raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | DART launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk
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<NGC3982> hi
<Mat2ch> Hi
<Mat2ch> was pretty quiet in here yesterday...
<Mat2ch> we might see a static fire today of S20
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<darsie> I saw an anomaly next to Gilly?!
<darsie> It's gone, though.
<darsie> Floating? Altitude bug?
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<darsie> It's on the ground.
<FLHerne> I see the scanner draws a perfect sphere
<FLHerne> whereas Gilly is...not spherical
<FLHerne> so the anomaly is probably on one of the higher bits of ground
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<Althego> a green monolith
<Althego> lol that big antenna on the small probe
<darsie> :) It's my Eve relay.
<darsie> Didn't fit in a 1.25 fairing ... https://i.postimg.cc/ZJLcp4mJ/screenshot425.png
<darsie> 1337
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<sandbox> aww missed it
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<darsie> I docked at Gilly. Now I have to get back ... https://i.postimg.cc/Fh3gt3CD/screenshot430.png
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<Mat2ch> Oh, I hated those missions
<Mat2ch> it takes ages too get there and back
<Mat2ch> and then there's maximum time warp and its so slow
<darsie> I kinda want to try to fulfill those Record Society contracts and see if they're exhausted I get some for Duna.
<bees> Mat2ch: just accept rescue missions for the same body
<bees> fullfills all three of that... awful contracts at the same time
<bees> bring a claw, ofc
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<Mat2ch> darsie: I always wanted to exhaust them as well.
<Mat2ch> But usually stopped at Eve or Duna, because I built so huge ships that my computer couldn't handle it anymore and it wasn't fun.
<Mat2ch> I'm on a Ryzen 2700X btw...
<Mat2ch> I blame Unity
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Why do you build such big ships?
<darsie> How does a Ryzen 2700X compare to an i7-3770?
<Mat2ch> Well, Eve is hard, but I wanted to land three Kerbals there. So I needed a huge ship. Also I wanted to refill there, needed something to refill, too.
<darsie> And get back?
<Mat2ch> I use a transfer stage in orbit for that usually.
<Mat2ch> But no flying over, I need a docking port. That was my rule.
<darsie> Need to get to orbit.
<Mat2ch> Oh, yes, that's what you meant. Landing three Kerbals, refilling the ship, getting back up again
<darsie> Can Kerbals tunnel through picoports+
<Mat2ch> then dock to the transfer stage and get back.
<Mat2ch> I don't know
<darsie> I did an Eve sample return mission wiht just Jeb. It was hard.
<darsie> Left a Dawn wiht a seat in orbit.
<darsie> IIRC
<Mat2ch> In the past I went there already with three Kerbals and got back up
<Mat2ch> but it got worse and worse with the speed
<Mat2ch> S20 static fire soon maybe
<darsie> thx
* darsie drank poison.
<Mat2ch> not take the antidote!
<darsie> what?
* raptop assumes that darsie let a bunch of grapes go bad
<Mat2ch> then what about some old, hardend milk to it?
<darsie> Someone else let grape juice go bad and sold it.
<darsie> I don't eat cheese. I'm environmentally friedly.
<darsie> n
<Althego> so what are they doing? nothing is happening and the siren was a long time ago
<Althego> detanking
<Althego> maybe this was the test
<Althego> i mean who knows what they are doing
<Althego> maybe it was just a rehearsal
<Althego> or they failed
<Mat2ch> We don't know :(
<Mat2ch> We don't even know if they may recycle
<Mat2ch> They have 4 hours left
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