Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
<Rokker> and as for the X-1B, it has an extended fuselage, Mach 2 capable. tested aerodynamic heating as well as the first RCS controlled aircraft.
<JVFoxy> a lot unknowns at the time.. such as how wings would be affected by nose shockwaves
<JVFoxy> or the affects of swept wings instead of straight out
<minas_tirith> Hey JVFoxy
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<JVFoxy> rwar
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<SporkWitch> whoohoo! probe successfully returned from the mun! SCIENCE!
<raptop> !!SCIENCE!! (from reentry)
<SporkWitch> now the question is what to SPEND said science on, for maximum further science lol
<SporkWitch> supersonic flight is tempting money-wise, but i feel like i'll be science-bottlenecked to unlock the stuff needed for more space which is where the real science gains are. at the same time, without money, hard to do space lol
<SporkWitch> (is career actually lose-able? can you get to a point where it's not possible to get science anymore to unlock the things needed for more science? same question, but for money?)
<raptop> There's no formal lose condition, but you might be able to get yourself there in some cases. Especially if you have contract rewards turned way down
<SporkWitch> default Normal settings
<raptop> Should be fine
<raptop> Anyway, You can mine out Minmus of science (...and the Mun) if you have the LV-909 unlocked
<raptop> So I guess bigger rockets or more science experiments
<SporkWitch> i do have that engine, so should be good, will just be a matter of engineering and planning, then
<raptop> (Kerbin's science biome multipliers are quite limited)
<raptop> yay
<SporkWitch> now the question is how to land a rover on the mun for my kerbals to drive around :P
<SporkWitch> ah well, something for later. now feels like beer-o-clock
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<flayer> alright, two hours drive (inc. recharge) and i'm halfway there
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<flayer> 25 km
<flayer> the sun is about to set, so i'm considering staying parked. got 12 days of snacks. how long is the duna night?
<flayer> 2 days
<flayer> 2 x 6 hours
<flayer> 2 kerbin days
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<Rolf> ;mission
<LunchBot> Rolf: You attempt to construct a colony in Jool. You have read so many contract descriptions that you forget basic sentence structure, needless to say, this is where you come in.
<Rolf> noes, oh!
<bees> Rolf: You comment that ion engines should run on electricity alone without any propellant. You are executed for treason. There are NO FAILURES in the People's Glorious Space Program!
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<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> .
<darsie> 1337
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<Althego> zombanwa
<flayer> kek, i just bought a car
<darsie> What car?
<darsie> Eww, Benzine
<flayer> i can't afford electric cars, nor do i want a car with software that i have no control over
<flayer> i'm going to build a computer system into this car
<darsie> So you have control over the software of this car?
<flayer> yes, it will run the same OS I run on my computer: debian
<darsie> cool
<darsie> Why doesn't it state g CO2/km?
<flayer> i have no idea, i just linked to that website to give you an image (they took down the actual offering of the car which I found on another website)
<flayer> e-mail the website or the sales company if you want to know why
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<SporkWitch> lol, forgot a separator between the capsule and last stage and it's too heavy to slow down enough for the chute :'( rescue mission fail. now i've gotta send ANOTHER ship up to save the kerbal, that the last ship was supposed to save for the contract lol
<darsie> SporkWitch: You can collide with orbital debris to get rid of the last stage.
<SporkWitch> i figure i'll just leave it up there and i can always terminate or collect it later. Heck, might even be enough fuel left in it to slam it into the mun, once i unlock the seismograph
<SporkWitch> in the meantime i made another of the same rescue craft, this time remembering solar panels and a decoupler (power got really tight on the first one)
<SporkWitch> damn, kerbals are tough critters lol. don't think i can use parachutes yet, though :( i never had the option except on pilots (had a scientist exit in upper atmosphere to grab an eva report thinking the air was thin enough and he fell off, no option in right click to parachute, even though he had one in inventory)
<SporkWitch> second rescue ship is about to do rendesvous burn, but no big, reward should cover cost
<darsie> parachutes are optional.
<SporkWitch> well if this one can't survive reentry either, i'll give that a try before building another (this time i remembered to make a manual save, too, heh)
<darsie> It can.
<darsie> ahh
<darsie> this rocket
<darsie> Dated quicksaves mod ftw.
<SporkWitch> yeah, it's definitely seeming like at least SOME mods are not optional, heh
<SporkWitch> really been trying to go vanilla, heh
<darsie> It keeps teh last 10 or so quicksaves around.
<SporkWitch> recommend any mod manager for linux? or am i stuck just manually downloading and updating?
<darsie> ckan
<SporkWitch> whoohoo! rescue successful! lol
<darsie> :)
<Althego> Mat2ch: have you seen it? i forgot to link it in the morning
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<flayer> ok, made it to the duna polar crater at the end of the second duna day - still 10 days of snacks left
<flayer> i have enough fuel for a short flying trip out of the crater to speed up my return
<flayer> and also get low atmospheric flight science data
* darsie tested the small hardpoint in orbit of the Sun.
