Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<SporkWitch> lol, "explodium sea"
<SporkWitch> i want to light eve on fire now lol
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<packbart> !nela
<Kerbot> packbart => Falcon 9 - Crew-3 (Dragon) - Thu Nov 11, 2021 02:03:00 UTC (L-01:06:06) - for info/stream
<packbart> ah
<flayer> good grief
<flayer> i'm slowly turning in a psychopathic lunatic
<flayer> it's been an ongoing process for at least 15 years, and in about 30 years more i'll have completed my transformation
<SporkWitch> damn, that probe was worthwhile even if i did end up short on deltaV to hit gilly as well; 2.4k science radio'd back, and with some patience i can still grab more biomes :P
<raptop> woot
<SporkWitch> okay, i officially love rapiers lol
<SporkWitch> added one additional fuel fuselage on each side, replaced the whiplashes with rapiers, and the aerospikes with nukes, slightly higher orbit, and with much more deltaV left over
<SporkWitch> i can definitely work with these new engines, trick is going to be getting just the right amount of oxidizer to get to orbit and use liquid fuel for the rest
<SporkWitch> so does thta pre-cooler part do anything useful? i can't really seem to find much
<flayer> intake?
<flayer> fuel?
<flayer> structural fuselage?
<SporkWitch> so basically just a slightly different version of the lower-tier in-line intake?
<raptop> IIRC, it's just an intake maybe with a bit of fuel
<SporkWitch> gotcha
<SporkWitch> totally unrelated: any recommend graphics mods available on ckan? i have realplume, planetshine, and sunflare, but in videos i'm seeing awesome cloud, water, and weather effects (like lightning in eve's atmosphere)
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<Izaya> that's probably scatterer
<SporkWitch> i should have that, pretty sure it's a prereq for realplume
<packbart> I'd use watefall instead of realplume
<packbart> Clouds are done by EVE (plus maybe a texture pack like Spectra) and Scatterer
<SporkWitch> i just want the pretties! lol. i have the resources for it :P
<packbart> yeah, but Waterfall is more pretty than Realplume, imo
<SporkWitch> i'll give it a shot, not sure what i'm missing for the environmental stuff, though :(
<packbart> Try installing Spectra from CKAN. I like it
<SporkWitch> will check those out shortly; entering atmosphere now, testing latest spaceplane's reentry and landing
<packbart> The problem with clouds is that you sometimes can't see the landmasses anymore from the map view
<packbart> that makes landing on Eve a bit more tricky
<SporkWitch> in fairness, you're not really SUPPOSED to see eve's from orbit. once landed, that would be annoying, though (i really hope they have a proper ground map / nav mode in KSP2)
<SporkWitch> and the answer to re-entry is: no control authority lol. went into a flat spin around 30km and was never able to recover
<SporkWitch> (and i've recovered from some crazy stuff, both in this and in DCS)
<Izaya> is a missed opportunity, could've been
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<SporkWitch> is the latter claimed? nothing stopping them from grabbing it and putting a redirect on .live :P
<Izaya> alas it is
<Izaya> otherwise I would've bought it myself
<SporkWitch> heh
<Izaya> hhhh excellent glowing rocket nozzle
<minas_tirith> hey Izaya
<minas_tirith> Funny seeing you here
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<SporkWitch> ... plane isn't controllable, go back and throw a canard on... get to orbit... there's only one canard because symmetry was off >_< lol
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<RoboFreak> crew 3 is up. electron was delayed, but there may or may not be an astra launch today
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<kubi> little Friday, my space friends!
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: but it got to orbit!
<Mat2ch> even with less drag!
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> 12 hours till docking
<Mat2ch> but I'm going to sleep
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<Mat2ch> umaxtu: do you have a link to that rcs balancer which shows the wet and dry CoM?
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<SporkWitch> if i like plane a lot, should i try out FAR? It sounds like it'd fix a lot of my control issues by having the aircraft behave more realistically
<Truga> yes far makes planes easier to use IME, but it'll also kill you if you design anything incorrectly
<SporkWitch> sounds like it'll be more help than hindrance, as part of my problem i think is building planes how they logically should work rather than how they work in KSP lol. Reading up on FAR I figured out why those spins were unrecoverably when they should have been: no "weathervane" effect in KSP. I couldn't understand why throttling up and pointing down didn't stabilize me like it should lol
<darsie> Did you turn the rudder correctly?
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<SporkWitch> O.o
<SporkWitch> packbart: not sure which is doing it, but i suspect waterfall, instant FPS death on the ground lol. Seems fine once I get a couple hundred meters up
<SporkWitch> damn is it pretty, though lol
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<SporkWitch> note to self: flying at 1.7km/s at sea level turns you into a fireball :P
<raptop> :D
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<SporkWitch> to be fair, i kind of did it on purpose for fun lol
<SporkWitch> also, it seems the FPS issue is specific to the waterfall presets for the rapiers; nukes, whiplash, and aerospike don't cause even a hiccough
<Althego> waterfall?
<SporkWitch> engine plume mod
<SporkWitch> even prettier than realplume
<SporkWitch> i swapped it in for realplume, and added spectra for cloud effects and such
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<SporkWitch> hmmm, 2 rapiers = fine, 4 rapiers = goodbye FPS lol
<Althego> too bad they never made bigger versions of the rapiers
<SporkWitch> the solution seems to just be "moar rapiers" lol
<SporkWitch> wish i knew what exactly it was about the rapiers that instantly tanks FPS above 2 of them. don't have the same issue with whiplash, aerospike, nukes, etc. it's SPECIFICALLY something about the effects waterfall's preset is applying to the rapiers...
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<flayer> i'm tired Althego
<flayer> how are you
<Althego> end of year fatigue
<Mat2ch> it's weeks until that!
<Althego> 2 weeks
<Althego> somehow habe yo push through
<Althego> have to
<Mat2ch> in two week its going to be still November!
<Althego> but no more work for me
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<Mat2ch> Free until new year?
<Althego> yes
<Mat2ch> Nice
<Mat2ch> that's 6 weeks or so
<Mat2ch> I'm going to tell my clients that I take the two weeks after christmas off
<Mat2ch> which will be no problem, because nobody will be working those two weeks...
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<packbart> SporkWitch: huh, that's odd. I don't use Rapiers myself, though. you could try and fiddle with the Waterfall settings (it's got a UI to modify them) or maybe ask on the mod's thread
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<SporkWitch> packbart: yeah, the interface isn't exactly... intuitive heh. there's no simple or obvious quality settings heh
<Althego> docking in a few hours
<Althego> also space is back. but i need to sleep
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