raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | DART launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk
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<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You taunt DuoDex. You never expected to see a resonance cascade, let alone create one.
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<bees> raptop: You are tasked with extensive testing of thrust plates. Hull breach in Sector 12!
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<NGC3982> oh geez
<NGC3982> i have let go of the ksp2 thing for some time
<NGC3982> because im a father now and havent been able to play or really follow any news last year or so
<NGC3982> i hope we get to do more stuff with kerbals inside of the ships
<darsie> .
<NGC3982> pushing buttons, using levers, trying and prodding stuff
<Althego> i am not holdfing my breath for it
<NGC3982> yeah i know
<NGC3982> and i wont be dissapointed
<darsie> Perhaps it will be ready for your child :).
<Izaya> ayy just realised I can do a much cheaper Minmus insertion to just enter orbit then calculate a rendevous with the Minmus station and it'll be a lot faster than circularising
<NGC3982> oh, its that bad?
<darsie> No, I don't think so :)e.
<darsie> -e
<flayer> oh wow, you use docking ports to stabilize robotic parts when not extended
<flayer> or whatever
* raptop would weirdly enough want stock ability to write control software for the spacecraft
<Althego> you just need some sort of api. it wouldnt be too hard to make
<Althego> and then the sw could be in something that has bindings to that api, possibly python
<Althego> maybe lua
<Althego> this would also help the developers too
<Althego> but would open possibility for modders and tinkerers
<raptop> An explicit API so you can use your favorite scripting language would be very shiny
<raptop> well, until someone does a fully automated career using a bash script
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> raptop: Full tech tree, all building upgrades, collecting all science? :)
<darsie> Taking screenshots of all anomalies? :)
<raptop> darsie: I was mostly thinking of the first 2
<darsie> Is there more than just a monolith on Ike?
<darsie> Just say yes or no :).
<raptop> hrm, there didn't used to be a monolith
* raptop wonders how the magic boulder is doing
<darsie> I heard there's an obligatory, random monolith on every body.
<Althego> yes there is a random green monolith on every major body
<Althego> i think the wiki calls it mean green or something
<Althego> but it is the same as the normal blacks
<Althego> but the black ones are always at the same position
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* flayer pokes sandbox
<sandbox> don't poke me
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<sandbox> missed it
<Althego> the usual outcome
<darsie> .
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<Bebiezaza> is there an official KSP discord server?
<FLHerne> Official? No
<FLHerne> of course there are some
<Bebiezaza> that means we are still only on IRC, right?
<FLHerne> Yes
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<flayer> i'm pretty sure this is the official 1337 and kikkeriki channel, not so much to do with KSP
<FLHerne> Nonsense
<sandbox> it's true
<FLHerne> we talk about KSP at least weekly
<darsie> weakly ;)
<Mat2ch> flayer: you forgot the Texas Tank Watchers!
<Mat2ch> :D
<flayer> hah
<Bebiezaza> is there any squad employee representative of the wiki in here?
<darsie> Bebiezaza: Why?
<darsie> I forgot how to register at the wiki so you can edit, but I did.
<Bebiezaza> darsie I'm wondering if they can update the mediawiki engine to newer version
<darsie> Can't help you there.
<Althego> they can. but do they care? i dont beleive so
<Bebiezaza> and maybe JS userscripts (I don't know how vulnerable security would be for wikis in the same domain as other things)
<darsie> Might be a security risk, but probably running on a dedicated computer/VM.
<Bebiezaza> and maybe spell the end to the thai translation, because the localized size is very small and there's no official translation to stuffs in the game yet
<Bebiezaza> or maybe create a thread in the forum
<Bebiezaza> is there a forum category for wiki anyways?
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<raptop> blarg
<bees> raptop: You adopt a habit of announcing "I Know You're Listening" to empty rooms. This is counterproductive.
<raptop> bees: wait, you're not an unamused octopus
<raptop> !tell bebiezaza You'll probably have to email Squad et al about updating the wiki software
<raptop> huh, lunchbot can't do that
<FLHerne> I think that's wolframbot?
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<Althego> kikkerikii (take 2)
<raptop> Hey, at least if her computer burns down, it'll come back
<raptop> (right?)
<Althego> gwgw
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> hah, real image for opening a letter
<Althego> unusual for a new dress reveal
<Althego> heh cant wait for the collab
<Althego> have to sleep
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<raptop> sleep is for the birds, and birds aren't real
<sandbox_> sleep isn't real
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