Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You grab the Magic Boulder with a Klaw. Your Isp is superluminal!
<raptop> !!Magic!!
<Althego> hehe
<XXCoder> :)
<Althego> but i guess meant exhaust velocity
<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You invent the Stabilized Liquid Hydrogen Metal Ballad. You simultaniously underfill and overfill the hbox, resulting in a badness of over 10000.
<XXCoder> lol
<raptop> Don't use LaTeX for composing music I guess
<Althego> no chad cast because of irys, but at least there will be a yagoo interview
<raptop> huh, shark with that dinosaur taming game
<Althego> there was also an owl
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<bees> raptop: You start a large and very expensive campaign to reduce public fear of the word "nuclear". Your rocket explodes while you're out having lunch.
<Althego> hehe, possibly a nuclear rocket
<raptop> wait, I was advocating for fixed reactors
<raptop> . o O (game that's equal parts orbital mechanics and nuclear reactors)
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<Althego> zombanwa, but it is japanese
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<Althego> holotalk with yagoo
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<darsie> .
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<Mat2ch> Oh no, S20 is on the move.
<Mat2ch> and it might be moved to the OLIT?
<Mat2ch> So they can try and lift it
<darsie> .
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<SporkWitch> i was wondering how my debris was still in orbit; duh, no physics if it's not loaded
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* raptop fondly recalls impossisats
<Althego> hehe, never heard about that
<Althego> orbiting in the atmosphere?
<SporkWitch> yeah, at 65km lol
<raptop> Well, back when the physics range was short, you could put one at like 23 km
<raptop> Right, the kill line is 0.01 atm (was 23.0259 km circa 0.14-0.90)
<raptop> So edit a craft into a 24 km circular orbit, and never get too close to it.
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<SporkWitch> well that was dicy. decided to take the current iteration of my spaceplane to minmus, land, and come back. no fuel left and i couldn't control reentry, even keeping it prograde the whole time, the tiny nudges to keep from overheating made it spin out, and then thanks to wonky KSP aerodynamics, couldn't get control again >_< managed to just barely keep the kerbals alive after 5 tries >_<
<SporkWitch> mission ended up being a net loss >_<
<raptop> whelp
<SporkWitch> i think it was just the higher speed coming back from minmus. it has no issues deorbiting from LKO
<SporkWitch> hell, it'd be fine if KSP just had sane aerodynamics
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<SporkWitch> rover wheels are all poopy... lol
<darsie> SporkWitch: Maybe installing FAR helps.
<SporkWitch> FAR would probably make everything explode lol
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