Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<SporkWitch> looks like the raptop has gone extinct
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<transhohmann> As opposed to rapbottom?
<transhohmann> 2700-odd delta v and in a lovely orbit
<raptop> consider: a laptop owned and operated by velociraptors, with a raptor-based operating system
<transhohmann> Splendid
<transhohmann> set for some science and happy passengers
<raptop> Izaya: spinning at 15k rpm is how the gyros work, obviously
<Izaya> of course
<transhohmann> hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<transhohmann> I forgot to put the tourists on the ship.
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<raptop> oops
<transhohmann> indeed.
<transhohmann> good for endorphins.
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<Izaya> love me some tourist-free tourism
<raptop> Apropos nothing, have you seen darsie's typical tourist / space station setups?
<raptop> (bring your own oxygen)
<darsie> :)
<darsie> gn
<raptop> \o
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<transhohmann> I'm picturing rows of external command seats (can't remember the part name) under a fairing
<raptop> pretty much
<raptop> Though often it'll be something like the seats are attached to a small fuel tank and a 48-7S spark
<transhohmann> well
<transhohmann> it is lightweight
<transhohmann> lovely science from the mun, and 1258 dv to spare
<raptop> yay
<SporkWitch> that's more than spare, that's downright wasteful lol. leave that thing in orbit and grab it later lol'
<raptop> I mean, it's enough for a short hop
<SporkWitch> it's probably enough to add a stop at minmus and come back, if you wait for a good window
<SporkWitch> still filling in some holes in my mods. Starting an interstellar+MKS playthrough, but still struggling to figure out the progression path to setting up a colony with on-site production
<transhohmann> awesome
<transhohmann> yes, it was wasteful, but that dv barely saved me from death upon reentry
<transhohmann> 4000m/s at 35km
<SporkWitch> reentry heating in stock isn't bad, but definitely want a heat shield if you aren't circularizing in LKO before deorbiting, heh
<SporkWitch> alternatively, going shallow and aerobraking over a few orbits
<transhohmann> i was impatient after my passenger-free delay flight
<SporkWitch> i had one of my spaceplanes just barely manage it with 4 passes and no fuel left
<transhohmann> always fun
<SporkWitch> (that was returning from minmus)
<transhohmann> speaking of
<SporkWitch> interplanetary, heat shields are NOT optional heh
<transhohmann> I'm fine with getting to the mun, but minmus evades me
<transhohmann> I'm always going too fast
<SporkWitch> minmus is actually easier than the mun for landings, due to the lower gravity. the main thing is that it's on an inclined orbit.
<transhohmann> the incline is fine
<transhohmann> rhyme
<SporkWitch> it's actually less dV to go to minmus, land, and come back, compared to the mun.
<SporkWitch> if you're coming in too fast, it sounds like you're not waiting for a good transfer window
<transhohmann> but it's like reverse tylo, it doesn't want to grab you
<transhohmann> I'm a noob, frankly, I don't know much about windows
<SporkWitch> i've only gone to eve and duna, haven't gone to tylo
<SporkWitch> so with the mun and minmus, it's relatively easy. you want somewhere around a 60° angle between your maneuver node and minmus
<transhohmann> I ended up on a path to jool whilst attempting to get to duna (sandbox, not there yet in career), due to some unplanned gravity assists
<transhohmann> then crashed into tylo whilst warping
<SporkWitch> you can also use the stock maneuver planner once you're in a circular orbit with aligned inclination. don't use the one it gives you, it's WAY too picky and will always make you wait ridiculuos numbers of orbits, but by looking at it, you can see a relatively good positioning, and build your own at an earlier time
<transhohmann> hte one it gives me?
