Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You try to go faster than c. You are sued by Apple.
<XXCoder> apple: big supporter of big physics
<raptop> Rounded corners on your light cone are patented
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<Althego> hirys
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<kubi> morning
<Althego> star
<Althego> hehe irys sings otome no policy from sailor moon. throwback to a different time.
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<Mat2ch> looks like SpaceX gave up on the heat shield tiles for SN20 and will just fly it...
<Mat2ch> that would be a typical SpaceX thing to do
<Althego> it will not be reusable anyway
<Mat2ch> On the other hand the flight will not happen in August, maybe mid of September from their progress of the launch table and tower right now
<Althego> but then this test will not include the heat shield, which is a crucial component
<Mat2ch> they need to finish the tank farm, test it, test SN20, test B4, etc.
<Mat2ch> SN21 is already in production, B5 parts can be seen, too
<darsie> Heat shield testing is important, but I guess it can wait for another launch.
<Althego> at least based on the red markins they know that the current version of the heat shield is not usable
<Mat2ch> Althego: the opinion I heard was that those tiles were attached too quickly by workers who didn't know how to properly handle them
<Mat2ch> that could explain why only the top part is affected
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<Althego> that means the workers didnt have sufficient training
<Althego> process error
<Mat2ch> They should've taken the water cooling route. :D
<Althego> the methane evaporation thing?
<Althego> completely new and requires pumps and plumbing
<darsie> Water has more heat capacity.
<darsie> But it's more corrosive.
<darsie> The methane is under pressure.
<Mat2ch> Althego: no, water, really just water. Pump it out of pores on the hull and you get a cooling effect
<darsie> but will it flow to the tank exit during a belly flop?
<Mat2ch> some intercontinal rockets is it for their payload...
<Mat2ch> .oO( well, more like blowload )
<darsie> There are salts in fire extinguishers that absorp heat during decomposition. Mabye a solution of such a salt could be used. But it might not be feasible to make it on Mars.
<Mat2ch> On Mars you probably don't need that heat shield
<darsie> idk, we still have to bleed off that delta-v.
<darsie> And if we didn't need it, would we carry the salt solution to Mars and back?
<Mat2ch> the salt in the extinguishers is from covering the flameable material not for cooling iirc
<Mat2ch> water is basically enough.
<darsie> May be both cooling and formation of non combustible gas.
<darsie> But you don't want water sometimes.
<Mat2ch> And for Mars the stainless steel should have enough heat capacity to take the reentry
<darsie> e.g. for high voltages.
<Mat2ch> dry extinguishers just cover everything in non-flamable powder :)
<Mat2ch> never breath that stuff in though...
<darsie> I did, a bit.
<darsie> Found an "empty", dented extinguisher.
<darsie> Took it home as pressure vessle.
<darsie> had 15 bar N2 and powder.
<darsie> Some ammonium phosphate, IIRC. Doesn't sound very dangerous.
<Mat2ch> it's not the stuff, but the particle size
<Mat2ch> small enough to get deeeep into your lung
<flayer> aaaight, time for some sick kerbal moves
<darsie> Doesn't matter if it dissolves.
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<raptop> 2.5 pm, or something?
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<boerenhugo> Hi I have a question so I got the mod OfCourseIStillLoveyou for Hullcam cameras but if I use it its stuck in loading screen
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* raptop blinks
<darsie> .
<Alanonzander> ;mission
<LunchBot> Alanonzander: You hatch an evil plot to steal some important hardware from Mission Control, for the evulz! Your craft bounces off the surface of a nearby rogue comet.
<Alanonzander> ouch
<raptop> With a mere 15% reduction in evil, the comet mission would have been a success
<Alanonzander> only 15% ? wow.
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