raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Now hiring: Probodobodyne, Kerlington Paper Products, Sienar Fleet Systems
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<Bebiezaza> wow
<Bebiezaza> esper webchat didnt save or fetch the chat history
<Bebiezaza> sad
<Bebiezaza> could someone recap the last 8 hours about wiki userscript?
<darsie> Bebiezaza: Does that help? https://paste.debian.net/1220476
<XXCoder> Bebiezaza: last time someone spoke before you is... you
<Bebiezaza> darsie yes, that helped.
<Bebiezaza> XXCoder oh 🙃
<XXCoder> :)
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<packbart> that's why I ignore JOIN/PART/QUIT in this channel
<XXCoder> mine is filtered by norepeat plugin i made
<XXCoder> after 2 join and leaves, it stops any new ones from same person
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<Althego> heh, smol ame and roboco
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<Mat2ch> aaaaaaand James Webb is delayed again.
<XXCoder> yeah something snapped
<XXCoder> vibrated whole thing.
<XXCoder> i wonder if that means complete checkover
<Mat2ch> they just want to check that one instrument
<Mat2ch> oh, the article I first read just said one instrument, not the whole thing
<Mat2ch> tbh, if it just jumped around a bit it should be fine. If it hit something, then maybe not.
<Mat2ch> But that's the anomaly teams decision to make.
<XXCoder> yeah
<XXCoder> have to checkover i think, because launching is very expensive
<Mat2ch> (during the launch it will wiggle around a lot more, so I hope it's fine)
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<Mat2ch> I'd wanna make sure, too.
<Mat2ch> Just to be safe
<XXCoder> i remember one that was launched, and fairings failed to open, so probe was trapped in it as it fell back to earth
<XXCoder> cost millions
<Mat2ch> It's a cheap thing to do in comparison to the whole craft
<XXCoder> yep cheaper than merely launch too
<Mat2ch> " A sudden, unplanned release of a clamp band – which secures Webb to the launch vehicle adapter – caused a vibration throughout the observatory."
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<Mat2ch> and until Starship is ready there will be no option to send someone to repair it.
<darsie> There will be no repair missions, IMHO.
<XXCoder> sucks
<a_flayer> webb delayed
<a_flayer> i'm still optimistic
<darsie> It's difficult to repair because it was not made to be repaired.
<darsie> Manned missions to L2 are long and dangerous. There could be a CME.
<a_flayer> i just want webb up there, looking at stuff
<darsie> Cross your thumbs.
<Mat2ch> darsie: not planned now. But when you got a huge rocket at your service which could launch repair missions, what do you think will happen?
<darsie> Some idiot will fly there in a week, take it apart for a week, replace a thing, put it all together, loose a screw, replace it with chewing gum, fly back home for a week.
<Mat2ch> that will happen if we can repair it easily...
<darsie> We could zip a balloon around it and repair it in a pressurized environment so we don't need space suits.
<darsie> It could be the start of the L2 society.
<darsie> We could build a new one for 500 MUSD.
<a_flayer> zip a balloon around it to do repair...
<a_flayer> you should work for ESA
<darsie> :)
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<trace> for what would menkind need space
<darsie> For their bodies.
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<trace> for what would menkind need the space outside of the earth, moon, mars and else
<trace> for example tourism
<trace> or getting ressources
<trace> or create energy
<trace> or colonization
<trace> any other ideas?
<trace> or send atom rubbish into the sun
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<a_flayer> resources can be found everywhere
<trace> sure
<darsie> We don't need to do any of that. But we want to.
<a_flayer> i hope one day we will need to
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<trace> planetary defense against stones from space
<a_flayer> sometimes i think it would be nice if asteroids posed a more common direct threat to earth
<a_flayer> that way we'd be more motivated to do something about it
<trace> More celestial bodies make larger telescopes possible, so to speak, just as we on Earth can connect several distant telescopes together to form one giant telescope.
<trace> or is this wrong?
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<NGC3982> using celestial bodies is probably way more work than just keeping telescopes in space
<NGC3982> non-circular orbits and a general hassle to intercept and land upon
<trace> using them?
<NGC3982> as telescopes
<trace> why
<trace> why should we use them as telescopes
<NGC3982> i must have missunderstood you
<NGC3982> i thought that was what you suggested
<NGC3982> misunderstood*
<trace> I meant telescopes could be positioned at other places
<trace> so they can have greater distances
<trace> for them to combine them being together one large telescope
<NGC3982> yes, that is a thing
<raptop> As best I'm aware telescope-wise the more serious proposals are radio telescopes on the lunar far side, using the sun's gravity focus, and very long baseline shenanigans
<NGC3982> what on earth is a gravity focus
<darsie> Gravitational lensing?
<NGC3982> from the sun?
<raptop> yeah
<NGC3982> wow
<NGC3982> i was unaware we could use lensing on such small scales
<NGC3982> "small"
<Althego> i think that needs to be 150 au away from the sun
<NGC3982> so not on the moon?
