raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | DART launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk
shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu has joined #KSPOfficial
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu
<flayer> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, flayer
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> I've just started off
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> trying to do an SSTO
<flayer> a spaceplane SSTO?
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> can't seem to get out of the atmosphere, yet I've got hella delta V
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> yuppers
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> I cap at 380-odd meters per second
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> then pitch down unavoidably
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> unsure if it's the craft or my piloting\
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> I did alt-f12 to place myself in orbit to see if it would land safely and it glides like a dream
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> but I feel as if I'm throwing myself against a wall
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> or rather, kerbals against the ocean
<flayer> its probably a matter of speed/intake/thrust/weight
<flayer> if you're too heavy, you can't get up to speed to get a proper amount of intake/thrust for your jet engines to function properly
<raptop> Yeah, at least some engines lose thrust at mach 1, and drag does peak around there.
<raptop> I know some craft/players have a portion where the ascent includes a dive to get above it
<flayer> what's helped me solve this is reducing the amount of fuel
<raptop> Yeah, aircraft are weird in how sometimes less is more (because of drag)
<flayer> sometimes i do that, sometimes i fire my orbital thrusters for a bit of a boost
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> 1 nerv and 2 rapiers
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> I tried nosing down
<flayer> switch the rapiers to closed cycle for a bit
<flayer> to test things out
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> certainly
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> that's how I got to 380ms
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> 2o degrees got me to 30km
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> 20*
<flayer> then you're just too heavy, i reckon
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> twr is 1.67
<flayer> numbers mean nothing to me
<flayer> i do everything by feel
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> fair nuff
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> should I give up on making it a mining rig
<flayer> i can't imagine 2 rapiers being capable of bringing a mining rig and nerv into orbit
<flayer> but i have almost no experience with rapiers
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> mini rig but yeah maybe underpowered
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> unsure what else to use
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> attempting to figure out screenshotting
<flayer> replace the nerv with another rapier and see what happens
<darsie> You could use rockets.
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<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> https://imgur.com/a/T5LGLcm
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<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> @darsie how so? do you mean those such as the vector engine?
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> I'm a bit scatterbrained, partially due to the cooking of the all important snacks
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<raptop> shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu: orange tank + skipper can get you something like 4 tonnes to LKO. (IIRC, an orange tank is a bit too much propellant for the engine, but eh)
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<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> hmm
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> now it reaaaly wants to go left, and smashed its bckside off
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> *really
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> now it seems to be overpowered
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> leaps to 95m/s then does a power slide
<flayer> then you can scale back down or add more weight!
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> maybe I'm stupid but
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> WHERE DO I ADD MORE WEIGHT OMG
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> without increasing drag overmuch
<flayer> somewhere in the middle
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> extra fuel/oxidizer then
<umaxtu> oh my thats a long nick
* raptop wonders what esper's max length is
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> it was supposed to be "shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatube
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> so it must be 31
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> now it truly has all of the wibbly-wobbly and none of the timey-wimey
<umaxtu> no Doctor Who fans allowed here I'm afraid
* umaxtu takes a sip from his Tardis mug
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* packbart is listening to 11th Doctor Audio Books
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<umaxtu> audio books?
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<packbart> yes. I like listening better than reading. Eyes are not multi-tasking
<umaxtu> doctor who books?
<packbart> yes. there are lots of them. most of them by Big Finish
<umaxtu> huh. til
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<umaxtu> I'm still not caught up on the 12th's antics
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<flayer> you have a folder called 'eggplant' on your desktop
<Izaya> It appears I do.
<Izaya> Huh.
* Izaya doesn't run anything that provides desktop icons and generally forgets the folder exists
<flayer> why do you have a folder called eggplant on your desktop?
<Izaya> Got a mod for RimWorld that screenshots the map at regular intervals, and apparently I used the seed "eggplant"
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<Althego> the prichal iss module
<Mat2ch> nice nice
<Mat2ch> I wonder if the ISS will be spun around again...
<Althego> seems to be a common occurance now
<Mat2ch> Exactly
<Mat2ch> Also I hope all of you have soled their Lilium stonks, because they will soon run out of money...
<Althego> lilium was the much overrated elfen lied opening
<Althego> the end looked really bad, it was seriously misaligned at it was visible that id did fast corrections
<Mat2ch> you mean the video from two weeks ago?
<Althego> no, this one
<Althego> it was even a comical timing that the american said perfectly aligned, and the russian side said 30 deg off
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> I really wonder what is going on at Roskosmos? They had such a great software department for years and now this?
<Althego> hired ex-kerbal programmers? :)
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<Izaya> switched to kOS
<Althego> that sounds like a mission
<Althego> now we just need to find an outcome
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<Eddi|zuHause> an unscheduled kOS update delayed your maneuver node
<Izaya> I didn't know we were up to kOS 10
<Eddi|zuHause> isn't it 11 by now?
<Izaya> I think I'll be sticking to kOS 2000 either way
<Mat2ch> kOS 95 was the best one.
<Althego> does it have a windows naming scheme?
<Althego> or are we talking about ms stuff now?
<packbart> Red Onion is better, eehniweeh! :)
<packbart> (ok, it's Lua... still better than that kOS syntax)
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<Althego> kikkeri-ho-ho-ho lol
<raptop> Should I be concerned by the menu ideas?
<Althego> seems turkey is on now
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<Kalpa> Kikkerikuu
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<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> The crew of the ISS begins singing "you spin me right 'round"
<FLHerne> what, AGAIN?!
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> lul what
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> I ran out of oxidiser
<Althego> not yet, but they are already expecting it :)
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<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> with 5740 lf and 1060 ox, I ran out of oxidiser at 2161 units of fuel... meaning for every 3579 lf I require 1060 oxidiser...correct?
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<packbart> The wiki says: "Rocket engines using liquid fuel and oxidizer, use a volumetric mixture of 9 units of liquid fuel per 11 units of oxidizer."
<raptop> Yeah, all of the stock ones do that. I think shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu is also using jet engines at some points so wants additional lf
<packbart> yeah, the page says "Jet engines use intake air in a volumetric mixture of 1 unit of liquid fuel per 15 units of intake air."
<packbart> and it gets more complicated if you run nukes at the same time
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> I did as you suggested and switched to a rapier
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> which is why oxidiser became a problm
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> I had originally chosen a NERV for the efficiency and lack of high ox drain
<Althego> the nuke is really heavy, so it is only efficient for low twr long burns
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<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> thanks
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> the auto-generated subtitles on the nasa stream
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> gamma rays? no, Camrys
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> (inaudible) work has uncovered previously overlooked orbits that can produce
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> EXTREMELY ENERGETIC CAMRYS
<raptop> Oh no, a 10 MeV Toyota has collided with me!
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<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> outcome
<shoveakerbalinahatchthroughatu> switched to kOS, a 10MeV Toyota has collided with you!
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