Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You deliver a rover via fractional orbital bombardment. You crack a joke about it.
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<SporkWitch> packbart: gotta be something unique about the smoke effects of the rapiers when on the runway. once i get to a couple hundred metres framerate stabilizes just fine. it's really weird
<raptop> o_O
<SporkWitch> raptop: since switching out realplume for waterfall, i've been getting severe framerate issues with more than 2 rapiers on the runway, but it's ONLY the rapiers and only when close to the ground. Can't figure out what it is about them, since the effects don't appear significantly different from other engines that don't cause any issues
<raptop> Yeah, that's really weird
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<flayer> i should add a flotation device to debris recovery missions
<SporkWitch> whee! friendly mun giving me a boost away from kerbin!
<SporkWitch> don't necessarily need it because holy crap i love ion engines, but handy nonetheless ^^
<umaxtu> you wouldn't happen to work for Sienar Fleet Systems would you SporkWitch?
<SporkWitch> umaxtu: sounds familiar; i think one of the corps i used to run with joined them at some point
<SporkWitch> i haven't played EVE in quite some time, though
<SporkWitch> also, not so friendly mun, it wasn't a boost, it was an impact! lol
<SporkWitch> the orbit predictions lied!
<SporkWitch> ah, also explains why it sounds familiar; SFS designed the TIE craft, didn't they?
<SporkWitch> hence your joke, given TIE = Twin Ion Engine
<umaxtu> yup
<flayer> nerds
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raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | PS5 & XBox X/S with kb & mouse support |
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<raptop> uh
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Now hiring: Probodobodyne, Kerlington Paper Products, Sienar Fleet Systems
<umaxtu> lol
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<SporkWitch> can a clampotron jr dock with a full-size?
<Althego> only in the editor
<Althego> so it can undock, but not dock
<SporkWitch> gotcha, thanks
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<SporkWitch> lol, my probe doesn't float, i have to sink to the bottom of the ocean before i can recover it lol
<Althego> unless it is squashed by the pressure
<Althego> i dont knwo what you did, it is hard to make things sink in ksp
<XXCoder> yeah. danny made a sub, and it had to have engines pointing up to go in
<SporkWitch> was a qbe probe core, a xenon tank, a tiny reaction wheel, an ion engine, and a parachute; it sank at 1.1m/s lol
<SporkWitch> also, apparently the decoupler from one of my stages splashed down intact... lol
<SporkWitch> i'm wondering if the info about things despawning in atmosphere is outdated and i SHOULD strap parachutes to my stages...
<Althego> they do despawn
<SporkWitch> lol, apparently i got money and science for depth records lol
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<SporkWitch> i am pleased. put my first station in orbit around kerbin but was lower than i wanted. flew my spaceplane up to it, pushed it into a higher orbit, and successfully landed back at the KSC :) (yes, i realize this is basic stuff, but it's still satisfying lol)
<darsie> pics
<darsie> Not sure if I should show you my stations :).
<darsie> Pic including contract, if possible.
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<SporkWitch> was a real simple contract, just needed power, comms, and space for 5 kerbals, so I just did a cupula, hitchhiker, communotron, a big-ass battery (the one that matches radius with hitchhiker module), some monoprop, RCS, and a clampotron. I modified my spaceplane, replacing the mk2 cockpit with the mk2 in-line, an adapter, and shielded clampotron, so i could push along center of mass, instead of having it hang off the
<SporkWitch> plane's "neck" by the ventral clampotron
<SporkWitch> *dorsal, rather
<darsie> nice
<darsie> Mine would have been much smaller :).
<darsie> The cupola has high drag. Putting it in a fairing may help.
<SporkWitch> i used a fairing; since figuring them out i've been using them extensively, just makes things so much more controllable
<SporkWitch> i was just cheap on the launch booster, had JUST enough to get me into an 80/73 orbit
<SporkWitch> it's now at a nice 150/150 orbit
<SporkWitch> (not going to keep this particular configuration, or if I do, I'll need to tweak the fuel distribution; this ended up with 400-500 less deltav once I reached orbit than it did with regular mk2 cockpit instead of the inline, adapter, and dock
<SporkWitch> one thing i do find annoying / weird: no steering on the medium and larger landing gear
<SporkWitch> correction, just the large, but still
<SporkWitch> bah, can't seem to find a way to tie a rotational servo to yaw control and have it reset to zero when released lol (trying to make large landing gear capable of steering, like it should be)
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<SporkWitch> not fair! i just spent like 15 minutes carefully linine up my cargo bay to try to capture the pod i'm trying to rescue and bring it back down with me, and the damn thing just passes through the cargo bay like it's not there! lol
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<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Use the Klaw.
<Althego> or the force
<raptop> Force Klaw sounds like a Sith ability
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> now i imagine a darth maul kerbal with a hood
<raptop> As far as I'm concerned, the 2 Clone Wars series are more canon than the movies
<umaxtu> I still think that the Thrawn trilogy would've been much better as movies than the swill that Disney made.
<Althego> obviously
<umaxtu> They would have to get new actors though
<SporkWitch> the disney movies are intentionally bad, the writers and directors as much as admitted it, they set out to destroy star wars
<SporkWitch> or if you prefer more of a conspiracy theory: they made them bad to make the prequels look good in comparison (and they succeeded)
<Althego> all they did they destroyed themselves. the old star wars is still alive
<Althego> also destroyed their future income from star wars
<umaxtu> giving EA the exclusive license for star wars games didn't help either
<Althego> hehe, ea, one of the worst companies ever
<Althego> universally hated
<umaxtu> idk, Blizzard sounds pretty bad. at least if you are a female employee
<Althego> yes, the lates developments are devastating. blizzard went down the drain
<Mat2ch> I heard Rockstar did some great things with GTA 3...
<Althego> but i dont care about them anyway, the last game i liked from them was blakthorne
<Althego> yes they rolled back 3 offline games
<Althego> for the weekend
<Mat2ch> The offline games that now require an online launcher
<Mat2ch> and they didn't even upgrade the graphics, oh, noooooo
<Althego> luckily i never cared about gta either
<sandbox> it's a mixed bag
<umaxtu> and sued all the modders
<Althego> essentially a middle finger to all the community that has kept old games alive
<umaxtu> yup
<sandbox> guitar henk booths avaiable
<umaxtu> is that one of the typos in the remasters?
<umaxtu> also don't forget about the worst game dev of all. Squad /s
<Althego> i think the ksp2 team is already doing worse, even before release
<sandbox> vice city guitar shop texture no longer has guitars, just the text which is incorrect
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I'm somehow betting on it :(
<flayer> i've given up on games almost entirely
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<umaxtu> big games from big publishers, yeah
<SporkWitch> it's all about he indie lewd RPGmaker games :P
<umaxtu> indie stuff, sure. Stardew Valley is perfect. nobody can change my mind
<sandbox> oldies
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<SporkWitch> stardew is insufficiently lewd, but still fun; abigail = best bae
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