<Althego> the moon is the radio telescope on the far side
<Althego> because the moon blocks out the radio noise from earth
<NGC3982> so the 150au is what exactly
<Althego> the sun gravitational lens telescope needs to be far because the sun is not a strong lens
<Althego> ok 550
<Althego> even farther
<Althego> i didnt remember correctly
<raptop> 550 au because that's about he focal length. gravitational lenses are odd
<NGC3982> i thought you tried to explain that we could use a radio telescope on the moon, 150 au from the sun
<darsie> Use your mom.
<NGC3982> my brain melted
<NGC3982> darsie: you can be a mom
<raptop> darsie: mommy!
<darsie> How?
<Althego> moth mommy?
<raptop> hm
<darsie> Uterus implant?
* raptop sets up some lämps
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> The lunar farside telescope would be a seperate thing
<Althego> there is this idea of 3 probes trailing earth and working as a large gravitational wave detector
<Althego> i like that
<raptop> eLISA?
<Althego> you need only vacuum between them, so you essentially can get rid of all the tunnels and pipes
<Althego> i think so
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<Mat2ch> well, the decision if eLISA will be flown should be made until 2025. How many years will it take to build them and launch them?
<raptop> Apparently quite a while since I think the target launch date is 2034?
<Mat2ch> I haven't seen a launch date...
<Althego> a launch date... when people go and watch a launch together?
<raptop> hmm
<trace> what can we do outside of earth what we cant do here?
<Althego> you can fly on titan
<Althego> you can experience zero g
<Althego> you can see earth from outside
<Althego> you can have space telescopes
<raptop> Supposedly there are cool manufacturing things you can do with microgravity and high vacuum, but AFAIK that's been hyped up with nothing to show since at least the 1980s
<Althego> well, yes, you can technically make new alloys for example
<umaxtu> fiber optics is the one I've heard the most about
<Althego> but then nobody did anything useful
<umaxtu> heat dissipation would be a pain. and the radiators would have to be able to handle mmod
<raptop> Anyone who says Lunar He-3 is at high risk of being stabbed by raptors
<umaxtu> speaking of the moon. does the moons weird-ass gravity field cleanup the space around it?
<Althego> but without power, there will be not enough light, and in the darkness you are likely to be eaten by a grue
<Althego> so grue or raptor
<raptop> umaxtu: I want to say yes, but also wouldn't risk my life on it without doing some studies first
* raptop wonders if there are relevant papers in NTRS
<raptop> Am I a bad person for suggesting orange tank + skipper to a player asking for an SSTO?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it works
<packbart> I try to avoid SSTOs because they tend to leave debris in orbit
<packbart> first stage to suborbital
<darsie> raptop: Second rocket can be SSTO.
<raptop> fair
<darsie> 16 FT100 or so, Swivel, capsule.
<Althego> usually i have the problem how not to orbit kerbin on the first launch
<packbart> easy. capsule, flea with reduced thrust
<darsie> unbelievable
<darsie> Doesn't even have enough dv.
<Althego> but accomplishes the goal of not orbiting
<darsie> ah :)
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* darsie tries to get to orbit with two solids.
* raptop wants to say that you can do SSTO orbiters with making history SRBs
<packbart> the Clydesdale is a beast on its own. but sometimes one needs several of them to get off the ground ;)
<darsie> Worked with Thumper+Hammer, but not purely prograde.
<darsie> (except for launch)
<sandbox> I thought you were talking about the horses there for a second
<sandbox> awesome horses btw
<darsie> I didn't know about them.
<packbart> awesome boosters, too
<FLHerne> packbart: Recoverable SSTO rockets are good
<FLHerne> much easier than spaceplanes
<raptop> In a KSP context, it feels like it's harder to do the recovery part with rockets, but harder to get the spaceplanes into orbit
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<packbart> FLHerne: I've got the monies and unrecovered boosters don't clutter up Kerbin's oceans
<packbart> my goal only to launch on hydrogen engines in a JNSQ scale is hard enough without landing those things ;)
<FLHerne> raptop: nah, you just put little wings on the rocket
* raptop should probably try more gliding recoveries then
<a_flayer> i generally just go for a 70/40 km deorbit and then burn like 300-400 dv retrograde at 40 km to bring her in. put out some flaps to burn off additional speed
<a_flayer> then i throw out the drogues and regular parachutes to make sure i only need to burn a tiny little bit at touchdown for a safe landing
<a_flayer> and to make it possible to land while avoiding having to do an extremely careful landing burn
<Izaya> flyback boosters are the way https://imgur.com/xDek8m5
<a_flayer> i might try that
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<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You try to download the newest update. #KSPOfficial has to be cycled to clean up your mess.
<raptop> Remember when accidentally DDoSing the servers was normal?
<packbart> automatic update stampedes are still a bit of a problem
* packbart updates the Steam client
<XXCoder> pretty good combo lol
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