Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<darkie> 0622
<raptop> error: time is very not leet
<darkie> Good morning
<darkie> Good night
<darkie> better?
<darkie> Bad
<darkie> dark soul
<darkie> hi
<darkie> .
<UmbralRaptop> \o
* UmbralRaptop should probably attempt to sleep
* flayer tucks UmbralRaptop into bed
<UmbralRaptop> hm
<darkie> I work today, but woke up early.
<flayer> me too
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You begin another ;mission. Kerbals everywhere celebrate their increased life span.
<XXCoder> wow ;mission exploit to increase lifespan
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You decide to add some mods. You end up playing Ninja Scooter Simulator on the Commodore 64 for 9 hours straight.
<XXCoder> fancy
<Mat2ch> C64 mod for KSP, yeah
<XXCoder> my record was 14 hours lol I made custom orcs vs human map in warhammer and it was very tough mapo
<XXCoder> sadly, lost to time
<XXCoder> wrong name dammit
<XXCoder> warcraft.
<sandbox> I was about to ask if you meant warcraft
<XXCoder> its been a long time
<sandbox> I made so many fun maps for WC2
<XXCoder> pretty sure my maps was for wc1
<XXCoder> cant be certain, too long
<sandbox> I messed around with hex edits for 1
<sandbox> I can't remember much
<XXCoder> its been in 90s. 30 years ago roughly lol 25-30
<flayer> i made some scbw and wc3 maps
<sandbox> 2 had its own editor. but some of the features weren't available, so there was a custom editor too
<bees> XXCoder: You hold a black hole sale on black friday. Bob's chances of survival are directly proportional to his ability to count the shadows.
<XXCoder> my maps might be wc2 actually
<XXCoder> if wc1 didnt have editor
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<Althego> small arms :)
<Althego> moves surprisingly fast
<Mat2ch> Speed up ;)
<Mat2ch> Look at the Moon move
<Althego> ah
<flayer> its gonna be so crazy if they actually manage to make that stuff work
<XXCoder> light flickering a bit tooo
<XXCoder> and people warp speed
<Mat2ch> But it's a crane and some hydraulics. Can move fast. But will overswing a lot, so you need a good controller
<Mat2ch> If they can hover close enough to the tower the arms can just close and move up and catch the hovering booster
<sandbox> I used to make maps with thousands of troops all lined up with between 1 and 3 hit points each and matching random attack damage
<Mat2ch> That's what they're probably going to do. Not let the booster sink onto the arms, but have it hover and then drive the arms upwards and the gradually lower the boosters thrust.
<sandbox> well, maybe not thousands, but the maximum amount the game and my CPU could manage
<sandbox> it would gradually speed up as more of them died
<Althego> (local) leet time
<FLHerne> Yeah, in WarHammer it would be Orks
<FLHerne> s/H/h/
<sandbox> not if fantasy
<FLHerne> Has there been a warhammer fantasy game?
<FLHerne> *computer game
<sandbox> yes
<FLHerne> I was thinking of the Dawn of War 40k RTSes, you could definitely have human vs. ork maps there
<FLHerne> huh, missed that then
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<darkie> .
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<darkie> James Webb Space Telescope: Secondary Mirror Deployment - Mission Control Live
<Mat2ch> Jup jup jup
<Mat2ch> but a bit too dramatic music here
<darkie> :)
<darkie> NO leap second will be introduced at the end of June 2022.
<Althego> why is that news?
<Althego> did they wanted one but the nsomething happened that compensated for it?
<Mat2ch> Maybe
<darkie> Just arrived from the INTERNATIONAL EARTH ROTATION AND REFERENCE SYSTEMS SERVICE (IERS) Bulletin C 63 mailing list.
<darkie> The observed Earth and decided none is needed.
<darkie> they
<Althego> how about the world magnetic model updates? i think there was one not so long ago that had to be made out of the normal scheduling because of quick changes
<Althego> the nameless faceless they
<Althego> illuminati
<Mat2ch> Some even speculate about negative leap seconds we might need soon. But there's no protocol for them.
<Mat2ch> That'll be fun!
<Althego> lol
<Althego> just what we needed
<Althego> because timekeeping wasnt almost useless already
<darkie> For protection against SPAM, please tape "IERS" in this field :
<Mat2ch> That's a nice graph
<Althego> 0.3 ms is quite a big value
<Althego> no wonder there are these leap seconds
<darkie> She just said why there's no camera showing the Webb.
<darkie> Secondary deploying
<Mat2ch> Finally something happening we can "see"
<Mat2ch> there's some nasty static noise in the stream
<Mat2ch> very annoying
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<Mat2ch> Looks like it went well
<Althego> but not fixed yet
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<Althego> ok, now there are only the main mirror segments remaining
<Althego> in a few days
<Althego> why did latching take longer than the movement?
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<darkie> They could take pics now.
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<Althego> technically, yes
<Althego> depending on the wavelength
<Althego> but the mirror is still relatively warm, the cooler is not deployed, so maybe they would just take ap icture of the mirror
<Althego> phoenix soon
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<Mat2ch> There are several instruments which still could make something out of those images. But the images will be bad, because everything is made for long term exposure and for that you need attitude control
<Mat2ch> I wonder how good Balsa is doing...
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