<SporkWitch> i've started using astrogator for convenience. i still make a point of plotting my first trip manually, as a way of keeping myself honest, but once i've done it once, i don't see an issue with using astrogator to do the work for me
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<SporkWitch> so the stock maneuver planner has options for transfer windows and can set an alarm and give you a burn for it. it's generally really far in the future, to save negligible dV or not even be an ideal window, but it WILL let you see the relationship between the maneuver and the target, so you can build your own at a better time
<SporkWitch> astrogator does the same, but it's much better at it, but for that reason, i make a point of doing my first trip to a new target without it, so it doesn't feel cheaty
<transhohmann> Now I have a mental image of an alligator in a spacesuit
<SporkWitch> (that said I'll usually tweak astrogator's maneuver as well to better suit what i want)
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<transhohmann> good to know, how do I access that function for the stock maneuver planner
<SporkWitch> honestly didn't even occur to me to read it that way, but i also already knew the term 'astrogation" and "astrogator" (literally just navigation and navigator, but for space)
<SporkWitch> it's the button on the toolbar that has the maneuver symbol
<transhohmann> As did I, but I'm a punchline processor
<SporkWitch> it requires you to be on a stable, relatively circular orbit
<SporkWitch> that's another reason astrogator is nice, as it will calculate transfer windows even if you're on the ground or in the tracking station, so you can timewarp to a good transfer window THEN launch
<transhohmann> heck yeah
<transhohmann> thanks
<XXCoder> ok
<XXCoder> erm wrong window
<transhohmann> ahh the strange craft i build to complete missions
<SporkWitch> 'tis the kerbal way
<transhohmann> "test 3.75m heat shield at 47,00m" I have only the smallest fuel tanks
<transhohmann> so, mushroom rocket
<transhohmann> *47,000m
<SporkWitch> test missions always result in crazy builds lol
<transhohmann> I love it
<SporkWitch> having a small SSTO spaceplane can be handy for those, since it makes it relatively easy and inexpensive to get to the testing requirements, test, and return
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<SporkWitch> note also: you can adjust thrust and fuel on SRBs in the hangar, so you can set them to 0.1 thrust and 0.1 fuel, further reducing costs and not risking the craft (and letting you recover the booster for even more back)
<transhohmann> I did make a jet that can fly for 3 hours IRL time and turn on a very large dime
<transhohmann> 8 tons total
<SporkWitch> planes are cool if patient. better to make a suborbital. Suborbital hops are awesome compromises on time vs fuel.
<transhohmann> I have definitely used a booster, empty, as the body of a plane
<SporkWitch> helicopters are pretty much totally non-viable, at least with stock physics.
<transhohmann> I made it for the temperature tests below 16,000 m
<SporkWitch> i'm torn on whether to make a go with FAR or not. It should make aircraft behave properly, but it'll also mean significantly increasing the challenge of making craft to leave the atmosphere, due to the much more realistic aerodynamics
<transhohmann> jsut scooting along at 10km and 570m/s
<transhohmann> FAR?
<transhohmann> fancy aerodymanics/
<transhohmann> and I mean manic
<SporkWitch> Faram Aerospace. It overhauls the aerodynamics to be much more realistic, even to the point of modeling how aerodynamics change between subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic speeds
<transhohmann> !
<SporkWitch> (put simply: you better build it right, or aerodynamic forces WILL tear it apart lol)
<transhohmann> yessss
<SporkWitch> kind of like ArmA, a LOT of mods are built around making the game MORE complex and realistic lol
<SporkWitch> for example the Interstellar mod I just started messing with. It doesn't simply add new, better engines, it's a massive overhaul to whole production chains, REQUIRING resources gathered in-game to fuel them, can't just buy it
<SporkWitch> relatively simple life support (generic rations, rather than having to mess with oxygen, co2, food, AND water), a homesickness mechanic (so you can't have endless missions, without a proper base that's sufficiently built up). All together, the idea is that as you slowly build up your infrastructure, you can actually start building off-planet, not just build on kerbin and then send, maybe refuel.
<SporkWitch> And it scales up to the point of other solar systems, as well. Basically everything I'm hoping for with KSP2, though hopefully with better explanation lol
<SporkWitch> as cool as all that stuff is, I definitely advise playing mostly stock, no parts mods or extra systems, only quality of life mods, until you've at least made it to duna and have completed the stock tech tree. The core game is just so good, and the stuff i'm messing with right now is honestly outright overwhelming, don't want to burn yourself out with too much, too fast.
