Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<Althego> heh 3 streams
<Althego> ame is wasting ammo in dead space, a sure way to die
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<Althego> 13 valves failed. yes, good luck with that launch
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<flayer> if starships manages to get to orbit before starliner ever takes off with humans in it...
<Tank2333> not unrealistic :)
<Tank2333> they lost their mojo
<RoboFreak> the launch can easily move to next year, because supposedly there will be a congestion with incoming spacraft on the iss
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<Althego> an ex dragon
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<Althego> oh no, haachama cooking
<Althego> you can tell how old this gif is based on the model of the legs
<Althego> and as usual the mun landing was faked on duna
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<Mat2ch> Althego: also by the quality of it.
<Mat2ch> And 13 valve failures is something...
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<Althego> argh i slept a bit i the chair, missed the guh and kikkerikii
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<kubi> it is sad, so sad
<Althego> still glory to takamori
* raptop would be vaguely concerned if I saw a phoenix or a reaper processing my passport
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the "sharif"
<Mat2ch> B4 was lifted from the OLT. Boring! I wanna see a flight. Or a fire ball!
<Althego> explosion!
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<Althego> i will eb asleep
<Althego> iss resupply
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<Althego> why is scott talking about s volcano?
<Althego> kikkerikii
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<FLHerne> !stupid add "In order to enable a rocket to lift off from a launch pad, the action or thrust of the rocket must be greater than the mass of the rocket it is lifting. See 'Rocket Principles,' NASA, available at" -- U.S. Government Accountability Office
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added stupid quote: "In order to enable a rocket to lift off from a launch pad, the action or thrust of the rocket must be greater than the mass of the rocket it is lifting. See 'Rocket Principles,' NASA, available at" -- U.S. Government Accountability Office
<FLHerne> I wonder why they felt [citation needed] applied there
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<flayer> i'm gonna sleep FLHerne
<flayer> just fyi
<FLHerne> Why do I want that i?
<FLHerne> Maybe that's a bit harsh
<FLHerne> but you rarely engage much in discussion, so I know nothing about you, so your occasional status updates don't mean much to me
<FLHerne> whereas I've chatted with most of #spacex for years and met a third or so of them in person
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* raptop glares at storm-induced power outages
<packbart> doesn't every American home come with a backup generator?
<umaxtu> surprisingly, no
<umaxtu> though maybe it does make sense once you remember that we are terrible about contingency planning
<raptop> I like how you assume that I live in a house, rather than an apartment
<umaxtu> why would that make a difference? /s
<raptop> Obviously I should just put a generator on my balcony
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