an image
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* raptop gestures at the fuel and oxidzer pumps
<raptop> uh, you don't need the HTML tags, just the image URL itself
<TwistenX> these were the two
<TwistenX> i was trying to show
<TwistenX> they both look difficult
<TwistenX> and i also don't know how to control them, if i can build them, with the funds i have
<TwistenX> also why do the fuel lines decide they're just gonna take a vacation around the engine bell and then return to the combustion chamber
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<TwistenX> wouldn't be possible to build an engine that constantly takes in a lot of air pressure and shoots it out repetitively
<TwistenX> essentially a simple-ish jet engine
<TwistenX> DANG IT
<raptop> why the fuel lines go around the engine bell:
<raptop> go small scale enough to not worry about fancy cooling techniques
<TwistenX> ok
<TwistenX> So it turns out that propane CAN ignite liquid oxygen, but it CANNOT ignite liquid hydrogen or methane
<TwistenX> OH
<TwistenX> MAYBE
<TwistenX> The fuel is liquid oxygen, and the oxidizer AND the igniter is propane
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<raptop> ...
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<TwistenX> i can still make it work
<raptop> TwistenX: please take a chemistry class
<TwistenX> why
<TwistenX> i just did a google search
<TwistenX> im assuming google is wrong then
<TwistenX> ill work on it later
<TwistenX> bye for now
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<raptop> well, besides getting fuel and oxidizer backwards?
<raptop> feh
<raptop> (also for the lurkers, the whole being surprised that propane wouldn't interact with hydrogen or methane)
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<TwistenX> cool irc supports mobile
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<TwistenX> ok so from what raptop and althego have said, i should use a pressure fed engine
<TwistenX> but why should i
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<TwistenX> raptop why should i use a pressure fed
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<raptop> ...
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<FLHerne> raptop: worst case he blows himself up, and that's kind of a bonus really
<raptop> I'd still rather he didn't
<FLHerne> You think there's any chance whatsoever that he actually builds the thing?
<raptop> I mean, he might set some stuff on fire
<raptop> (hopefully he just gets bogged down in machining or sketches)
<XXCoder> geez
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