<SporkWitch> transhohmann: one other newbie tip, avoid the temptation to use mobile labs. They're ridiculously OP and functionally work out to infinite science, just gotta time warp. You can literally max the tech tree without ever leaving Low Kerbin Orbit, which clearly defeats the point. They do have one big, and reasonable, benefit, and that's applying kerbal experience without returning to the KSC, but
<SporkWitch> you can address that by modifying the difficulty settings, as there's a checkbox to immediately apply XP (so, for example, send a kerbal to a munar flyby for the first time and do an EVA, that's enough XP to hit one star, so you can use the prograde/retrograde hold options on a pilot on the return, while you couldn't on the way out; without that setting, you'd either need a lab to level up, or
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<SporkWitch> return to the KSC to get the levelup)
<transhohmann> noted
<SporkWitch> the EVA-deployed science from Breaking Ground is reasonable, though, since it maxes out at a reasonable amount of science per biome, and some of them require you to do things (like slamming something into the planet near the sensor, for the seismograph). It's extra science, but no INFINITE science
<SporkWitch> actually, science labs do have one other benefit: they can reset experiments without an EVA, at the cost of a ridiculous amount of electricity. So there are still reasons to use them, but I recommend against using their 'research' function, since that just produces ridiculous amounts of science for almost nothing
<SporkWitch> (i don't think i'm exagerrating when I say that a 20 science experiment, converted to data for the lab and researched, will come out to 200 science... it's just insane)
<transhohmann> I can't seem to power my antenna enough to transmit data
<transhohmann> yet I have 8 cpacitors
<transhohmann> also whaaat
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<transhohmann> still can't catch that window
<transhohmann> 1700-2200m/s and 37-47km
<transhohmann> sounds easy
<transhohmann> keep missing it
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<transhohmann> I suspect I am being foolish
<transhohmann> I have found myself in orbit entirely by accident, twice
<SporkWitch> transhohmann: right click the antenna and click the button that says "require complete." It gives a warning message, but it's not real. Default, when you run out of power, it just aborts and the data is left on the device. Allow partial makes it save transmission progress and send another piece when enough power is recharged, repeating until it completes
<transhohmann> sweet
<transhohmann> thanks
<transhohmann> I just met every requirement for testing the heat shield yet it does not say it is complete, nor will it acknowledge that I ran the test
<SporkWitch> transhohmann: right click the heat shield and see if it has a "test" button; some of those contracts add one
<transhohmann> yes
<transhohmann> I clicked the "run test" button
<transhohmann> nothing happened
<transhohmann> though I was within the altitude and speed requirements
<transhohmann> glitch perhaps? I have had the game open for a fair bit
<SporkWitch> revert to launch, try again, make sure you hit all the conditions when you click it. they can sometimes be picky. if it doesn't work again, get a screenshot showing all the relevant numbers, and submit a bug report
<transhohmann> no worries, it worked upon reentry but not on the way up for some reason'
<SporkWitch> (not sure if this is still current, but it's the best result i found in a quick search)
<SporkWitch> transhohmann: what was the EXACT wording of the contract?
<transhohmann> thanks
<transhohmann> test heat shield(3.75m) in flight over kerbin; alt 37,000m to 47,00m, spd 1790m/s to 2200m/s
<SporkWitch> hmmm... are you sure ALL those conditions were met at the time? by the actual numbers, not a check in the contract display. i was thinking iwas a "test on suborbital" one; you can be on a suborbital trajectory, but it doesn't actually count until you leave the atmosphere AND have a periapsis that's below the atmosphere.
<SporkWitch> it'll make it go green once a condition is met, but doens't always update if it's no longer met
<SporkWitch> but for the test itself, it's looking at the real numbers when you click it
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<transhohmann> I was looking at the navball numbers and the mechjeb numbers
<transhohmann> 44000 dv on a 9 ton plane is good, right
<transhohmann> or could I do better
<Althego> delta v is largely meaningless in the atmosphere. because you can go faster or slower with different amount of fuel usage based on the altitude
<Althego> for example you can go high up and just sip the fuel, but still doing over 1000 m/s
<transhohmann> just juno engines
<transhohmann> I think this thing would fall apart at 100m/s
<transhohmann> 100*ms
<transhohmann> 1000*
<Althego> the juno, yes
<Althego> but still the rule applies. how far you get depend on your altitude and speed, while for rockets in space there are no such factors
<transhohmann> I can't go far above 15,000 meters with this current plane
<transhohmann> and now the whole thing fails to function like it did 10 minutes ago
<Althego> lol
<Althego> sometimes unknown behavior was solved for me by restarting
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<transhohmann> fixed it
<darsie> yay
<darsie> What did you fix?
