Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<Mat2ch> wait, the ISS lost control, again?!
<Mat2ch> has probably nothing to do with the filming going on.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i think it was some soyuz thing this time
<Althego> bit since then the film crew and their pilot went back to earth (landed this orning)
<Mat2ch> Well, think of it. The missfire of the Soyuz would be something hard for everyone else to analyze. So it could be related to the filming ;)
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<flayer> maybe it was on purpose to create excitement for the movie
<Althego> by endangering people? that would be extremely stupid
<Mat2ch> Mooooooviiieeeeeee
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> Sorry. People are stupid.
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> the turducken worms collab
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<Althego> reaper singing, but i dont care about "angst rock"
<Althego> now dragonforce is more to my liking
<umaxtu> I haven't heard that name it a long time
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<raptop> huh, there was a holotori collab
<Althego> the turducken
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<Truga> lol
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* darsie fights with the VAB ...
<darsie> It refuses to keep stuff as I rotate it.
<Althego> restart game?
<darsie> I just started.
<Althego> strange
<darsie> I wanted to attach my refinery rover to a transport rocket via the ports. Made port root, rotated it, and wanted to save it as subassembly, but when I grab it, it rotates some other way ...
<Althego> dont use subassembly
<Althego> us e the merge load
<Althego> (it probably breaks differently)
<darsie> mhm, broken, too.
<packbart> it probably rotates the root port into its normal position. "space" sometimes helps
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* darsie restarted.
<Althego> but then you can rotate it back
<Althego> usually the rotation changes with special roots
<darsie> Port (or rest of ship) also got shifted.
<Althego> that is unfortunate
<darsie> after saving and loading
<Althego> so now we are stuck with a broken version, forever
<Althego> these used to work in previous versions
<darsie> Trying to figure out how high I should mount the docking port on my ore transporter so it would fit for the refinery rover:
<Althego> (kikkerikii sc reading)
* packbart uses (KisKas) pipes but that requires a Kerbal to connect them
<Althego> omg, full holoen amongus
<raptop> including gen 0?
<Althego> is there zero?
<Althego> there is 1,2 and irys :)
<raptop> Zero being hachama and kson
<raptop> I guess Irys is gen 1.5?
<Althego> so anyway with 11 members
<Althego> anyway with 11 en members, i bet at least half an hour delay upon start because of technical issues
<raptop> hah
<Althego> heh still about 2 weeks until winter time
<Althego> generally covid is positive for me, gave us home office
<Althego> but eu didnt focus on the daylight saving issue because of it
<raptop> It's wild how working from home is actually killing transit in some cities >_>
<Althego> traffic is worse then ever
<Althego> that is a huge change
<Tank2333> are masks mandated in trains?
<raptop> Yes at this point
<Tank2333> same here, before covid i always licked taking the train but havent since 2020
<Althego> liked?
<Tank2333> yeah
<Tank2333> lol
<Althego> because of covid, one cant even lick the train anymore :)
<Tank2333> thats a life changer for sure
<raptop> The drop was also giant, but lead do higher bus than train ridership
<raptop> s/do/to/
<flayer> i'm gonna build an asteroid colony at 80 million km orbit around kerbin
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* packbart made a new install with JNSQ and Cryo Engines
<packbart> it takes about 5000m/s to Kerbin orbit
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<raptop> ;outcome add Come on, you apes^H^H^H^Htrees, do you want to live forever?
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Come on, you apes^H^H^H^Htrees, do you want to live forever?
<raptop> 5 km/s sounds like a 2x Kerbin or something?
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* darsie landed 23 t ore on Kerbin. Was tedious.
<darsie> I've done it <3000 m/s.
<darsie> vacuum Isp
<darsie> 3400 is in the map
<darsie> 5000 is either low TWR or inefficient ascent profile or both.
<packbart> raptop: JNSQ is 1/4 real scale
<darsie> ok
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<raptop> ah
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<packbart> Snacks or TacLS? I kind of like having to fill water and oxygen tanks. But I never tried snacks so far
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