Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<XXCoder> !mission
<XXCoder> ;mission
<XXCoder> hmm
<darsie> .mission
<darsie> Jetpack to orbit from the Moon.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Mun*
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<Izaya> No, do it in RSS :D
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<darsie> Need staging there :).
<darsie> How is RSS currently?
<bees> XXCoder: You attempt to aerobrake Jool in Eve's atmosphere. You wait patiently for an outcome, but none occurs. Finally, in a fit of pique, you do it again.
<XXCoder> lol
<darsie> Who has jetpacked to orbit from the Mun?
<Althego> i never even tried that
<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> 1337
<flayer> hey guys
<darsie> hey guy
<flayer> XD
<darsie> :)
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<flayer> james webb telescope passed testing!
<Althego> finally
<Althego> holoen-holoid mariokart tournament in a few minutes
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<Mat2ch> I am really looking forward to the full video
<Mat2ch> the teasers are very well made
<Mat2ch> feels like Boca Chica all over it :D
<Althego> looks really nice
<Mat2ch> we are being teased for weeks now
<Mat2ch> almost daily a new gif
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> small resolution render from a scene
<Althego> so i guess as the whole thing progresses there will be more
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<raptop> huh, that balsa model flight sim is out
<Althego> from harvester?
<raptop> yeah
<Mat2ch> how was it named again?
<Mat2ch> not sure if appropriate, but... oh, space, flying. :D
<raptop> o_O
<Mat2ch> someone will mod rocket engines in it and go to space.
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<packbart> Althego: there he is again:
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<raptop> Huh, a bunch of inifinity engine games are on sale on GoG
<kubi> hm
<kubi> so many asteroids
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<Althego> astra launch
<Althego> i guess no official stream
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<Mat2ch> oh, Astra, the container rocket
<Althego> strangely the nsf stream is the astra stream
<Mat2ch> Althego: uhm, the NasaSpaceflight stream seems to be the officvial one
<Mat2ch> they probably offered to make the live stream as a service
<Mat2ch> they have all the knowledge, the equipment, etc.
<Mat2ch> sounds like a good deal for a small launch provider
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<Mat2ch> the countdown is on hold?
<Mat2ch> Interesting.
<Mat2ch> I thought the countdown is the way to prepare for flight...
<Althego> some other provider does tihs too
<Althego> ah yes blue oriogin
<Althego> maybe ula too?
<Althego> that there is a planed hold
<Althego> but then just sart the countdown later
<Althego> completely stupid
<Althego> also with bullseye python2 seems to be completely dead
<Althego> except i found an internal too that is still in python2
<raptop> oops
<Mat2ch> Althego: python2 dead, qt4 dead. Finally ;)
<Mat2ch> And there was enough time to port the apps to python3! Debian made that clear pretty early :P
<Althego> this is worse. web2py
<Althego> runs in an apache module
<Althego> although web2py could start on its own, then i could make it work with python2, but not inside apache
<umaxtu> ewww
<umaxtu> why not use another framework like flash or django?
<Althego> because it was unmaintained already 5 years ago
<Mat2ch> Can't be that important than.
<Althego> just used daily :)
<umaxtu> ah, one of those projects
<Althego> since it is web, but we use it, it never occurred to me, that we should do anything with it. obviously web team. they moved away from web2py long time ago
<Althego> so it never occured to them either
<umaxtu> sounds like time for you to earn yourself a bonus!
<Mat2ch> also recent versions of web2py run with python3
<Mat2ch> so it's just a migration needed
<Althego> i still kept it alive by tinkering with it. but i am not going to port it to python3
<Mat2ch> well, not sure if it really needs porting or really just a replacement of the files
<Mat2ch> countdown still on hold :|
<Althego> now that we are talking about software, will there be any more updates to ksp?
<Althego> 1-2-7-victor-8 loading
<Althego> i guess they wanted to sound cool
<Mat2ch> that sounds like a messed up software version
<Althego> probably
<Althego> something v8
<Mat2ch> like, we have 1.2.7 ready, but there are last minute hacks done on the launch site...
<Althego> i dont get why they didnt do the sw in time
<Althego> this is not their first launch
<Althego> 1-2-8-victor-7
<Mat2ch> now there's a 7
<Mat2ch> hm
<Mat2ch> that's weird
<Izaya> 1.12.2 matches my favourite version of minecraft so I'm kinda hoping it sits here at least for a while
<Izaya> oddly satisfying
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> no 1.13 anyway
<Mat2ch> well, with KSP2 coming out in 2 years...
<Althego> so at best an 1.12.3
<raptop> 2 mars years?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i hope not
<Althego> heh they went back above 20
<Althego> but at least it is coounting now
<Althego> oh no i forgot about the irys collab
<Althego> 5.5 hours, i am not going to make it to the start
<Mat2ch> raptop: always two years.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> must be like fusion
<Althego> always 30 years
<Althego> t-30 sec
<Althego> well it didnt work
<Althego> i should have slept instead
<Mat2ch> abooort
<umaxtu> the rocket needed its own googly eyes
<raptop> One (1) bort
<Althego> jsut add t he rocket for the device orchestra guy
<Althego> would put the googly eyes on it
<Althego> and make music with it
<Althego> ah there is one new video from 7 hours ago
<Althego> this is telling me to sleep too
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