raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Current JWST explosion date: 2021-12-25-12:20:00Z http://esawebtv.esa.int/ and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBaDdAbGlFDeS33shmlD0A
<darsie> SPOILER ALERT! LOL at Dres anomaly :)) https://i.postimg.cc/rVgb1tng/screenshot478.png
<raptop> hah
<darsie> :)
<Rokker> nice just got blocked by shuttle almanac on twitter
<Rokker> what a loser
<umaxtu> what did you do?
<SporkWitch> it's twitter, he probably blinked wrong; if he'd committed the heinous offense of saying "ok dude" he'd have been banned
<Rokker> umaxtu: I decided to point out he was being a bit of a cringe fedora wearing reddit atheist
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<umaxtu> oh boy. that will do it
<Rokker> eh I didn't say it like that
<Rokker> but he was being your standard r/atheism user
<Izaya> about the bible quote from the NASA ... director after the JWST launch?
<Rokker> yes
<Rokker> apparently it was an "insult to millions"
<Izaya> I thought it was really nice
<Rokker> nope
<Rokker> insult to millions
<Izaya> t. solidly in the "if there is a god we should kill it" camp
<Rokker> I responded with "Don't you have some Apollo astronauts to sue or something?"
<umaxtu> lol
* flayer releases some gas
<flayer> pfft that feels better
<flayer> it's just not right
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You must gather your party before venturing forth. You are bored to death.
<XXCoder> boring party prep eh
<darsie> ksp 1.12.3 crashed.
<UmbralRaptop> This is where you realize that UmbralRaptop is a fan of Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale
<UmbralRaptop> …gather your boosters before launching forth?
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<darsie> Not enough fuel to return from the surface of Dres.
<Izaya> A lot of the part descriptions mention stuff being cobbled together from what was laying around or it being found on the side of the road.
<Izaya> I literally just assembled an orbital tug from spare parts in my station's inventory.
<darsie> :)
<raptop> excellent
<Izaya> it's a tiny bit lopsided but who's keeping count, right?
<packbart> as long as the SAS can handle the thrust asymmetry, it's ok
<Izaya> I'll just slap some RCS thrusters onto whatever I'm moving around
<Izaya> it'll be fine
<darsie> With a gimbal it should be possible to thrust at the CoM.
<darsie> irl
<Izaya> Also, can I get the CoM overlay while in flight?
<darsie> I don't think so.
* raptop wonders if FAR has something like that
<Izaya> Behold, the scrap goblin built out of the spare parts from the station core's propulsion module and the multi-docking adapter's brains https://shadowkat.net/tmp/xOy7.jpg
<Izaya> oops, sorry, didn't mean to ping
<raptop> I like how the small space planes(?) are doing Progress impressions
<packbart> well, again, MechJeb can show CoM, CoL etc. in flight. Even ignoring the automation functions, it offers a lot of useful stuff. I'd never fly without it ;)
<Izaya> Also got a big surplus of the round external monoprop tanks. Might convert one of these orbital operations pods into an inter-orbit thinger.
<Izaya> the radially docked pods are the uhhhh
<Izaya> well they're somewhere between a ballistic reentry capsule and a glider, I guess?
<Izaya> the wings don't generate much lift but they make it easier to aim where I want to go
<Izaya> makes it easier to splash down near the KSC
<raptop> Ooh, for cross-range
<Izaya> yee
<Izaya> but yeah with all these spare monoprop tanks I might strap em to one of those pods and use it to transfer some people to the Minmus station
<Izaya> should be able to put enough fuel for like 1.2km/s of dV on one pod with some extra tanks
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<darsie> 1337
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<UmbralRaptop> .
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<Althego> usually darsie says .
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<UmbralRaptop> yes, though this time he noted leet time
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<Althego> i had a nap, so i did not observe leet time
<bees> Althego: You feed your kerbals catnip to see what will happen. The Cherenkov radiation is blindingly bright.
<sandbox> I'll probably be eating lunch for mine
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<Althego> moona is removing keyboatd switches because of some reason
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<darsie> .
<flayer> i'm gonna make pancakes tonight
<flayer> suck it!
<darsie> I usually bite or cut them.
<Althego> lol
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<darsie> .
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<Guest19059> How do you change your profile image?
<Izaya> IRC doesn't have avatars
<FLHerne> Guest19059: On the forum?
<Izaya> oh
<Guest19059> Yes
<Guest19059> My Kerbalsspaceprogram.com profile. It appears wherever I interact on the site
<Guest19059> The default image is a Kerbal silhouette.
<FLHerne> Assuming a desktop browser, top right, <your username> -> Profile
<FLHerne> then overlayed on the profile image top left of that page there should be an edit button
<FLHerne> Click that and choose a file
<Guest19059> I am not seeing the edit button :(
<Guest19059> Thank you for the help. I will try closing my browser and logging back it
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<packbart> well
<packbart> just when I made a screenshot :) https://i.imgur.com/QKuzhQu.png
Addle has quit [Quit: Quit.]
<darsie> KVIrc has avatars.
<raptop> that seems a bit cursed
<Izaya> IRCv3 has avatars, but >clients supporting IRCv3
<raptop> I suppose that's a reason to leave irssi someday
<raptop> ...also I need to eventually grab a raspi or something for bouncer porpoises
<Spork_Witch> i use IRC because i DON"T want the annoying fluff discord allows...
<Spork_Witch> also, kvirc FTW
<raptop> huh, you can set a unicode symbol next to your name?
<raptop> Is ☢ or the like allowed?
<raptop> Or ☿ if you want something semi-serious
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* darsie is banned from libera ...
<raptop> o_O
<sandbox> liberated
<FLHerne> darsie: znc uses the IRCv3 playback spec
<darsie> ok
<FLHerne> Also, I can see why you were banned :p
<FLHerne> if I didn't know who you were, I could easily mistake that for simple trolling
<FLHerne> and #libera is hardly short of simple trolls
<darsie> There's still #space in freenode ...
<FLHerne> (tbh I'm not sure what exactly you did mean, but it's off-topic here and not very relevant)
<FLHerne> Is that surprising?
<darsie> idk
<darsie> I didn't think about that.
<FLHerne> I assume freenode still ban anyone who tries to close or redirect channels
<FLHerne> Do you mean there's still an *active* #space on freenode? That would surprise me a bit
<darsie> There are ppl in there.
<raptop> huh
<FLHerne> Well, yeah, but IRC is notorious for the number of mysterious idlers
<darsie> mrdata ... petschge just left
* FLHerne looks at the ~100 people in here who have literally never spoken
<raptop> The I in IRC stands for idle
<FLHerne> or at least not in my memory
<Mat2ch> darsie: how did you get banned from libera?!
<darsie> That's off topic here.
<Izaya> I'm in channels for a few games where the channel isn't very active and I don't have a lot to say
<Izaya> so I never actually say anything I just sit there quietly
<darsie> Well, if you don't have anything to say ...
<Izaya> you never know when something interesting might pop up
<Mat2ch> a lurker in the shadows
* raptop pounces on Mat2ch
* Mat2ch tickles raptop
* raptop is tickled
<Mat2ch> say, raptop, how old are you? I mean dinosaurs are pretty old. Have you turned to fuel yet?
<raptop> You're thinking of algae and various plants
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<Mat2ch> well, then I wont put you in my tank...
<raptop> Yeah, I'm not qualified as a driver or gunner
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