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<SporkWitch> switching to rocket fuel did it; almost nothing left, but i should at least be able to deorbit lol
<SporkWitch> now to see how much weight i can add and still make it...
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<SporkWitch> made it to orbit and landed back at the KSC with 74.40 units of liquid fuel left ^^
<SporkWitch> victory for the day lol
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You search for the LD-50 of boosters. Quantum Gravity glances sharply in your direction and demands to know what you think you are doing.
<Izaya> LD50 of boosters is an interesting concept
<Izaya> How would you measure it? I feel like any booster at all ingested would probably be lethal
<Izaya> But the lethal dose for 50% of people of boosters on a rocket?
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<SporkWitch> most rocket fuels are ULTRA toxic lol. a lab tech died because of a single drop of a mercury-mixed fuel seeping through her latex glove and into her skin.
<SporkWitch> (hence why we don't use those kinds of fuels heh)
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<Izaya> I think there's a significantly increased percentage of birth defects under the flight path of the Soyuz
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<Mat2ch> what a great shot!
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<Mat2ch> SpaceX seems to be done with reeving the chopsticks
<Mat2ch> and it looks like they are slowly lifting
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<Althego> there was a 15th flight of ingenuity
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<SporkWitch> bob is officially a jerk. keeps getting in the passenger seat when i didn't want him, now to see if the kerbal i went to rescue can get down clinging to the cockpit door lol
<SporkWitch> (i didn't notice him in the seat until i'd already gotten to orbit lol)
<Althego> still better than jeb
<SporkWitch> i'm gonna try to save him, because why not; worst case i revert to hanger and kick bob out lol
<SporkWitch> i did manage to get my weight down a bit, though. can afford to get rid of a bunch of oxidizer, and smaller wings, since the wings are really more about stability from what i can see
<SporkWitch> it's actually more stable now that i have left lift, and i just try to run the ramjets at greater than 1TWR at all times, kick in the aerospikes around in time to keep me over 1.3 as i kill the ramjets
<SporkWitch> additionally, assuming the kerbal i rescued doesn't get burnt to a crisp, he might be able to hang on all the way to landing, this thing was pretty gentle on my last flight
<SporkWitch> definitely thinking the last aerodynamics node will help; better, lighter surfaces
<SporkWitch> even this thing, though, 2k in fuel to get to orbit and land back at the KSC? yes please
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<raptop> building a small plane around the turboramjet engine is very fun
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<SporkWitch> yeah, i'm planning to replace my little panther-based scout with those; high altitude, high speed should be great for those travel and report missions on kerbin
<SporkWitch> though if i can get this spaceplane improved, that'd be great for it too, since i could just deorbit where needed
<darsie> Hmm, I guess you can measure stuff from space with a suborbital flight.
<SporkWitch> most of the ones i have are only for altitudes just above 18km
<SporkWitch> which those ramjets have ZERO issue reaching lol
<SporkWitch> they're thirsty as hell, but holy hell do they burn hard once you get up to speed
<raptop> The thrust curve is hilarious. I think you might be able to hit 2-3 Gs in some ascents?
<SporkWitch> oh easily lol
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<SporkWitch> this splaceplane doesn't hit 2 except right as i kick in the aerospikes, but it works great, and i'm now reliably getting low orbit with enough fuel to do a little maneuvering and deorbit
<SporkWitch> also, this launch worked out PERFECTLY. just wait 1d and do a 1.5m/s burn and i get a 1.2km rendesvous haha
<SporkWitch> this time without that jerk bob (the one i was trying to rescue kept ending up crispy; couldn't manage to let him do an orbital skydive lol)
<raptop> hah
<SporkWitch> space shuttle had what, 500m/s delta-v?
<darsie> Once in LEO?
<raptop> wikiality says ~300 m/s
<SporkWitch> i think that article is REALLY outdated, because there's no way to control pitch or roll on EVA UNTIL you deploy your chute
<SporkWitch> (tested it yesterday, just wanted to see how the parachutes worked
<raptop> It probably predates parafoils at least
<SporkWitch> "why are my burns not doing what they should?" *notices it's still on target mode* >_<
<Althego> the usual was to land on the head, and the helmet protects the kerbal
<Althego> since the personal parachutes tou dont even need that
<SporkWitch> trick is getting into the atmosphere without ending up crispy heh
<Althego> hehe, watching some random video about frogs. and i hear kiara's intro music lol. it is like with ksp when you hear that music in an other context you suddenly think of THE place where you remember it from
<darsie> Jetpack deorbit still works as advertised.
<SporkWitch> semi-related question: is it a mod that let's people target the east and west ends of the runway? or am i just doing something wrong? Would be really handy to get the nav marker at the actual spot, especially at night
<SporkWitch> (WTB ILS :P)
<Althego> yeah it was explicitly said they would never add it
<Althego> an they never did
* raptop assumes either mods or parking craft in those locations
<umaxtu> I usuaally used waypoint manager to put a marker at each end
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<flayer> the runway lights up..
<SporkWitch> gotcha
<Althego> hehe when we were doing the gca simulation for e3a, we heard at least 1000 times during testing... this is frisbee radar, how do you read?
<SporkWitch> looking at the flight path, it looks like i might arrive just at dawn, heh
<Althego> not an ils, but something like that, just more annoying
<packbart> I've seen people place flags at the runway ends, too
<darsie> I guess you can target them.
<packbart> yes. I usually don't bother landing on the runway, though ;)
<Althego> still doesnt give you glideslope and center line deviation
<Althego> it wouldnt be too hard to add
<XXCoder> landing? is that thing youre supposed to? ;)
<Althego> hehe
<XXCoder> succeed on landing few times actually, its bit hard. i focused a lot more on rockets than planes
<packbart> XXCoder: I rarely build planes but I call it a successful landing if the cockpit survives
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<Althego> hehe
<XXCoder> lol
<Althego> you know the syaing
<packbart> yeah, I usually don't explore the plane tech tree nodes until very late
<Althego> any landing you can wlk away from
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<Althego> yes planes are lagging way behihind anything for me too
<packbart> I haven
<packbart> err
<Althego> at least onw node behind everything
<packbart> I haven't tried building planes in JNSQ
<XXCoder> never really did research type game
<XXCoder> though i did do some of it. always laughed that wheels is hard to get
<Althego> until i can get the panther, then i buy it instantly and i have a worthy plane to collect science with
<Althego> that one is wah higher than any plane elements i need
<Althego> my yearly hibernation is coming. maybe i can start a career game again
<SporkWitch> i can't help it, i'm a plane guy, heh
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<SporkWitch> rofl, 112km apo before flameout by replacing the panthers on my little "scout" jet with whiplashes and the intake with a shock cone lol
<XXCoder> alt one of my favorites science was getting one of guys outside rocket while its rocketing up
<XXCoder> "its windy" no crap serlock
<XXCoder> trick is to turn off engine for a min or so
<XXCoder> squeeze a bit of more sciece out lol
<Althego> i always do that
<raptop> stepping out of the capsule at 69 km, grabbing an EVA report, and getting back in before descending further: always amusing
<Althego> as soo nas i can do evas, among the first rockets, i collect science in the atmosphere
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<Althego> watching back zombie check. she was on a roll today
<Althego> kikkerikii
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<Althego> i want to go to sleep but birdcat...
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