Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
<TwistenX> Hello? Little Ceasers?
<TwistenX> I'd like one order of...
<umaxtu> you don't wanna get crazy?
<TwistenX> Hello? Pokemon Artist?
<TwistenX> I'd like to commission some...
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<Althego> hirys
<raptop> I'm not sure I want to board a bus that's running on hope
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> I'm surprised that there are all those stops (including road alterations) if there were no buses before this one
<Althego> chat said: sisekai time
<Althego> -s
<raptop> But no transit sounds basically like the US
<raptop> Althego: oh no
<raptop> What, no integrated farecard?
<raptop> huh, $2.60 for a single ticket. I think NYC's are $2.75
<raptop> No pedestrians means that no one can get iseki'd though
<XXCoder> aww
<XXCoder> heh
<XXCoder> im sure some would manage anyway
<raptop> Proposal for the next GTA game: count of how many people you isekai'd
<raptop> (and described that way)
<XXCoder> i recently read about rather dark isekai manga
<XXCoder> some guy was isekai into other world, he did all that and killed demon king
<XXCoder> he got back, got treated so badly he decides to destroy world
<Althego> is that the one where the focus shifted to an other guy who nobody cared about after this?
<raptop> Did he succeed at destroying the world?
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<Althego> because that was a bad move. and i dropped it because of that
<XXCoder> the hero killer?
<XXCoder> "Hero Has Returned" manga im talking about
<Althego> yes that the one. switched protagonist and that was annoying
<XXCoder> you read reborn as dog?
<XXCoder> pretty stupid but funny
<Althego> no
<XXCoder> basically one guy works as "manga breaker"
<XXCoder> so other one can succeed
<XXCoder> he does it by bad reviews
<XXCoder> and he end up iseki, except well one of his reviws "i'd do better than main charactor even as dog!"
<XXCoder> many other stuff but yeah
<XXCoder> so hes a dog
<Althego> hehe
<XXCoder> note very stupid manga but many funny stuff
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<ron> what you know about rollin' down in the deep
<ron> when your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze
<Althego> have you ever met entitled parents?
<ron> when these people talk too much, put that (cool guy) in slow motion yeah
<ron> i feel like an astro-ron in the ocean, ay
<ron> althego: no
<ron> ron in the ocean (no way)
* ron knows about rolling down in the deep
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<ron> :)
<flayer> time for coffee
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<ron> yeah but is it cool guy coffee
<Althego> he who cares about being cool, cannot be cool :)
<ron> i dont care about being cool
<ron> i AM cool
<flayer> tru dat
<ron> im so poplar cuz im so cool
<ron> just search "ron cool guy" and look at images B)
<ron> i voted for george washington as first us president
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<ron> serious question;
<ron> is being in a relationship who swapped their gender, homosexual or normsexual
<flayer> i dont understand
<flayer> i dont think it really matters
<flayer> all these names that people attribute to things
<flayer> weird stuff
<ron> m
<ron> 9+10=21
<ron> 9/10/21
<ron> it's the day of reckoning
<Althego> ah 9/11. 20 years
<ron> i wasn't even alive (in a cool way)
<flayer> time to celebrate tomorrow
<ron> yes
<ron> B)
<Althego> we do not endorse flying planes into buildings, unless it is inside ksp
<raptop> ^
<ron> true
<ron> me (cool guy)
<ron> has anybody hit a speedbump in a school zone and then it started screaming
<ron> its really weird, i never knew speedbumps could talk
<ron> it just happened again i dont understand
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* ron is an astro-ron in the ocean
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<TwistenX> helo
<flayer> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, flayer
<TwistenX> starship SN20 in october i bet
<bees> do you take pinecones as a bet?
<TwistenX> sure
<TwistenX> i also bet that KSP2 will have a Raptor-Equivalent Engine with a Sea-Level and Vacuum configuration
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<Althego> by the time ksp2 is released starship goes to orbit
<Althego> so probably
<TwistenX> no duh
<TwistenX> KSP2 is likely releasing mid-to-late 2022
<TwistenX> if i doesnt get set back for a THIRD TIME
<Althego> better have a set back than a 2077
<TwistenX> If BFR isn't in orbit by the end of this year I'm not funding for SpaceX anymore :troll:
<TwistenX> Althego: What's a 2077
<Althego> cyberpunk 2077, obviously
<TwistenX> Is it just a reference to Cyberpunk
<TwistenX> that's what i thought it was
<Althego> released hilariously buggy and lots of areas blocked off because they were designed but couldnt be finished
<Althego> also lots of bugs
<TwistenX> shameless, unfinished, glitchful GTA rip-off
<TwistenX> my Xbox One S sounding like 20 "Goliath" TurboFan Jet Engines rn
<Althego> prev gens consoles wer not able to run it properly
<TwistenX> it's not like you can even find the new gen console for an affordable price anywhere
<TwistenX> Everyone: "When do we get to find out the price of the New Gen Consoles?"
