Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<TwistenX> I'm remastering Sonic.EXE B)
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<packbart> I don't even know what that means
<XXCoder> no idea either
<XXCoder> guy just randomly do stuff like that and leave
<umaxtu> kids these days
<Althego> hehe
<umaxtu> now lets get back to discussion shooting little green men into space
<umaxtu> s/discussion/discussing/g
<Althego> that is getting increasingly rare
<Althego> back in my days it was everyday occurrence
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<bees> umaxtu: You grab a kerbal with two Klaws. You are accused of being grossly unethical.
<TwistenX> Kerbal Handcuffs
<TwistenX> Wow, only three operators online
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* umbralraptop x_x
<TwistenX> umbralraptop: are you raptop and UmbralRaptor?
<umbralraptop> yes
<TwistenX> why do you need 3 accounts lmao
<JVFoxy> I landed kerbals on the mountains behind the center. But it isn't your usual flying machine. 8 engines, two mk1 command pods, whole lot of wrestling with gyros
<umbralraptop> multiple nicks so that I can deal with connection issues in various ways, but also laziness about setting up a bouncer
<TwistenX> oh ok
<TwistenX> JVFoxy: which engines?
<JVFoxy> Junos
<TwistenX> nice
<JVFoxy> The wheezers cause too much problems aerodynamically
<JVFoxy> also... the don't get enough air when stationary
<TwistenX> guess the name fits
<JVFoxy> ya but they really do good low and slow
<TwistenX> sea-level rated jet engines
<JVFoxy> basically I built a jet powered vtol thing. I've gotten good enough to get behind the power lag to do soft landings
<TwistenX> drone
<JVFoxy> trouble is, my usual 'tube with jet engines' can be a bit of a pain when it comes to landing vertically
<TwistenX> part clipping
<TwistenX> B)
<JVFoxy> latest, I laid the body horizontal, and engines vertically. A nightmare to keep stable in flight and slower but.. now I'm not having to worry about tipping on landing
<TwistenX> put some engines vertically and horizontally
<JVFoxy> jeb and bob... got some science done on the mountains. Though seems I already got crew report from previous landing? I'm guessing from orbit?
<umbralraptop> something something varying situations
<TwistenX> KSP Science on first time: +50 science
<TwistenX> KSP Science on second time: +0.2 science
<JVFoxy> I usually dont' bother with second science on places because of such a small return
<TwistenX> im terrible with spaceplanes
<TwistenX> especially landing them back at the KSC
<JVFoxy> lol.. craft in question on latest outing
<JVFoxy> With the engines inline with the body, it pushes about 600+m/s easily. I've had one case where I was stalling an engine or two cuz of the speed a while back
<TwistenX> 1950s: In 2021, we'll have flying cars!
<TwistenX> 2021: Flying cars in 2021... (Image above)
<JVFoxy> I have done a little drone type car thing, using 8 juno's, 2 on each of the I-beam struts
<JVFoxy> used the inline cockpit..
<TwistenX> I-Beams can take one hell of a beating
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<TwistenX> wow would you look at that it's me but on my phone
<JVFoxy> I have done more traditional craft though. Bullet (sort of a race car of the sky):
<TristenX> the maneuverable bullet
<TwistenX> why is it that the first comet that appears in the tracking station is always spawned in the same area in nearly all save files
<JVFoxy> elevator on the back is interesting.. use both for takeoff-landing. turn one off while in high speed flight. Otherwise the extra control wrecks havoc with the SAS
<TristenX> one of the rockets i built did a backflip because it wasn't sure which probe it was supposed to control from so their reaction wheels were just fighting each other
<TristenX> i also encountered something weird when the rocket crashed
<TwistenX> It said
<JVFoxy> start building a rocket with probe control, add a command pod. Everythings fine at launch. Later, load same craft, oh look Jeb hi-jack's the seat like usual
<TwistenX> "[00:00:04] Communotron 16 crashed into model_launchpad_ground_collider_v46."
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<JVFoxy> lol..
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<JVFoxy> I was time warping. I didn't slow it down soon enough. Craft ended up nearly 300 km under ground. Craft crushed by 1.5million kilo pascals or something. I got a screen shot but its on other system
<TwistenX> That's quarter-way through Kerbin
<JVFoxy> TwistenX just be glad, in the days, was a presision error, or at least we think that was causing it, craft wings would clip the VAB even though you were still on approach to the runway 3 km out.
