Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<Mat2ch> S20 lost heat shield tiles, again. I wonder if they do the static fire tests to find the last tiles that were not installed correctly...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you could just shake it for that
<flayer> shake it baby
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<Althego> duke nukem
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<flayer> alright
<flayer> i should go to the store
<flayer> someone help me get up
<Althego> just downlaod what you want
<flayer> lol
<Althego> "you wouldnt download food, would you?" :)
<Mat2ch> I would
<Mat2ch> but my replicator is broken :(
<Althego> exactly
<Althego> if i do the production, they should get just minimal licence fees for the design
<Mat2ch> It's wet and cold and cloudy and foggy outside. The perfect weather to not wanting to go outside.
<Althego> doesnt look nice here either
<Mat2ch> and no sunshine forecasted for next week
<XXCoder> here outside looks like land the sun forgot
<Mat2ch> But starlink in 80 minutes.
<Mat2ch> "The land the sun forgot" sounds like a book title.
<XXCoder> dark as dusk at 3 pm lol (its very dark at 3 am now)
<XXCoder> mat probably is
<Mat2ch> the duck doesn't find anything related. You came up with the title, I'm waiting for the book now. :D
<XXCoder> lol
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you have to write it then
<XXCoder> google does come up with few links
<Althego> could be the life of people on an antarctic research station
<Althego> or a long night on a moon base
<XXCoder> lmost talking about uk and some areas in usa thats common to rain a lot
<XXCoder> or fantasy type book where sun was magiked away
<Althego> or even about people living underground
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<Althego> stream on
* flayer goes to the bathroom to create a stream
<Althego> hehe
<sandbox> don't cross the streams
<Mat2ch> no sound?
<Althego> i dont want the sound of flayer's stream
<Althego> otherwise there is music playing
<Mat2ch> oh, wait, wrong output device. :D
<flayer> so homophobic
<Althego> nice fog
<Althego> looks like launching from the clouds
<Althego> T-60 sec
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<Mat2ch> sad
<Mat2ch> I hoped I could make the joke: I can see my fog from here!
<Althego> almost
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<Althego> zombie but it is apex
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<raptop> apparently outcast 1.1 is free on gog
<Althego> outcast is and always will be a masterpiece of games
<Althego> wait, do i even have 1.1?
<Althego> if they automatically upgraded the old then i have
<Althego> ah yes, in library
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<SporkWitch> I stopped supporting GOG when they basically abandoned their commitments to linux and being DRM-free
<raptop> understandable
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<SporkWitch> gotta vote with the wallet, right? :P
<Althego> but what else remains? there is of course steam, then epic
<raptop> itch, anyway
<SporkWitch> pretty much just steam. there's lutris, but i haven't really used it much
<SporkWitch> itch too, yeah, and i'm actually a big fan of it; lot of good indie games out there.
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<umaxtu> SporkWitch: not according to apple
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<packbart> I only use Steam and I hate it when a game wants me to register an account elsewhere
<umaxtu> especially if updates are done through the game's launcher and not steam
<packbart> had to do that for GTA V and Elite Dangerous. If I had known (or researched) in advance, I probably would not have bought those
<sandbox> you need a launcher for your launcher
<Althego> hah, "am bee"
<packbart> does anyone use the "KSP Launcher"? :)
<raptop> Ah, yes, AmBe neutron sources
<raptop> packbart: people who don't know that you can/should run the exe directly I think
<Althego> lol why would i use the launcher
<Althego> it is a useless thing
<Mat2ch> ckan can launch KSP. Which means it is a launcher.
<Mat2ch> :D
<darsie> I wrote a .desktop file to launch /home/bernhard/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal\\ Space\\ Program/KSP.x86_64 from the menu.
<Althego> i couldnt update for years, and now there is nothing to update to, even if it worked
<Althego> i just pinned it on the taskbar
<umaxtu> darsie: steam doesn't do that automagically?
<Althego> requires two clicks
<darsie> umaxtu: Yes, but with that weird steam launche.
<darsie> r
<packbart> darsie: I have a deskop icon for KSP (two, actually, another one for KSP/JNSQ)
<darsie> making .desktop files is a PITA.
<darsie> and defining mime types so mc opens files with the program I want.
<packbart> I just dragged the .EXE to the desktop and made it a "shortcut"
<umaxtu> I just use a menu editor
<darsie> I didn't find a menu editor in xfce.
<darsie> Maybe I'd have to install one.
<XXCoder> it exists
<packbart> ah, right. on the Linux Laptop, I cd into the KSP directory (I only have the Steam installation there)
<XXCoder> forgot how to get it though lol (not install)
<packbart> I use a Wndows PC for Games
<XXCoder> I use windows to look out
<darsie> I abstain from Windows.
<packbart> well, I did want to play Elite and Tomb Raider Shadow
<packbart> (I heard that Elite probably runs under Wine, too, though)
<raptop> stained windows are for churches, so fair enough
<umaxtu> menulibre works ok on my desktop running gnome. on my laptop which uses kde, that functionality is included
<packbart> but my Laptop only has a 10yr old GPU, the Windows PC got the 2080S
<umaxtu> how do people get latops to last so long? I've never had one last more than 4 years
<packbart> well, the Keyboard is starting to act up a bit
<packbart> it's a Dell Precision M4500. it was high-end when it was new (I got it handed down from the graphics department years later)
<umaxtu> oh ok. that explains it.
<umaxtu> business machines definitely seem to be built to higher standards
kwdrt is now known as bees
<packbart> quad-i7 (Q 840 @ 1.87GHz), 16GB RAM, NVidia Quadro FX 1800M
<packbart> and by now a 1TB SSD
<umaxtu> have you started shopping yet?
<packbart> yep, just returned from the supermarket. oh you meant a new laptop? :)
<umaxtu> lol
<packbart> nah, I couldn't really decide on one yet. I probably could badger my employer for a new one. but which one? :)
<umaxtu> framework of course.
<packbart> it's probably going to be another Dell
<packbart> nah, I saw one of those and wasn't impressed
<packbart> they're "feel-good" but not really good quality. ymmv
<umaxtu> in what way?
<packbart> the hardware was wobbly. I only got to play with it for a bit (someone at the local makerspace bought one)
<packbart> as I said, ymmv. I might be wrong
<packbart> but I like Dell, anyway
<packbart> the only bad Dell Laptop I had was one with the fail-designed NVidia chip that would desolder itself. the board was replaced 3 times under warranty
<packbart> (with next-business day on-site support, so a technician came to visit and replaced the board)
<umaxtu> handy
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<packbart> for now my stationary old laptop is still good enough. the battery is dead, so I just keep it on a table at home
<SporkWitch> umaxtu: steam version defaults to disabling the launcher
* raptop is forced to conclude that the steam version is doing something right
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