Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
<SporkWitch> wow that was a hot return; i actually saw a heat bar on the heat shield lol
<packbart> it's fine ;)
<SporkWitch> it was; still surprising lol
<SporkWitch> was definitely pretty tight on fuel thanks to the couple screwups on minmus, but it got jeb home. Left Bob the scientist and Bobvin the engineer on minmus at the lab :P
<SporkWitch> they'll probably be there a while... lol
<darsie> I just returned two Minmus scientists and their lab to Kerbin.
<darsie> After many 29 years :).
<SporkWitch> is there any reason to bring the lab back? i figured i'd just leave it; by the time it's practical to return it, it's not worth the money back on it, right?
<darsie> right, but I had a double mission: Transfer any crew near Minmus, and it didn't accept transfer of hte stranded Kerbal to the command seat of the fuel shuttle I sent, so I got the lab to orbit and transfer there counted. Then I brought all three back.
<darsie> three Kerbals with a two seat lab ... :)
<SporkWitch> lol
<darsie> One held onto the ladder during burns, then had to let go for time warps ...
<SporkWitch> i kind of wish there was more stuff on kerbin itself. As I unlock more plane parts I'm finally getting some decent aircraft, but there's zero reward. It's like it's basically wasted science until you unlock aerospace tech
<darsie> Well, depends how much you like flying. I once circumnavigated Kerbin with a Juno and two small wings. Was it two aluminium fins?
<darsie> Had to take off and land vertically.
<SporkWitch> hmmm, this could be a problem... unlocked the big plane parts... but not the big landing gear... lol
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<XXCoder> SporkWitch: lol can always land in water
<XXCoder> if i recall right, its less acidic than in old days
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<raptop> Yeah, the biggest deathtraps are the mountains if anything
<Althego> where, why?
<raptop> I've had capsules flip/roll into going boom
<Althego> me too
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<Althego> cocktail mixing reaper
<Althego> or is ir reaper mixing cocktail
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<UmbralRaptop> … is the cocktail safe to drink?
<Althego> they looked ok, but we will never know
<UmbralRaptop> Obviously a phoenix should try them first
<Althego> far away. and i think calli already drank them
<UmbralRaptop> hm
<Althego> also kiara doesnt drink alcohol
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<minas_tirith> Althego, whats kiaras sona
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<pureblood> Any rocketery geeks here?
<pureblood> I need some information
<a_flayer> no, there's no one in this irc channel that has a fondness of rockets
<a_flayer> we are all here because we enjoy administration and marketing
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you are better off not trying to use hydrazine and red fuming nitric acid
<darsie> I tried RFNA+ethanol. It's not hypergolic.
<Althego> i think at this point everything has been tried
<Althego> and mostly settled to IRFNA and hydrazine. or hydrazine + udmh and dinitrogen tetroxide
<darsie> Does RO have FOOF?
<darsie> I thought about sealing N2O in glass vials and observe the N2O<-->N2O4 reaction.
<darsie> I've made ampoules with liquid CO2.
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<Althego> i guess then you are the closes to a crazy rocket scientist here
<darsie> :)
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<pureblood> I need HTP:Ethane reaction data, namely activation energy, autoignition temp, characteristic flame length. Anyone?
<darsie> Try ##space in libera.
<pureblood> IRFNA-IV a.k.a HDA is indeed superior to IRFNA-III, and I heard that vacuum restarts weren't actually limited by something other than engine seconds (think later agena tech)
<pureblood> libera? what's that?
<darsie> , created due to the takeover of freenode.
<Althego> what remains from freenode
<pureblood> eek, I would never
<pureblood> I am a christian
<darsie> never what?
<Althego> probably thinks it has to do with libertarians
<pureblood> I do not want to have anything even remotely in common with that filth, darsie
<pureblood> (former freenode)
<darsie> gl, then.
<pureblood> Althego: been idling there when 9600 baud modem was luxury, or rather on what became freenode later. Watched it rot. Never again.
<Althego> i just went there after it became libera
<pureblood> lol
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<a_flayer> lol, my vtol aircraft works so well i just landed it blind
<a_flayer> i was reading the chat while descending, and when i looked back i had landed safely on the ground
<Althego> hehe
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<SporkWitch> does the atmospheric fluid spectro-variometer count as a pressure sensor and thermometer, or something else entirely? It seems like it would logically gather the same data as those two, reducing how much junk i have to cart around, but logic and kerbals don't always mix heh
<Althego> "Despite some criticism claiming that fluid spectro-variometry isn't a real science"
<Althego> i guess it would measure composition
<SporkWitch> ah, fair point. are there any science gizmos that combine multiple earlier ones or is that probably a mod-only thing?
<Althego> the stock things are all different as count as their own measurement
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<SporkWitch> think my next mission is going to be a duna orbiter and rover, should hopefully give me the science and money i need to upgrade R&D and unlock aerospace
<darsie> SporkWitch: *SPOILER* The easy way to complete the tech tree is via a research lab on Minmus wiht as many sensors as you can get. The easy way to make all the money you need is to wait for a contract to scan for high inclination asteroids with the IR telescope.