<darsie> thumper, hammer
<Althego> thumper, i always think of dune
<Althego> womrsign
<raptop> But is there spice on Duna?
<Althego> at least some salt :)
<SporkWitch> apparently the latest expedition in NMS involved riding sandworms lol
<SporkWitch> I'm gonna hold off on watching the new dune until they at least finish the first book; mate saw it and it apparently ends pretty early into Act 2 of the book
<Althego> yes nobody told me that it was just part one
<SporkWitch> yeah, i heard it was planned to have sequels, so when a mate watched it i asked her where it ended. Not getting burned like I did with the hobbit, buying it thinking it's actually a whole movie. Hobbit didn't even make it 1/3 through the book in the first movie!
<SporkWitch> i'll wait for a box set; i imagine there will be some pretty spiffy collectors' editions
<Althego> i doubt they will continue it after the first book
<SporkWitch> probably not, but i don't see a point in watching it until they at least FINISH the first book. I'm not worried about it being good, based on what i've heard (even if they did make some stupid changes for stupider reasons)
<SporkWitch> darsie: do i need to launch KSP from CKAN for mods to load correctly, or is the button just there as a convenience?
<darsie> SporkWitch: no
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<Althego> scott
<packbart> great
<SporkWitch> heavy
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<darsie> great heavy scott
<Althego> bird scared. shark laughing
<raptop> Wait, there are 4 birds
<Althego> the flamy one
<raptop> Ah, 火の鳥
<Althego> that
<raptop> definitely not a 鶏
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> (Yes, I have an IME installed >_>)
<Althego> !jap niwatori
<Kerbot> Althego => 鶏 [にわとり]: (n) (1) (domestic) chicken; (2) chicken (meat); (P)
<Althego> i dont need it :)
<SporkWitch> lol, got eva report while flying; hopped out after the chute fully opened and didn't fall off! lol
<Althego> i usually do that
<raptop> Jumping EVA reports best EVA reports
<flayer> 64/100 snacks left, 8 days' worth, and i'm 66 km from the landing site
<Althego> lol 133 heart rate
<flayer> i did 3 biomes, duna poles, duna pole highlands, and duna pole crater
<SporkWitch> i am very confused by turboshaft engines... i've got it bolted on top of a fuel fuselage, but it can't be turned on...
<flayer> if only i'd remembered to bring mystery goo
<Althego> SporkWitch: what does the right click menu say?
<SporkWitch> motorized yes, motor engaged
<SporkWitch> trying to make a helicopter...
* raptop recalls having to do something with blade angles and setting action groups
<SporkWitch> yeah, i have a good idea of how i'll need to set up the controls, literally just trying to make it spin right now lol
<SporkWitch> when i go into action groups and click on the turboshaft engine it only has RPM limit and Torque Limit(%)
<SporkWitch> derp, it's because i was under axis...
<SporkWitch> ... it moves like two inches and jams... this is very confusing
* darsie watched Kerbal Space Program 2: Episode 4 - Celestial Architecting
<Althego> looks amazing
<Althego> and ksp1 could look like this too
<Althego> they just didnt make it this way
<SporkWitch> so i'm lost here. it magically worked, i exploded, reverted to launch, and now it's jamming instantly again... i cannot figure out what's up with this thing
<Althego> breaks on?
<SporkWitch> sonofa.... lol
<SporkWitch> WTF are there breaks on the rotor?! lol
<Althego> rotor brake is a thing
<Althego> although you can power through it in a real heli, it is still not recommended
<kubi> breaking brakes?
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<Althego> i didnt write it correctly the first time
<darsie> There might be >2 body systems
<SporkWitch> steam description mentions a binary system, doesn't it?
<SporkWitch> i have successfully taken off and landed my helicopter. it is quite wonky, but i only lost one rotor blade lol
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you know what they say. helicopters dont fly. they beat the air into submission
<Althego> or alternatively they stay up because the ground hates t hem so much
<SporkWitch> i can see something that's going to be an issue though: setting deploy angle on an axis will allow it to go negative; i'm not seeing a way to make it only go between 0 and some other value
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<SporkWitch> i honestly kind of expected helicopters to be easier in this, since I doubt they model things like VRS
<Althego> no complex things like that
<Althego> just as wings dont have ground effect either
<Althego> SporkWitch: do you have advanced tweakables on?
