Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
<Mat2ch> darsie: I'm always impressed by the size of your sats.
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<pureblood> whoa, more people here than in #kspmodding, but are there any MM ninjas?
<pureblood> I want to patch every non-RO tank that has either LF or Oxidizer or MP to have ModuleFuelTanks
<pureblood> of the volume deduced from original volume occupied by stock fuels
<pureblood> but maybe someone already has this patch? If yes - please share
<darsie> Mat2ch: It had plenty of dv for Eve. I even made orbit and circularized with aerobraking.
<darsie> SporkWitch: When did you buy KSP?
<darsie> Mat2ch: The hecs was cheap, but tedious. Needed to trick it into (anti)normal attitude, because I didn't bring a long range antenna. Only had pro/retrograde buttons. And I should have deleted the maneuver node. Once out of radio range it stays.
<SporkWitch> darsie: pretty early on, well before 1.0 lol
<darsie> oh :)
<darsie> How come you have so little experience, then?
<SporkWitch> because i also haven't PLAYED IT sinced then lol
<SporkWitch> it's practically a whole new game
<darsie> ok :)
<pureblood> any MM-aware experienced player in here?
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<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You misread tako as taco, and attempt to eat the kraken. You die. Twice.
<raptop> ...that tracks
<pureblood> is anybody here proficient in ModuleManager?
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<pureblood> no one? Really?
<pureblood> Raidernick: you should know
<Althego> rat rap
<SporkWitch> pureblood: If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.
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<pureblood> SporkWitch: the question was raised above. I will repeat it now:
<pureblood> I want to patch every non-RO tank that has either LF or Oxidizer or MP to have ModuleFuelTanks of the volume deduced from original volume occupied by stock fuels, but maybe someone already has this patch? If yes - please share
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<pureblood> the task at hand seems to be common enough, and the only reason I don't have it done/tested yet is I haven't used RO with my 1.3 and 1.4.3 RSS installs, rolling my own CRP-using patches. Now that I see 1.10.1 more or less usable with RO, I thus want to promote every non-RO liquid tank to wip-RO/useable status
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<Althego> zombanwa
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* flayer farts
<Rolf> watch out for kerbals trying to capture farts for one of rocket projects
<Rolf> ;mission
<LunchBot> Rolf: You taunt KwirkyJ. Handsome Ron sees your gross safety violations and shuts down your space program.
<Rolf> i guess trying to taunt by flying rocket across kwirkj was too much
<Rolf> *view
<darsie> I captured a fart in a funnel in the bathtub and lit it. It burned with a roar. Someone said that was due to the hydrogen in it.
<Rolf> methine and oxygen mix I'd guess
<darsie> Not much methane in human fart, I read.
<darsie> 0-10%, IIRC.
<Rolf> hmm ok
<darsie> The typical chemical makeup of farts is 60% Nitrogen, 20% Hydrogen, 10% Carbon Dioxide, 5–10% Methane and 5% Oxygen.
<Rolf> so, theres 2 fuels, and oxygen
<Rolf> and 70% other stuff
<flayer> lmao
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<Mat2ch> pureblood: oh, RO has its own community somewhere
<flayer> whats the latest on ksp2
<Mat2ch> done in two years.
<Mat2ch> :D
<flayer> and then another year for the mods
<flayer> so i got plenty of time to delay getting a new computer
<Mat2ch> probably
<Mat2ch> Prices are high now, hardware will be faster then, happy inflation everyone! Sadly not cosmic.
<Mat2ch> oh, and SpaceX finally bought their own LR 11000 it seems...
<Mat2ch> this is part of a game engine editor. But which one?
<Mat2ch> development still in C#
<Mat2ch> Probably still unity then.
<Mat2ch> This will run bad. flayer buy something very big. :P
<flayer> that kinda the point yeah lol
<flayer> my current pc is 11 years old
<flayer> i'm waiting until its 15 or so to replace it
<Mat2ch> still wont be enough then ;)
<flayer> it'll be a lot better than this one i imagine
<Mat2ch> unity is one of the worst game engines... I'm not counting on it.
<pureblood> Mat2ch: no irc for RO? Even for principia?
<darsie> #ro
<pureblood> Mat2ch: my question is not exactly RO-specific, as ModuleManager is shared between great many mods, you know...
<pureblood> darsie: ty
<pureblood> I vaguelly remember egg had principia # somewhere, but it's been a while
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<Althego> zombanwa
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* flayer slaps Althego
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<SporkWitch> i'm finally getting smarter. Realized I was being silly with my transfer/lander stages. No need for separate engines, use the same terrier for both, just strap some detachable fuel tanks for the transfer and capture burns, then jettison them after. Heavy Rocketry also helped a lot, a pair of the kickback SRBs, and one of the twin-nozzle liquid engines go me to orbit while only eating a little into the transfer fuel.
<SporkWitch> Now in a 9.25/7,98 orbit (though I think it might be too close as it seems to be decaying...) with 25s of fuel left in the transfer tanks. Waste not want not, gonna use it for deorbit :P
<darsie> SporkWitch: Did you see my Eve flyby/orbit pobe?