<darsie> That way you never have to fly to other bodies than Minmus :).
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<SporkWitch> darsie: i do have a lab on minmus now; that was yesterday's mission. Bob the scientist and Bobvin the engineer (rescue from orbit mission :P) stayed behind to man the lab, Jeb flew the tug back to kerbin. Also just unlocked the first telescope, so might start seeing those come up. I'll orbit a satellite then :)
<SporkWitch> sadly weekdays mean i actually get customers and can't goof off all day lol; huzzah for 4x10's though, no work wed-fri :)
<darsie> SporkWitch: check for highly paid asteroid scanning contracts, wait 7 days, check again ... till you find one.
<darsie> >1 MVF. They go up to 10 MVF.
<darsie> Maybe not early in the game.
<darsie> Don't settle for <1 MVF.
<darsie> Only ... you miss out on many other contracts that way.
<SporkWitch> MVF?
<darsie> mega virtual funds
<darsie> I read the currency symbol as VF.
<SporkWitch> ah, so by that you mean 1 million funds?
<darsie> yes
<SporkWitch> wow that's a jump; the most i've seen from contracts so far is 80-300k for rescue missions depending on where they are, and like 500k for a base that i probably can't orbit economically yet (since i don't have parts that allow enough kerbals to meet the population requirement)
<raptop> VF or roots being some of the terms people use for the kerbal currency
<SporkWitch> i've just been calling it "funds" since that's what the wiki used lol
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<darsie> It may take a lot of game time, so if you want to be efficient that way, it may not be for you.
<SporkWitch> i've mostly been stressing science and funds efficiency, because i always worry about getting "stuck" heh. less worried about time. yesterday's mission is the closest to even having simultaneous missions running, and it hardly counts since i did the single mission in real-time and the split left them stationary on the surface lol
<SporkWitch> though thinking about it, i might try welding the rover wheels i brought to the lab itself, and see if the RCS can tip it over and it's stable as a mobile lab... if so, that'll be super helpful
<Althego> caleld kerbucks and spesos
* raptop sort of wishes that the devs had used ¤ (generic currency symbol)
<SporkWitch> lol, i like spesos lol
<SporkWitch> G is also a good / common one. could be gold, gil, geld (german for both gold and money)
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<deadmind> check out this cool graphics mod for ksp :D
<Althego> hehe
<deadmind> dem plumes would wreck my 960ti
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<SporkWitch> pureblood: just realized there's a #kspmodding channel; you might try that question you've been struggling with there
<packbart> hm. is that different from #kspmodders?
<Althego> oh no, chicken in less than half an hour
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<Althego> whispering kikkerikii
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<pureblood> packbart: #KSPModders Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services (while #KSPModding allows join but is dead - in fact I went there 1st, but haven't seen a single person talk/answer there yet)
<pureblood> (not that I had any meaningful or remotely useful response here, so in that sense this # is kinda dead too, or surely looks this way)
<packbart> yeah, I always forget the nickserv password and by the time I can finally join, I forgot the question ;)
<raptop> something something audoident scripts
<packbart> I did get some good answers, iirc, though
<packbart> so there are weeks of silence in #kspmodders but if a question comes up, it (usually) gets an answer
<pureblood> raptop: something something autoidenting vaxx passports
<raptop> oh, right, I should renew my normal passport
<pureblood> raptop: something something autoidenting IMSI in your phone tied to that same DDSS:VS blockchain from
* raptop is increasingly confused by pureblood's point
<pureblood> raptop: something something lower social credit score for systemically marooning kerbals on far orbits
<pureblood> confused? Don't you know about DDSS? Don't you know about patent MS2020-060606 ?!? If you did, you'd get why I'm now totally opposed to any means of identification
<packbart> but look how happy they are!
<packbart> floating about on distant trajectories
<pureblood> see, packbart got Klaus's point just right
<pureblood> to cite our lord Schwab some more -
<pureblood> Ze pandemic provided an opportunity for a reset. A Great Reset, if you will. A Shemitah. We vill 6uild 6ack 6etter.
<pureblood> In ze fourth industrial revolution you vill not buy or sell wissout ze mark of ze beast.
<pureblood> Ze future of food is cockroaches and suylent.
<pureblood> Ze farmland vill be owned by Gates to eliminate carbon.
<pureblood> Ze overlords vill regulate you to one hamburger's worth of beef a year.
<pureblood> You vill take ze estrogen in your water and soy food.
<pureblood> You vill turn in all semi-auto guns.
<pureblood> You vill wear 6 masks.
pureblood was kicked from #KSPOfficial by raptop [pureblood]
<raptop> guess we got a loon
<Mat2ch> I'm not sure what to make of it
<Althego> that came out of nowhere
<Mat2ch> yes
<packbart> stunning :)
<raptop> Mat2ch: us politics is sometimes extremely wacky
<packbart> "Klaus Martin Schwab is a German engineer and economist best known as the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum." - uh-huh. whatevs.
<Mat2ch> but this was unprovoked
<Mat2ch> just of ouf nowhere this stuff
<Althego> my knowledge of economics is from "tooth fairy" (nanowar of steel)
<packbart> or the Ironmonger
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