<TwistenX> physics
<JVFoxy> also psycho colors from graphics glitches. loaded on launch pad in a version not long ago, guessing image map for pad surface didn't load right
<JVFoxy> Mind you, Danny has done some far worse things, surprised copy on their system didn't just give up the ghost then and htere
<TwistenX> anyone could've been Danny2464 back then
<TwistenX> glitchy af
<TwistenX> also I'm gonna make a Rocket Simulator game that's gonna be similar to KSP, but in 2D
<JVFoxy> a lot of people doing bases on other planets/moons. I'd like to maybe do a polar station, but it has to be maintained with supplies and slowly upgraded.
<TwistenX> that's a colony, not a base
<packbart> I remember playing this one:
<TwistenX> that game looks old
<JVFoxy> I'd done a few crafts with help of Airplanes+ mod. Trouble was, how to ship a helo out there by plane. Tiny heli, turns out anything bigger, I would have to ship by boat over. Most of the rotors wouldn't fit in the cargo containers I had at the time.
<TwistenX> i cant download mods :,)
<JVFoxy> eh
<TwistenX> ksp console gang rise up
<XXCoder> heh ill never forget my snowflake. no engine at all besides short initial rocket
<XXCoder> extreme speed, and highest it went is over 100k
<TwistenX> ok
<XXCoder> man it was so broken
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<XXCoder> even if i fail to trigger the effect and it expodes, parts tend to stay in air
<JVFoxy> canard plane with single wheezer, do'n 530m/s.. wee
<JVFoxy> might do a twin engine.. got some time to spare cuz its dark, before I do my mun mission
* darsie made an alcohol rocket:
<TwistenX> wow
<darsie> It's much more spectacular irl.
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<TwistenX2> h
<TwistenX2> ok i leave now
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<TwistenX> i'm remastering the game that gave me mental trauma as a toddler
<TwistenX> ironic
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<TwistenX> "You're too slow. Want to try again?"
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<TwistenX> .
<darsie> .
<darsie> another alcohol rocket:
<TwistenX> dr pepper and mentos rocket B)
<TwistenX> what do you think would happen to you if you ate a bunch of mentos and then jumped into a pool of coca cola
<umbralraptop> you'd be covered in coca-cola
<darsie> Your blood sugar would rise and you'd waste a big amount of a bad drink.
<TwistenX> you wouldnt explode or anything?
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<darsie> Your eyes might hurt.
<TwistenX> mm
<darsie> If it started to foam you might be unable to swim and sink.
<TwistenX> f
<darsie> Then you'd no longer be childish ;).
<TwistenX> cuz you'd be dead
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<TwistenX> also i want some context, darsie
<FLHerne> I hear swallowing liquid nitrogen is bad for you
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<FLHerne> not so much because it's cold, but because it vaporises and expands in your stomach
<TwistenX> what did you mean when you said "." after i said i was gonna remaster Sonic.EXE a few days ago?
<FLHerne> so maybe consuming both coca-cola and mentos would be bad, but isn't the cola's role just to be acidic?
<FLHerne> your stomach is more acidic
<FLHerne> so probably just don't eat too many mentos
<TwistenX> stomach explosion
<darsie> . means I said nothing.
<FLHerne> Hm, on further research I was completely wrong about what's happening there :p
<TwistenX> ah, but that means you saw what i said
<darsie> Probably.
<TwistenX> liquid nitrogen: bad
<TwistenX> gas nitrogen: literally over 70% of our atmosphere
<umbralraptop> Mind the something like 700x expansion in volume when liquid nitrogen boils
<TwistenX> the gas expands, or the liquid?
<umbralraptop> The expansion when it turns from a liquid into a gas
<TwistenX> so gas nitrogen has a larger volume and much less density than liquid nitrogen?
<darsie> yes
<TwistenX> ok
<TwistenX> your bot is broken, FLHerne
<FLHerne> No it isn't
<TwistenX> lunchbot?
<darsie> .tell FLHerne your bot is broken.
<TwistenX> it doesn't say anything when i tell it "/wenhop"
<FLHerne> good
<TwistenX> ???
<TwistenX> how is that good
<FLHerne> It shouldn't, so if it did I'd wonder why
<FLHerne> and have to fix that
<TwistenX> oh
<TwistenX> how come the tracking station will say that you're on an escape trajectory out of Kerbol, but Kerbol's SOI is infinite?