<Althego> this year is such
<TwistenX> Microsoft and Sony: "That's the neat part, you don't!"
<Althego> even video cards are at 150%
<Althego> maybe next year
<TwistenX> p a i n
<Althego> electronics is not at the price as it should be
<TwistenX> agreed
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<TwistenX> 🤝
<TwistenX> PS5's are so expensive
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<TwistenX> makes sense tho
<TwistenX> you can play any PS1 - PS5 game you want
<Althego> i can play all console games i want. and that is exactly 0 :)
<TwistenX> KSP is console
<Althego> also pc
<Althego> and i play it on pc
<TwistenX> what was KSP playable on before Steam
<TwistenX> I know it wasn't console, and that's probably the reason why console updates come so much later for consoles, cause it came years after PC
<umaxtu> just their website
<TwistenX> Really, I just want all the visual updates. I want Kerbin's oceans to look more brighter blue and not look dark anymore
<TwistenX> umaxtu: oh, that's probably why it wasn't able to have a lot of parts or super high graphics
<umaxtu> nah, you didn't play it on their website. You downloaded it from the website
<Althego> there are lots of abandonware games playable on the web through some magix
<TwistenX> ohhh
<TwistenX> kinda like GameJolt?
<FLHerne> You still can buy and download it from the website rather than from Steam
<Althego> i will always remain steam free
<FLHerne> I did, because why give Valve a 30% cut for the privilege of using a bloated proprietary client
<raptop> Althego: ah, so pressurized water, liquid metal cooled, or gas-cooled reactors?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> somehow i like liquid metal
* raptop is vaguely bitter at how Steam in 2004 was a DRM nightmare, and without changing much of anything became the low-DRM option in 2009. It does at least skew towards some good features now
<raptop> To be fair, "liquid metal fast reactor" sounds very nifty
<TwistenX> TF2 players when Steam Trade gets shut down: *dies of death*
<TwistenX> Speaking of Gamejolt
<raptop> Hrm, according to Steam I last played Hat Fortress 2 on 2013-12-23
<Althego> hehe i have just realized what tf2 reminds me of. ft2. it even hada built in nibbles :)
* raptop remembers getting some TF2 flair from solving puzzles in SpaceChem
<TwistenX> I'm making a game that's similar to KSP and SpaceFlight Simulator and I'm gonna upload it to GameJolt when the Demo is done
<raptop> good luck
<TwistenX> And then I'll make a website for it and release the BETAs and Full Version there
<TwistenX> I know it's gonna be very difficult, but since I code everything with block code, it'll be easier. I can just convert it all to an embed file
<TwistenX> The only problem is, the computer I normally use for coding can't run the editor I use, so I either have to get it checked out, or get the new version. (It's a school computer.)
<umaxtu> FLHerne: well some of that 30% goes to funding their linux gaming efforts
<TwistenX> Althego: Is that for me?
<Althego> yes
<TwistenX> I can't read it, it's a restricted website
<Althego> i must admit i never got to the butterfly stage
<Althego> ah yes, again
* raptop is partial to stuff like the snek language because it runs on so much and has those fancy libraries. Also vim for the features. But, like, there are reasons to use other languages and editors
<Althego> wait a sec
* raptop gestures vaguely at SciTE and notepad++
<umaxtu> emacs with evil-mode is what I'm using these days
<FLHerne> umaxtu: I suppose so
<raptop> evil mode still sounds like a prank
<Althego> every day i hate python more
<Althego> it is a good language
<Althego> you just cant deploy it
<TwistenX> i started to learn python and still remember a little bit of it
<raptop> Althego: is this like how a certain colorless fermion complains about conda?
<TwistenX> problem for me is that it's in a very complicated format that my brain isn't trained in the right way to read it correctly
<bees> Althego: just upload a notebook
* bees hide in some far away land
<Althego> raptop: i am not that good in particle physics
<raptop> bees: oh, people actually do that for purposes of showing what code they used for calcs for papers and the like
<raptop> (assuming you mean jupyter notebooks)
<TwistenX> Althego: "Unity's Particle System--"
* bees has nothing to do that that cursed practice
<bees> *with
<bees> and yes, them
<raptop> We're running lightning through poisoned sand. *of course* the practices are cursed
<TwistenX> SpaceX ISS Dragon Docking Simulator
<umaxtu> what about it?
<TwistenX> why doesn't SpaceX just use the Lowne Lazy Method?
<TwistenX> It would make docking so much easier
<TwistenX> Although the reaction wheels would take up a lot of Charge
<umaxtu> NASA maybe? IDK what the Lowne Lazy Method is
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<raptop> Whatever the method is, I suspect a combination of more/better instrumentation/computers and real life reaction wheels having poor performance
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<raptop> Whatever the method is, I suspect a combination of more/better instrumentation/computers and real life reaction wheels having poor performance
<Althego> i guess aligning the two craft with each other
<Althego> that is how i dock
<Althego> really simple
<Althego> in reality rotating the whole station would be harder
<umaxtu> just have Nauka do it
<Althego> hhehe
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<TwistenX> You basically just have the two vessel target each other's docking ports, force SAS on both vessels to face "Target," and then use RCS on one of the vessels to dock.
