Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<Althego> a rapping reaper and a racing nephilim
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<Althego> lucy
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<Althego> less than a minute
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<UmbralRaptop> Yay, it worked
<FLHerne> I kind of love building stupid low-tech things in early career
<FLHerne> contract says "launch this wheel to Kerbin escape velocity"
<FLHerne> ok, so I'll build a pile of solids with a Probodyne on top and literally no steering control at all
<FLHerne> and fire it straight up
<FLHerne> next up I'm planning to do the same but with five tourists :p
<UmbralRaptop> The tourists don't need to be safely returned?
<FLHerne> well, the unguided-robot-solid thing
<FLHerne> I wish they didn't need to be safely returned, otherwise I'd have just fulfilled the contract :D
<FLHerne> they got their money's worth, I overdid the rocket and launched them to 250kkm
<FLHerne> but then they re-entered too fast and plowed into a mountain at 1500m/s
<Althego> lol
<FLHerne> so I need a slightly more sedate launch
<UmbralRaptop> oops
<UmbralRaptop> Apparently the solution is fewer boosters?
<FLHerne> Amazingly, yes
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<FLHerne> dammit
<FLHerne> that time it would have WORKED if they hadn't come down right on the highest peak of Mt Whoopstooshort
<FLHerne> the parachutes were _just about to open_
<UmbralRaptop> hah
<darsie> FLHerne: "Compound prefix symbols, i.e. prefix symbols formed by the juxtaposition of two or more prefix symbols, are not permitted."
<darsie> kkm is not permitted. Mm is .
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<so> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, so
<so> imagine a mod that makes every planet 1000 times smaller
<UmbralRaptop> uh
<UmbralRaptop> How would buildings be handled?
<UmbralRaptop> (kerbin would be 1200 m across. The runway is 2000 m)
<packbart> a runway into space
<so> yes
<so> a runway into space
<so> me when 70 meter atmosphere
<so> ok i might try to make a mod that makes all planets 100x smaller (10x already exists)
<UmbralRaptop> Would the Mün be at 12 Mm or 12 km?
<so> uh
<so> 12km i guess
<so> but i need to learn kopernicus
<so> which is hard
<so> kinda
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<Guest43189> Hey all
<Althego> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Althego
<Althego> argh
<Althego> i always forget
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<Guest43189> trying to figure out this ckan version stuff so i can install stockalike station parts
<packbart> works for me in 1.12. I usually just enable compatibility down to 1.10
<Guest43189> alright lemme try it.
<packbart> Settings -> Compatible Game Versions
<Guest43189> ah that did the trick
<packbart> huh, looks like I even go down to 1.6
<Guest43189> when i load up the game, there wont be any issues?
<Guest43189> since i have 1.12
<packbart> compatibility versions are overrated
<packbart> Guest43189: SSPXr works fine for me in 1.12
<Guest43189> i didnt have any of my game comaptible modes on
<Guest43189> i didnt know i could do that
<Guest43189> with just the 1.12 there was no box to click. now that i went to 1.6 its allowing me to install the mod
<Guest43189> im not very good with the game. just like the mods and building things lol
<packbart> linuxgurugamer moved to just omit a "maximum compatible version" because one just can't know if it's compatible with future versions before they are released
<Guest43189> oh i see
<Guest43189> thanks for all your help!
<packbart> hm. the Stockalike Station Parts reports to be compatible with 1.12
<packbart> so it shouldn't have been necessary to use the compatibility override
<packbart> I probably could pare down my mod list a bit more. some of them I don't even really use.
<Guest43189> Yea that list looks pretty close to mine
<packbart> the Deployable Batteries don't really work that well anymore. I rarely use the 2.5m material science bay or the EVA handrails
<Guest43189> Yea i dont think i have that one
<Guest43189> When a mod pack has rockets. Where can i go to find out how to put them together
<packbart> hm. in the VAB? ;) not sure what you're asking. the forum post for the mod should have some examples, probably
<Guest43189> one sec. i gotta go delete some mods now. i got way too many parts i dont need.