<Althego> the plane
<transhohmann> now I'm trying to get it to 18,000m and it's a bit of a struggle
<transhohmann> my TWR is 1.27
* darsie got to 22 km with a Juno. Or was it 26 km?
<transhohmann> aww is that thw whole craft
<transhohmann> it's lovely
<transhohmann> lol
<darsie> :)
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<Althego> lol so t iny
<XXCoder> wonder if there was compeition to see how small ship you can use and reach mun and back
<Althego> i think there was
<Althego> probably multiple
<Althego> at least i remember doing something like that for myself based on some contest
<Althego> or mayeb my mind just made it up
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<darsie> Mun surface?
<transhohmann> orbit would make more sense
<darsie> Mun surface competitions make just as much sense.
<darsie> The harder it is the more possible solutions there are.
<darsie> also define 'small'.
<darsie> Mass, length, volume?
<darsie> or cost?
<transhohmann> one for each class
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<transhohmann> lowest cost, shortest/thinnest, lightest, most efficient, least massive
<transhohmann> oops alread y got one of those
<transhohmann> least volume
<darsie> Fastest would be interesting, too :).
<darsie> I'm not into part clipping ,though.
<darsie> define efficient
<transhohmann> ooh, definitely
<transhohmann> the most I ever part clip is I hide my goo in my the flaps of my science jr
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<transhohmann> how did you launch the vehicle in that picture
<darsie> VTOL
<transhohmann> nice
<darsie> Goes vertical to Mach 1 in 35 s or so :).
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<darsie> Who owns (rights to) images created by KSP users? Users, Squad, Take2, Private Division, ...?
<transhohmann> how does it
<transhohmann> I tried to make it, to be fair I don't yet have that slim okto, but I can't get it steady or fast
<darsie> It burns and exhausts fuel and air in a jet engine.
<darsie> The reaction wheel makes it steady.
<transhohmann> the reaction wheel. got it.
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<transhohmann> 16km cap
<transhohmann> probably the fat okto
<darsie> You could try less fuel.
<darsie> I launched with a full tank, though.
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<transhohmann> II'm supposed to take a temperature reading above 18,400m around Valentina's Tears, which is near to the southern ice cap
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* darsie tried to go fast to the Mun, but couldn't finish the big xenon tank in time in a test:
<Althego> in time?
<Althego> was the engine too slow?
<darsie> Before reaching 11.4 Mm.
<darsie> yeah, Dawn.
<Althego> you need more engine or smaller tank
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> Or different engines.
<Althego> now there is that medium tank that goes on the side
<darsie> transhohmann: Well, you picked that contract ;).
<darsie> But the Okto is just 10 kg heavier than Okto2+RW, so I guess it's possible to reach 18.4 km with your vessle. Not sure if the Okto RWs are strong enough, but you didn't complain about that.
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<darsie> I guess an external thermometer won't have enough mass/drag to prevent it. Not sure, though.
<darsie> You could try less fuel.
<darsie> Maybe the Okto causes too much drag.
<darsie> Yeah, the Okto RW is weak, can't cope with the lift.
<darsie> 17480 m ...
<transhohmann> cap?
<transhohmann> achieved it wit h a suborbital
<darsie> yeah
<transhohmann> I should have done when the plane first failed
<darsie> I have the wings 4 deg angled or so.
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: Shrektoberfest comes early this year. This is widely considered to be a bad move.
<XXCoder> doh
<darsie> transhohmann: 18584 m with less fuel:
<transhohmann> lol what
<transhohmann> perhaps it was the angle
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You hold a black hole sale on black friday. Your escapades catch the eye of Hollywood and they make a film, unfortunately it is directed by Uwe Boll.
