Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
<packbart> didn't explode. so orbital tourism is a thing now
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<packbart> well at least they get more out of it than the typical Kerbal tourist where deorbit burn comes right after orbital insertion
<FLHerne> hm
<FLHerne> mine tend to go up on the next mission to anywhere relevant, and then get stuck on a space station in Minmus orbit for five years
<packbart> next up: The Space Porn movie "Orbital Insertion"
<packbart> it's inevitable
<packbart> FLHerne: I don't like tourist clogging up the contract list
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<umbralraptop> packbart: well, there were like 8 orbital tourists in the 2000s
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<packbart> well, mostly ride-along on actual missions?
<packbart> Inferno4 is a pure tourism vessel with a cupola instead of a docking port
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You install NEAR because you can't get FAR. You wonder why you even bother....
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<umbralraptop> 鶏, 火の鳥, close enough
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<umbralraptop> hm, tharsis is free on the epic game store
<umbralraptop> The cannibalism is technically optional
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<TwistenX> minimalism
<TwistenX> ksp
<TwistenX> rules
<TwistenX> oh god i hate being sick
<umaxtu> covid?
<TwistenX> not sure yet
<TwistenX> got tested yesterday
<TwistenX> i think it's just a fever, i can still taste and smell
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<TwistenX> anyways i'm gonna go back to eating my uncrustables and watching bradley whinstance and minimalist kerbal space program
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<join_subline> if you get testicular gigantism, you know you have it. (a la stephen colbert sketch. Nicki Minaj Presents: "Super Balls" | )
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