<packbart> (transplanted the KSC to Eve)
<Guest43189> idk what that means. but i like scotts videos
<packbart> That's "Not Manley Here" :)
<Althego> there was a mod for this. you could start on duna or eve
<packbart> and this series places the KSC on Eve where it takes massive vehicles just to get to orbit
<Althego> it is about as hard to get into eve orbit as earth
<Althego> but honestly eve is not as hard as it used to be
<Guest43189> lol i havent been to any planets. only to the mood
<Guest43189> moon
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<packbart> Althego: well, there's a mod for that. Realistic Atmospheres has an option to put Eve surface pressure at 10 (Kerbin) atmospheres
<Althego> at that point engines dont work
<packbart> so, there are mods for that... Eve-optimized engines and explodium-breathing jets (bring tanks full of oxidizer and collect fuel from the "air")
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<packbart> I haven't tried any of those, though. Stock Eve is heavy enough for me, if I even get there
<packbart> I'll try JNSQ sometime. it's a bit bigger than stock but still only 1/4 real size
<darsie> I once did an Eve sample return.
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<Guest40668> im back!
<Guest40668> but still very lost
<Guest40668> There was a file that already had the ISS built
<packbart> I guess there are several variants on
<Guest40668> i need to keep that website. looks helpful.
<Guest40668> i like the probe pack. becuase in te description of the part. It tells where it goes and what number sequence
<Althego> nsf live with scott
<Guest40668> huh?
<packbart> Guest40668: Nasaspaceflight on Youtube. "Asteroid hunting, Starship testing, Virgin Galactic delays, and more with Scott Manley!"
<packbart> I don't like NSF, though. they usually talk too much :)
<Guest40668> ohhh ok
<Guest40668> They aint talking about ksp tho lol
<Althego> they are talking about space
<Guest40668> thats like some real life stuff. Im still too new to comprehend what they are talking about
<Guest40668> I understand a few things.
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<so> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, so
<so> is there a mod that lets you program your rockets?
<umaxtu> yup
<umaxtu> kOS
<so> oh
<so> ok
<packbart> and RedOnion
<packbart> that one uses Lua-Dialects
<packbart> I can't stand the awful syntax of kOS
<so> oh
<packbart> there's also kRPC that allows external programms to control KSP
<so> hmmmmmmmmmm]
<so> can i use python with it tho
<packbart> yeah, I did that to automate refuelling a bunch of small monoprop tanks
<so> oh
<so> ill try to use kOS
<so> and learn it as my 2nd language
<packbart> I'd still recommend having a look at RedOnion, too ;)
<so> ill try that too
<packbart> whoever invented the kOS language must have hated computers
<so> im working on my own programming language (dont ask why)
<packbart> kOS does have the nicer looking terminal GUI. I might try and port that over to RedOnion which uses a much more bland design
<so> is kOS file extension .ks?
<so> lets go syntax hightlighting
<so> highlighting*
<umaxtu> packbart: I thought kRPC has been discontinued
<so> wait
<so> cant i just make a vbs program to click stuff for me?
<so> oh wait
<so> ill have to get the timing perfectly right
<so> also what is kRPC?\
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<packbart> umaxtu: yeah, I haven't used it for several versions now
<packbart> well, the last commits were "just" a year ago.
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<packbart> the Moho Transfer probe core has an internal 2G relay antenna but it can't transmit science :(
<packbart> back to the design board
<raptop> *sad trombone*
<packbart> I'm considering just MM-patching that flag ;)
* darsie 's new refinery rover with swinging picoport and variable length legs to adjust for port height:
<darsie> precursor for a 23 t Minmus ore to Kerbin surface mission.
<bees> have fun with landing
<darsie> Why do you say that?
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<darsie> ahh, 23 t to Kerbin :)
<darsie> yeah, gonna need some serious chutes and drogues.
<darsie> Maybe a heat shield.
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