raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Current JWST launch date: 2021-12-25-12:20:00Z
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You use the schwartz. Who cares?
<XXCoder> LOL
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<bees> XXCoder: You do something that you've done before. The booster stage is eaten by the space kraken, and the barge it was supposed to land on is eaten by the normal kraken.
<raptop> Given the booster's location at the time, it was really more of an atmospheric kraken
<raptop> The upper stage and payload, however, were eaten by space krakens
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<SporkWitch> Izaya: wassat?
<packbart> the normal kraken only eats upright boosters
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<Izaya> SporkWitch: 4chan/sci/ space flight general; that link got thrown aroun there a lot recently
<Izaya> on an unrelated note I'd love a mod that's a cross between chatterer and the navigator from rally games
<Izaya> What are my options for up-to-date mods to get telemetry to use in external scripts?
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<packbart> what does the rally navigator do?
<packbart> hm. there is that one mod that LGG uses that exports telemetry data into a file (to be read by OBS). can't remember the name
<packbart> depends on what you want to do with it
<packbart> Izaya: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/201967-112x-export-flight-data-to-a-csv-file-mod/ is not the one I was looking for but it seems to be compatible with 1.12
<Izaya> re: rally navigators, they call out upcoming stuff on the course and such, so for KSP I'd like something like "periapsis in one minute" or "100 metres to target" or something
<Izaya> was thinking I could rig up an external script to run espeak to say things based on telemetry if I wanted to do that
<packbart> ah, I see. that might be doable with kOS or Red Onion and speech synth maybe. I'm not sure anyone tried that before
<packbart> yeah, sounds like a plan
<packbart> the thing LGG uses should be able to export all the data for the script, too. I failed to find it in CKAN, though
<Izaya> There's those sim pit connector addons too
<Izaya> I could rig up a virtual serial port if nothing else
<packbart> kRPC is probably dead. that would have been my first suspect
<Izaya> I did find a version of kRPC compiled against 1.12
<Izaya> but I'm kind of eh about kRPC because it's primarily protobuf-based for TCP and the protobuf library for Lua needs an old version of Lua
<packbart> I used the python variant
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<Izaya> hmm, not a good start there
<Izaya> installed kRPC, wrote my script, queried the current game scene
<Izaya> frozen for 10 seconds
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<Izaya> okay well after that it seems to have found its brain
<Izaya> got a super basic script to call out when Ap and Pe are coming up
<Izaya> so I guess that's a good change
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<Izaya> Got a basic docking callout thinger
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<Xenofarion> Hello!
<Althego> hi
<Xenofarion> I have a question for someone more familiar with the game than I am :) Is there any way to display the total amount of fuel my spacecraft has on a glance? Or is there a mod for that? I'm trying to design my first SSTO and it's very cumbersome to empty/fill every single tank by hand
<Xenofarion> reason: I'm trying to use Mark Thrimm's formula for fuel: e.g. mass of jet fuel = ~0.72 x mass of payload etc.
<Althego> hehe the empty-fill thing a long recurring issue, i know no solution
<Althego> but the amount of fuel usually not important, delta-v is what is important, and that is displayed
<Xenofarion> I'd even be happy with a little QOL mod that lets me fill/empty every tank at once
<Althego> however the center of mass movement as the fuel drains requires to check it with mpty tanks too, so you still have to do it manually
<Xenofarion> Well, for SSTOs it's not that easy I fear. For space navigation or normal rockets it's no problem to just use dV, but the balance for air breathing engines is a bit more tricky
<Althego> yes, sstos are hard. but i never used formulas for them. still, the fuel thing is an annoying issue with the game
<Xenofarion> I'm shocked that there's no mod for that yet lol. I googled it and didn't find any. At least I found one for switching tanks from Lf to Lf+Ox and vice versa, so that's something
<Althego> there may be one
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<raptop> If I understand things correctly, the problem is that the display exists in-flight but not in-VAB
<Izaya> is it KER that adds the "Resources" readout in the bottom left?
<raptop> I think so
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<Xenofarion> @Izaya aww yiss
<Xenofarion> this was exactly what I was looking for. Love this community :)
<XXCoder> interesting
<darsie> Therefore we've used nuclear salt water rockets so far to get to other planets.
<Izaya> the NSWR is still an absolutely insane concept
<darsie> agreed
<XXCoder> yeah. dunnoi too
<raptop> very much so
<darsie> I'd like some numbers. How big a rocket would spew how much fissile material and fission products?
<XXCoder> im not sure what output is
<XXCoder> might be just water
<XXCoder> unless it explodes
<darsie> https://youtu.be/cvZjhWE-3zM?t=308 The Nuclear Salt Water Rocket - Possibly the Craziest Rocket Engine Ever Imagined.
<darsie> You'd be surprised.
<Izaya> my understanding is that it doesn't just explode, but it's a sustained nuclear explosion
<Izaya> fission explosion, that is
<darsie> 66 m/s flow of fissionable matter salt dissolved in water. In the reaction zone you need a critical mass. So say you have 50 kg critical mass and replace that 66 times/s ... you spew 3 tons of plutonium every second or so.
<bees> that would make for some hefty thrust
<bees> megatons level thrust
<darsie> How long would you burn? 1 minute? That's 180 tons plutonium.
<darsie> Now how big is that rocket?
<darsie> 100x as big? That's 18.000 t of rocket.
<darsie> You can't do it in LEO, as the exhaust would contaminate Earth.
<darsie> So you have to get 18,000 t to GEO or so, or Earth-Moon-L1. Can't use Oberth.
<darsie> So we use Starship to build that in GEO? Pretty sure we'll rather use Starship to go to Mars.
<Izaya> I imagine any nuclear propulsion would end up primarily for orbit-orbit transfer, along the lines of this https://falsesteps.wordpress.com/2013/09/27/the-reusable-nuclear-shuttle-to-the-moon-again-and-again/
<darsie> 700 GW continous
<Izaya> NSWRs are just absolute insanity (in the fun sort of way)
<Xenofarion> Have there been any balance changes to aerodynamics, RAPIERs or LV-N Nervs in the past 1-2 years? I'm trying to get Matt Lownes Duna SSTO to work, following his exact ascend path and can't even get it to LKO without running out of oxygen
<Xenofarion> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifZATdHiBCg I mean this one. *.craft file is linked there
<raptop> I know that there were some atmospheric tweaks in the 1.0.x versions, but I think it's been stable since like 1.2?
<darsie> Xenofarion: Did you mean LDO?
<Xenofarion> darsie: nope, LKO. This thing has dV for days once it's out of the atmosphere
<Xenofarion> I finally managed to do it. Classic case of "git gud". Apparantly I was a few degrees too steep while ascending. Did it now with 17 m/s of Ox to spare. Dafuq.
<Xenofarion> And in the vid he says this thing is super easy to fly with tons of reserves. Almost 300h in and I still suck :D
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