<SporkWitch> don't think i have that installed
<Althego> no, that is an option
<Althego> you have to turn it on
<Althego> lot of action menus will have more items
<Althego> and it turns out they are really useful
<Althego> there may be something there for blade angles
<flayer> kek, the back of my rover bounced to the ground on a particularly hard ridge and the seismograph shaved off
<flayer> but i was done with collecting science from that anyway
<SporkWitch> lol, what's the point of the attachment points on the rotor if the blades won't snap to them? >_<
<flayer> 30 km to the ship, still got 10-12 hours of sunlight, i think
<kubi> you can attach things to them
<kubi> the kerbal way
<SporkWitch> turned on adv tweakables, and not seeing anything that looks like a limiter on range i want the axis to be able to move through :(
<kubi> and also, you will know where lieth those things
<SporkWitch> i'll just have to pin one to monitor it lol
<SporkWitch> victory! this actually handles pretty decently
<raptop> woot
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<SporkWitch> with KER, i assume the delta-v numbers it's showing are in vacuum while the stock value is in atmosphere? (stock is saying 600m/s on a terrier with FL-800 fuel tank, but KER is saying 2437... designing my first munar lander)
<Althego> you can switch the stock to vacuum too
<Althego> or actually to any pressure too
<Althego> nor much use of ker remaining in the vab since the stock delta v meter. the only thing i miss is the torque indicator
<Mat2ch> Althego: ohhhhh, that was juicy
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> thanks for the link
<Mat2ch> nice cab opening. :D
<Althego> i didnt expect one so soon after months of waiting
<Althego> and then syddenly two
<Mat2ch> Yes!
<SporkWitch> Althego: not seeing where to adjust pressure for the calculations
<Althego> i think there is a delta v icon
<SporkWitch> ah, thanks
<SporkWitch> bah, struggling on the first stage. Transfer and lander stages look good, but can't quite get the delta-v to get off the ground >_<
<Althego> twr can be displayed too
<Althego> and there the 1 atm value is more important
<SporkWitch> yeah, TWR is enabled by default
<Althego> i think i cant listen to cat-bird superchats. i have to sleep
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<darsie> Rocket efficiency/thrust is lower at higher ambient pressure.
<SporkWitch> i have enough science to unlock heavy rocketry, so i'm thinking i might just do that and strap a bigger engine on it... lol
<darsie> Add more boosters :)
<SporkWitch> yep. Lander stage I have using a terrier (enough to land on the mun, take off, and burn home, with a bit to spare), transfer I have using a reliant (estimated 1200m/s needed, 1400 from this engine and fuel). I tried 4 thuds and 4 thumpers for the first stage, drop the thumpers and have the thuds keep burning, but at least by the numbers it's not quite enough for orbit.
<SporkWitch> definitely seeing why the apollo missions just left most of it on the surface :P
<darsie> I've done missions where I detached a lander that went back up to rendezvous and refill at the previous stage left in orbit.
<darsie> So I didn't have to carry the fuel to burn home down and up.
<SporkWitch> don't have docking clamps yet heh
<darsie> The picoports mod is nice for small designs.
<SporkWitch> i can unlock EITHER docking clamps OR heavy rocketry...
<darsie> But you don't need much delta-v to come back from Mun or Minmus.
<darsie> But you don't need much delta-v to come back from Mun or Minmus orbit.
<darsie> rendezvous is another complex thing
<SporkWitch> is estimating 580 down and up, then 1170 back to low kerbin orbit
<darsie> No, just 310, hten you can aerobrake.
<darsie> Indicated by teh white arrows.
<darsie> 3400 is quite generous. Some of my rockets only used <3000 m/s.
<SporkWitch> so you're thinking 1500 should be sufficient to land, take off, and burn for home?
<darsie> Yes, if you fly reasonably well.
<darsie> Flying shallow is efficient, unless there's a lot of atmosphere.
<darsie> Like, as horizontal as possible.
<darsie> It's critically important if you want to jetpack form Mun surface to orbit :).
<darsie> from*
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<darsie> Also depends on your TWR. With low TWR you have more gravity losses.
<darsie> You can select the body you're launching from to get the local TWR displayed.
<darsie> >2 should be ok.
<darsie> Note that you need less dv to get to Minmus, but it's not in the equatorial plane, so there's a mental challenge.
<darsie> Disclaimer: I'm a minimalist, often, so if you optimize things my way, you may miss out needless stuff :).
<darsie> Like going to the Mun :).
<darsie> Or testing a heatshield at 5000-7000 km and 230-320 m/s :).
<darsie> BTW, if you miss a few science points, the KSC has lots of biomes, like the launch pad, the runway, the tracking station, etc.
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<darsie> Will this make it to Eve (flyby)?
<darsie> It should, yes.
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<SporkWitch> stable orbit around the moon... forgot lander legs... lol
<SporkWitch> time to see if i can land this thing on its tail, and if not, just take it home. plenty of near and high orbit science, at least
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<SporkWitch> victory was not mine, oh well, time to fly home heh
<SporkWitch> holy crap, 410 science from that trip even without landing lol
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