Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<Guest45073> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest45073
<Guest45073> im ffx
<Guest45073> this looks like discord
<Althego> hehe, less fancy
<XXCoder> hey
<minas_tirith> Althego, hi uwu
<Guest45073> what
<Guest45073> wuwu
<Guest45073> bruh are you a furry btw
<Guest45073> also im a guest that means i will leave this server when im done chatting witch is now
<Guest45073> bye
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<Nick2> hehehehehe
<Nick2> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Nick2
<Nick2> h again
<Nick2> lol
<Nick2> Mod9000 testping
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<ffx1234> hello again
<ffx1234> what
<ffx1234> serve ded
<Althego> no
<Althego> the people are
<ffx1234> how to get out of the topic lol
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* UmbralRaptor x_x
<Mat2ch> yes?
<UmbralRaptor> feeling dead, or something
<Mat2ch> Moar coffee?
<UmbralRaptor> Probably unrelated to it being 0615 in my timezone
<Althego> hey i was there when irys started the stream at 400
<UmbralRaptor> meep
<Althego> reine sings fluently in meep
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<UmbralRaptor> I guess including birb means she speaks 4 languages?
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<Althego> blue origin suborbital
<deadmind> just hit spacebar already
<deadmind> set SAS to vertical, hit space
<deadmind> how hard can it be Blue Origin?
<flayer> what a bunch of noobs
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<deadmind> at least they didn't deploy the chute before separating
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> or on launch
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<flayer> ever since i've discovered 'SAS only' i've had a much easier time driving rovers
<deadmind> yes
<deadmind> i remember that magical moment also
<deadmind> reaction wheels are really overpowered for small things in KSP
<deadmind> but this also taught me about another thing: moments of inertia
<deadmind> you are going to have a much easier time keeping your rover in the correct orientation if your mass is concentrated near the center and not far from it
<deadmind> like even if your front:back weight distribution is 50:50 like with a race car, there is a difference between having your fuel tanks clumbed near your center of mass, vs having them off to the side
<deadmind> clumped*
<flayer> yeah i put batteries between the wheels only, not before or after
<flayer> in front or behind, i suppose
<deadmind> yeah that helps when flipping about :D
<deadmind> also, you can kind of use joints as shock absorbers
<deadmind> when your wheels hit the ground hard, but don't themselves break, the rest of the parts will continue traveling downward and compress the joint
<deadmind> as long as you have enough distance that those parts never impact the ground, they will survive and bounce back
<deadmind> because the joints themselves are flexible and they take a rather excessive force to break
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<darsie> RWs overshoot in SAS when <100% authority.
<darsie> SAS overshoots when RWs are <100% authority.
<darsie> since basically forever
<packbart> I use MechJeb's rover stability feature. It tries to orient the rover perpendicular to the surface normal
<packbart> I had experimented with pushing it a bit into the ground in corners but that didn't work too well
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<Althego> hahaha, space and time watching interstellar together. not going to watch. dont like interstellar and i am going to be sleeping
<raptop> oh, right. en gen 2 exists now
<Althego> some launches coming up in the next few days
<Althego> astra trying for orbit again
<Althego> if they reach orbit now, and they have a good chance, they totally beat blue origin
<raptop> (obviously this means we need a vtuber who streams launch vids)
<Althego> and says hullo? :)
<raptop> hah
<Althego> why isnt anybody streaming ksp?
<Althego> at least gura was thinking of space engineers
<Althego> chat guesses maybe ksp
<Althego> but it turned out to be space engineers
<raptop> KSP doesn't seem like it would work well with the format
<Althego> if minecraft can, ksp can too
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<packbart> there are quite a few KSP streamers
<darsie> gone
<packbart> I see
<packbart> is live. I like his style
<packbart> has some interesting builds
<packbart> and of course there's linuxgurugamer, working on mods every tuesday
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<darsie> The broadcaster has indicated that this channel is intended for mature audiences.
<darsie> BackslashJack
<packbart> because he may use words that would be banned in this channel
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<darsie> The owner of this website ( has banned you temporarily from accessing this website.
<darsie> You are being rate limited
<darsie> Does it work for you?
<packbart> the page loads. I don't have an account, anyway
<darsie> How long do such temporary bans last?
<darsie> That's silly, I didn't cause high traffic.
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<raptop> darsie: are you now, or have you evern been a part of the mirai botnet?
* raptop is kidding
<darsie> idk.
<raptop> anyway, I pretty regularly get hit with a captcha for Reasons(tm)
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<darsie> Yeah, I get cloudflare captchas, too, occasionally, but no bans.
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<packbart> thinking outside the capsule, I see :)
<darsie> :)
<darsie> I tend to fly low over them, switch over, let them jetpack to orbit and pick them up with the rocket.
<darsie> It's very unreliable.
<packbart> the edit doesn't show up on the page for me, though. possibly some server-side caching involved
<darsie> How do you know the edit if it didn't show up?
<packbart> I checked the history
<darsie> I added: With the 600 m/s provided by a jetpack Kerbals can fly to very low orbit if they use a very efficient ascent profile. This excludes flying over high obstacles early in the flight.
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