<darsie> It's not infinit. At least in stock.
<darsie> ohh, Kerbol.
<darsie> Well, because you reached escape velocity.
<darsie> Kerbol slows you down, but you keep falling up.
<TwistenX> ohh
<TwistenX> falling but never landing: simplest way to explain orbital mechanics
<darsie> When you throw a wrench away in space, it's attracted to you, but not enough to turn around. It'll keep falling away from you.
<TwistenX> that's cause your escape velocity is too low
<darsie> There may be other forces, too.
<darsie> yes
<darsie> Or because you threw it too fast.
<darsie> Two platinum spheres can orbit each other within a few hours.
<TwistenX> although, you are pulling anything's atoms off that is within a few inches of your center of mass
<darsie> I wouldn't say that.
<TwistenX> but VSauce Michael told me that
<darsie> Well, a few inches from my CoM may be inside me.
<TwistenX> maybe not a few inches
<TwistenX> it depends on your mass and density ig
<darsie> Tidal forces can tear a body apart.
<TwistenX> yes
<TwistenX> if you threw a rock into orbit around earth, would that make it a natural satellite?
<TwistenX> small rock*
<darsie> A natural satellite is in the most common usage, an astronomical body that orbits a planet, dwarf planet, or small solar system body (or sometimes another natural satellite).
<TwistenX> so that's a yes
<darsie> It probably didn't consider your scenario.
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<TwistenX> i dont think it did
<TwistenX> i think it has to be placed their by gravity and not an interfering force (i.e. a human throwing it into space)
<darsie> What if we redirected an asteroid into an Earth orbit?
<TwistenX> natural-artificial
<TwistenX> both
<TwistenX> it was artificially placed, yet naturally "constructed" in space
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<darsie> TwistenX: Would you like to go to Mars?
<TwistenX> yes
<darsie> For how long?
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<TwistenX> not for terribly long, probably until the next Mars-to-Earth transfer window
<darsie> ok
<darsie> How much would you pay for it?
<TwistenX> as much as it costs
<darsie> ok
<TwistenX> why?
<umaxtu> its easy when its not your money you're spending
<darsie> no reason
<darsie> just curious
<TwistenX> hmmm
<TwistenX> how much is one of those flights on the Virgin Spaceplane right now?
<darsie> For some it's millions. For some it's free.
<TwistenX> i dont have very many millions to spend
<TwistenX> i need to get friends with elon musk so he can hook me up with a free ride on the starship
<darsie> Virgin Galactic is selling tickets to space again, now for $450,000 per seat
<TwistenX> wow
<darsie> Study hard, become an engineer or pilot and get a job at spacex.
<TwistenX> that's my dream job rn
<TwistenX> one of 'em
<TwistenX> hey, i need you guys to send me the scariest remix of the drowning theme from Sonic
<TwistenX> darsie: i feel like you're gonna name a kerbal after me and strand me on duna
<darsie> I'm not motivated enough to fly to Duna.
<TwistenX> oh good
<bees> bottom of eve's ocean would be better
<darsie> And naming Kerbals is cheating. I tend not to cheat.
<TwistenX> how is that cheating
<TwistenX> does it require file editing?
<darsie> It's done in the shift-F12 menu, I guess.
<TwistenX> rip whack-a-kerbal
<TwistenX> I'm also assuming you can't get the cheat menu in Console KSP
<darsie> TwistenX: I might strand you on the Mun with a full jetpack and a rocket in orbit waiting for you ;).
<TwistenX> i'm probably the most hated in this server, i'm not even mad
<TwistenX> i would strand myself on the Mun
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<TwistenX> POV: You tried to cheat in Sonic.EXE (Remake):
<TwistenX> 何? この秘密のメニューをどうやって手に入れたのですか? あなたは最初にトゥルーエンディングを手に入れました! あなたは迷惑なコードリーダー....
<TwistenX> umbralraptop
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<TwistenX> he returns
<TwistenX> do you trust me with mod perms?
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<packbart> nah
<packbart> Jake scaled down the rotor-driven Eve Ascent thingy. something to watch in bed
<packbart> it's probably going to kraken out, anywaay
<packbart> oh, it's actually ascending
<darsie> gn
<XXCoder> wonder if that guy has add or something
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