<SporkWitch> i did not, right now i'm just happy that third time was the charm and my lander didn't tip over this time lol
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Well, you could click the link :).
<SporkWitch> patience, i'm basking in mun dust lol
<SporkWitch> is that an engine for ants? :P
<darsie> yes :)
<darsie> Second stage is inverted to save fairing size.
<SporkWitch> i forgot to take an EVA science kit :'(
<SporkWitch> i'm mildly sad that i don't leave footprints :'(
<packbart> well, there's a mod... ;)
<packbart> I'm not sure how persistent those EVA footprints are, though
<SporkWitch> doesn't need to be persistent (that'd make saves huge, fast), just feels like a missed opportunity heh
<SporkWitch> yay! jeb and bob landed back home alive! lol
<SporkWitch> Question about the deployable science stuff: 1) does a scientist need to stay there to operate it, or can it run on its own once deployed? 2) does it ever "run out," or is it an ongoing semi-passive source of science points?
<packbart> it runs on its own but as far as I know, once an instrument transmitted "100% science", it's done.
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<packbart> SporkWitch: Footprints in 1.12:
<packbart> I never tested that thing before. I wonder if it works with Parallax. probably not, maybe
<SporkWitch> wow, panthers are beefy, and that afterburner is THIRSTY lol
<SporkWitch> .... whoops, i ripped the wings off at nearly 1km/s lol
<SporkWitch> interestingly, the tail and body are enough to keep it airborn lol
<packbart> detachable wings
<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: the fastest plane just use body lift in that game. :D
<SporkWitch> yeah, lift mechanics are definitely wonky heh
<SporkWitch> it also lets me turn in ways i shouldn't be able to; i'm in the atmosphere, how the heck can i turn faster than my momentum can catch up? lol
<Mat2ch> weeeelll, in theory you can do this in reality, too... there are body lift concepts ;)
<SporkWitch> true
<SporkWitch> i just want a sane, stable, flyable plane :'( lol
<Mat2ch> That is easy
<Mat2ch> Even SSTOs is pretty easy.
<Mat2ch> At least LKO with them. Making them more usable is harder.
<SporkWitch> i went with a pretty simple setup, mk2 cockpit, cargo bay, two fuel fuselages, and the twin engine mount with panthers on it. two each horizontal and vertical stabilizers, two swept wings with aelerons, and the radial intake. thing flips around like nuts lol
<SporkWitch> maxed out at just shy of 1km/s afterburning at sea level
<FLHerne> SporkWitch: If you think lift mechanics are wonky *now*, you should have seen pre-1.0 plane aerodynamics
<FLHerne> !stupid in soup
<LunchBot> FLHerne: "People always said the old placeholder was like flying in soup, but I disagree; it was like flying in some state of matter not currently known to man."
<SporkWitch> FLHerne: yeah, i think the last time i played the SPH had just been introduced
<raptop> To be fair, the pre-1.0 turbojets were, uh, powerful
<raptop> You could totally do shenanigans like go into a 80 x 30 km orbit
<FLHerne> Surely "turn faster than my momentum can catch up" is just how all planes turn
<raptop> (ie: something like 30 m/s circularization burn)
<FLHerne> maybe to a less extreme degree though :p
<SporkWitch> you know what i mean; i shouldn't be able to point retrograde without ripping the wings off lol
<FLHerne> SporkWitch: Centre of lift has to be a bit behind the centre of drag
<SporkWitch> that said, the retractable landing gear is MUCH more resilient... even if i couldn't slow down in time... lol
<FLHerne> if it's forward or too close behind the plane will flip
<SporkWitch> centre of mass, you mean, and yep
<FLHerne> if it's too far back you'll need to constantly pull up to not nose-dive into the ground
<FLHerne> yes
<FLHerne> Panthers can make it hard to tell :p
<FLHerne> massive thrust, massive vector angle
<SporkWitch> it's a CONTROLLED flip, but it shouldn't LET me flip it like that. i think it's the wonky lift mechanics that have tailfins significantly more "buoyant" than the actual wings, which shifts the centre of lift oddly far back as well
<FLHerne> You can fly pretty much anything with Panthers, no matter how absurdly unstable, until cutting the engines
<SporkWitch> i've been doing a lot of designs with canards for exactly that reason
<Mat2ch> Uhm, the flip... have you seen MiG-27s do this?
<SporkWitch> only russian stuff i've flown are Su-25, Su-27, and Su-33
<packbart> Stock KSP should allow a few realistically impossible tricks
<SporkWitch> switch to a single vertical stabilizer and that seems to have helped a lot...
<SporkWitch> what exactly does rigid stabilization do? just get rid of the wobblyness?
<packbart> by making part joints more brittle so they'll break easier. maybe what you're looking for in your wings
<SporkWitch> that's what i thought; any way to enable it by default so i don't have to click every single piece? lol
<SporkWitch> (and no, ripping the wings off was pretty much what SHOULD happen with the turn i made and the speed i was going lol)