Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<flayer> kerbals are comfortably cruising down some slopes at 32m/s in my rover/hopper
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<flayer> parked 8 km from the polar landing site, now in the midlands
<flayer> a crater biome looks to be about 30 km away, that should be easily doable
<flayer> i've not even used any fuel yet, got 12 days of snacks
<raptop> hop or rover?
<flayer> i've got 4 wheels and 6 thrusters
<raptop> I'll take that as a "yes"
<flayer> i can even parachute down from a hop
<raptop> whee
<flayer> it's a very wide-base
<flayer> makes it very comfortable to ride around in
<flayer> i got two thrusters on hinges for forward and backward acceleration, if i want it
<flayer> and 4 thrusters for hopping
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<Althego> hirys
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<flayer> i think i can even reach the polar crater
<darsie> hm?
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<flayer> darsie, i landed on the edge of the polar biome on duna, right between a midland crater and a polar crater
<flayer> gonna drive/hop around in a rover/hopper to catch all the science
<taniwha> PokeSci?
<flayer> i dont know what that is
<darsie> ic
<taniwha> take on pokemon, gotta catch them all
<darsie> When I complete teh tech tree on Minmus, I send one scientist ahead to find the exact location of a three biome border.
<darsie> Hmm, electric airplane on Duna?
<flayer> i'm playing without orbital body multipliers and 30% science
<flayer> so i've done most of kerbin, mun and minmus and only unlocked about half the tech tree
<flayer> and that's the easy half
<flayer> i'm hoping with the return of this duna trip i can unlock my first 550 node
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<flayer> ok, 55m/sec is too fast to handle
<Althego> kikkerikii
<darsie> .
<Althego> 55 m/s too fast for what? landing?
<flayer> driving around
<flayer> i crashed on a hill
<Althego> ah absolutely
<Althego> never go above 25
<Althego> that is 90 km/h on a rough terrain, rover can flip or be damaged instantly, just because of a slight bump
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<darsie> Why are the mount points of motors vertical and those of prop blades horizontal??
<darsie> More lightweight and large blades would be better for Duna.
<darsie> Hmm, should I use a helicopter blade?
<Althego> i really wanted to build an electric plane for duna
<Althego> but it was really hard to generate enough thrust and lift
<darsie> Before I got the expansion packs, I flew with a RW with wings.
<darsie> on Duna
<darsie> Heh, I could use wings as propeller blades :)
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* darsie flew a plane with helicopter blades or Kerbin.
<raptop> autogyro?
<darsie> Replacing prop blades
<raptop> ah
<Althego> i havent thought of that. maybe i could try it sometime. with a tiltrotor
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<darsie> KSP crashed.
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<Kerbonaut> Hello.
<Mod9000> Hello, Kerbonaut
<darsie> .
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<Kerbonaut> kromer
* raptop x_x
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<Kerbonaut> rocket in pieces
<FLHerne> Evening
<Kerbonaut> afternoon
<Kerbonaut> cool matt lowne is returning to ksp content
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<FLHerne> Did he stop?
<FLHerne> I've seen KSP videos from him fairly recently
<Kerbonaut> he stopped for a month or so
<Kerbonaut> he's been doing space this week
<FLHerne> Ah
<FLHerne> Half the youtube channels I follow post videos less than once a month anyway, so I didn't really notice :p
<Kerbonaut> ah
<FLHerne> Watched his video, makes sense
<FLHerne> tbh I agree with him that "oh yes it's another cool-looking SSTO" was becoming a worn-out formula
<FLHerne> especially now there are no new releases, so no new parts or physics changes
<FLHerne> I imagine KSP 2 will inspire a huge wave of videos whenever it arrives!
<Kerbonaut> likely
<Kerbonaut> yall wanna play gartic phone
<Kerbonaut> nvm
<FLHerne> It's almost midnight here
<FLHerne> I'm going to sleep instead, I'm afraid :p
<FLHerne> #SpaceX is a bit busier than this channel, they're arguing about ISRU and cyborgs
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<Kerbonaut> just joined
<FLHerne> well, now the conversation is different again :p
Kerbonaut is now known as TwistenX
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