raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Current JWST explosion date: 2021-12-25-12:20:00Z http://esawebtv.esa.int/ and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBaDdAbGlFDeS33shmlD0A
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<flayer> with the persistent rotation mod its a lot easier to do maneuvers with very little reaction wheel action
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<flayer> sometimes i feel really nervous that i only have a rudimentary understanding of how the universe works
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<sandbox> how does it work?
<darsie> We haven't figured it out completely, yet.
<flayer> and that isn't unnerving to you?
<darsie> Like relativity and quantum mechanics are incompatible, so they're incomplete.
<darsie> no
<flayer> I'm not even sure how taxes work
<darsie> You could learn that if it's important to you.
<flayer> let alone relatively and quantum mechanics, or the fact that they're incomplete
<flayer> lmao
<darsie> relativity*
<flayer> yeah
<darsie> It's very complex and our minds are limited. We're the first species advancing this much to worry about such things. Maybe future beings will figure it out.
<darsie> We can live without such knowledge.
<darsie> We can do simpler things, like figure out why fairings have high drag in KSP if they're the root part.
darsie is now known as darkie
<flayer> i don't understand how any of that works either - how do they make it have drag on the magic light surface that I'm looking at?
<flayer> wat.
<flayer> i'm no stranger to coding, but there's a huge part in this process that i don't fully grasp
<darkie> It's not magic, it's technology. Magic doesn't exist. Well, depending on how magic is defined. If it's something some people can do and others can't, then sure it exists. But I rather view magic as violations of the laws of nature and if magic existed, then it would just be more laws of nature and thus not be magic.
<flayer> it's /weird/
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<darkie> 1337
<Althego> .
<darkie> .
<flayer> alright, time for air
<Althego> dont, oxygen just kills you fatser
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<sandbox> fatser 1337
<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> lol way to go. using hot glue to make a gingerbread house
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<Mat2ch> Althego: ewww
<Mat2ch> the forbidden sugar icing...
<Althego> it is still not haachama cooking...
<Mat2ch> and I just don't want to know. :D
<Mat2ch> There might be a S20 static fire today.
<Mat2ch> How many static fires did we see with it yet? 3?
* darkie cleaned his windows.
<bees> darkie: You put a spaceplane into a regular plane to see whether it is somehow different from the usual metaplaning. A small dog accidentally eats the subsequent interstellar war.
<darkie> Infocom HH reference
* darkie cleaned his windows: https://i.postimg.cc/rMfGLwFD/DSC06575.jpg
<Mat2ch> So many of them
<darkie> The lower 6.
<darkie> There was an annoying noseprint on them which I tried to clean off, but then I thought, ah, I'll clean them fully.
* flayer sighs
<Mat2ch> John Madden died...
<sandbox> again?
<Mat2ch> Please elaborate
<Althego> "again?" that was used in stargate when they mention daniel jackson would die to see this, or something like that
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<Mat2ch> nice!
<Althego> if they can get 10 years out of it, then i would say it was exceptionally successful
<flayer> hrm
* flayer attaches floating devices to the detachable part recovery arm
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<Althego> so they did something
<Althego> can be a 6 engine test, or a 3
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<FLHerne> *scronch*
<Althego> yes, looks quite sad
<darkie> Bad landing?
<darkie> Or slipped?
<Althego> the landing seemed to be fine
<Althego> but now it is tilted
<FLHerne> I don't see how the octagrabber could have got underneath if the damage was against the deck on landing
<FLHerne> Looks like a leg's given away after driving the robot underneath
<FLHerne> s/away/way/
<Mat2ch> or some wave made the whole ship throw the booster around and the crush core of one of the legs got further crushed
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<Izaya> Nuclear shuttle is fully assembled in orbit! [cw ussr inspired flag] https://shadowkat.net/tmp/Wg7P.jpg
<raptop> big shuttle
<Izaya> not sure if I want to expand this one to the full 9 tanks or use it for KLO-LMO operations
<Izaya> And then there's the multi-docking module to work out. Maybe it needs to go to the station, provide more docking ports.
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<Mat2ch> firey afternoon in Boca Chica...
<darkie> Was there fire?
<Mat2ch> in the stream before...
<darkie> Says Test aborted.
<Mat2ch> they already did a static fire and now they aborted, but we're waiting for another
<darkie> can't find it.
<Mat2ch> here you go
<darkie> thx <3
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