<umaxtu> yeah, that wouldn't fly with NASA
<TwistenX> I kinda understand why, but it would be easy with small spacecraft
<TwistenX> And less dangerous
<FLHerne> That's just a workaround for KSP avionics not having a "relative to other vessel" orientation lock
<flayer> Althego, they do rotate the ISS to align it with the incoming vessel
<FLHerne> *relative to other vessel's orientation
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<Althego> i think they hold a fixed orientation during docking, not even rotating as it moves around earth
<flayer> "The ISS orientation plan for docking was changed to accommodate Nauka’s as-is condition after launch."
<flayer> it is probably minor adjustments
<flayer> and not the cartoonish way we do it in KSP
* flayer full throttles mainsails when coming into the 4 km range at 1100 m/s relative speed
<Althego> oh no. tomorrow is irys/ina it takes two finale, and ollie minecraft at the same time
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ron has joined #KSPOfficial
<ron> cool guy has joined the channel (in a cool way)
<ron> how do i get my own entry message that shows when I join
<raptop> plz no
<ron> why
<raptop> It just ends up being spammy. Especially if you have a bad connection
<ron> i just want it to say "[name] ( cool guy ) has joined the channel ( in a cool way )" my connection is very solid
<ron> please, i wont spam it
* bees suggest "was kicked by raptop" as ron's entry message
<ron> :(
* ron marks bees off of the "cool guy list" (in a cool way)
<Mat2ch> oh, James Webb telescope will finally launch on the 18th december!
<ron> chick nug 8 piece is back at mcdonal :)
<ron> i've been waiting for so long
<ron> i gotta go buy it rn
<darsie> 10 years?
<ron> twistenx is getting online
ron is now known as TwistenX
<TwistenX> howdy
<raptop> Mat2ch: hopefully
<TwistenX> Wow. I'm surprised the Webb Telescope is actually launching now
<darsie> We'll see.
<raptop> It's wild how the mission has been so delayed that another larger than HST IR telescope was launched into L2 and completed its entire cold phase
<TwistenX> Since ron suggested an entry message, can mine be "is going to type a million messages in the time of another Starship finishing construction"
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<Althego> there is no join message. you can script to client at best. but every client supports quit message
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<raptop> birb
<Althego> hehehe
<raptop> silly thought: have other holo-en members played bus simulator?
<Althego> some
<Althego> i think ame and gura at least
<darsie> raptop: Muting alt nicks of Twistenx? :)
<raptop> darsie: yeah, and given the way +q interacts with nick changes, this should be interesting
<raptop> Althego: I'd assume that an ame bus would be safe enough, but a gura bus would be scary
<Althego> well
<Althego> there are probably clips of both
<Althego> you are largely safe in the bus
<Althego> on the outside though...
<Althego> oh no, for a second i though i should play septerra core again
<Althego> let's hope it doesnt come back
* raptop has mostly been playing war on the sea lately, so *shrug*
<raptop> huh, septerra core is on gog
<Althego> always has been meme :)
<Althego> there is some kind of bug, something stops your core value from growing after a while. i just dont know what
<raptop> hrm
<flayer> sigh
<Althego> happens pretty late, so easily finishable
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<Althego> let's see what happens now
<ron> :(
<ron> what did i do to get muted :(
<darsie> I guess you were childish.
<ron> im not childish im cool
<darsie> lol
<bees> that word means childish.
<ron> i think it's cuz they're jealous (cuz im cool)
<ron> and cuz im more poplar
<darsie> lol, sorry
<ron> for what
* flayer giggles
* ron is confused (in a cool way)
<ron> if you search up "cool guy ron" you can see im super poplur
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<darsie> I was hot, so I took off my pullover. Now I'm cool.
* raptop suggests running liquid sodium through ones radiator fins
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<packbart> just don't let it get wet (or feed after midnight)
* ron takes that out of context
<raptop> I mean, there are other coolant options (I belive eutectic NaK and PbBi mixes have been used)
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<flayer> just let the kid play :p
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<Astrodog> hello..Q- what version (if any) could i use to have rss , kerbin side and konstructs mods together?
<raptop> Unsure, but a lot should be updated for 1.12.2 by now
<Astrodog> Kk thnx rap :)
<packbart> if in doubt, experiment ;)
<packbart> ooh, Jake is experimenting with rotors
<packbart> telescoping rotors
<Astrodog> I wanna put a launch site in the philippines...but rotors would be kewl
<Astrodog> That would work good for a flt deck
<packbart> I think he's building an Eve Ascent thingy with rotors and rockets
<Astrodog> Ive nvr been there..atmoshere?
<packbart> yes. lots of it