<transhohmann> oh no
<transhohmann> :mission
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You attempt to insert a nuclear ramjet probe into Jool's atmosphere. This ultimately kills an infinite number of kerbals in finite time.
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<Guest82633> 1
<Althego> 0
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<Guest82633> 什么时候KSP能发布
<Althego> KSP2? unknown
<Guest82633> ok
<Guest82633> 谢谢
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<packbart> SporkWitch: what I notice most in EVE is the amount of spam. Spam in chat, spam in mail, spam with mobile depot names and containers in space...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> true
<Althego> lot of scammers. they do it because it works :)
<packbart> those asteroid stations have chimneys and their exhaust flows upward...
<Althego> i hate that eve is like submarines floating in some dense liquid
<Althego> otherwise a vast and complicated game
<packbart> hm, yeah. but I don't see me paying $15 per month for the advanced stuff. it's like gating engineering in Elite behind a subscription
<Althego> in a sense it is paying for having a full time job
<Althego> also known spreadsheets in space
<packbart> otoh, one payment for lifetime updates as with KSP does limit the development a bit, maybe
<Althego> on the other hand you can be part of a group of people, and can have fun with them
<packbart> well, I have a rule about not using spreadsheets for any game :)
<Althego> usually it is a bad idea anyway
<darsie> Might help with cookie clicker :).
<Althego> the good old days when excel had a flight simulator
<join_subline> ۩ vote for me, for any submarines likeness in a video game :P
<Althego> no great in a space gamne
<join_subline> art imitates life / life imitates art. since it works in real life, "... is an American submarine warfare officer, engineer and NASA astronaut."
<Althego> i dont know how long submarines stay inside, but possibly quite long, comparable to a mars travel. so maybe people can endure that
<join_subline> yup, enclose quarters living in only a tube about 100m long and 15m diameter. be it submarine, or starship. like stress-testing social bonding. across the ocean in a submarine is about a month. to mars, 3-6 months.
<join_subline> welp, off to do some groceries shopping. gotta have sustanance during the final stretch of lockdown #3, here in toronto, canada. (ends in 3 days at he end of the month, started at the beginnig of january) . first step to qualify to ride a submarine, is to survive self-isolation at home for a whole month.
<Althego> i could do that all day
<Althego> all year
<Althego> aall i need is a bed and a computer
<Althego> phoenix is coming... but it is pokemon
<join_subline> :)
<Althego> no, the phoenix is not a pokemon, but austrian. but the game is pokemon, i dont like that
<Althego> kikkerikii
<join_subline> Here's your ticket to ride in a submarine when it gets done. Your ticket number is #51F, departing 12043-08-16 . . It's set in silicon, now that's it's on the etherpad blockchain. Go submarines NFT's! "If you need to travel, and you need to work, and you need to sleep. Come ride in a submarine" |
<SporkWitch> !ops scams / ad spam
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> for nonexistent service
<SporkWitch> still waking up, just saw the standard format and "blockchain"; screamed scam to me
<SporkWitch> darsie: unless otherwise specified in the EULA, it's a legal grey area, re: ownership of screenshots. That said, no sane company actually tries to excercise their copyright on players' screenshots, as it's a PR disaster and the couple times companies have tried it resulted in massive backlash.
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<Althego> but strangely if you are streaming the game, there are some agreements. how is that different from multiple screenshots?
<SporkWitch> Althego: that's what i mean, it's a grey area unless specified in the EULA. The fair use exception for transformative works and commentary applies, which is why streams are generally fine. The argument with just screenshots could be that you're not actually offering commentary, just showing the game itself. Add captions to turn that screenshot into a meme? Fair use exception applies.
<join_subline> haters gonna hate. :D etherpad is pretty much the poorman's blockchain, since no previous edits in the history can be changed. . check and mate,
<darsie> SporkWitch: Wikipedia cares.
<SporkWitch> wikipedia is trash
<SporkWitch> I'm still hoping someone sues the crap out of them for defamation, since unliike "normal" social media, every page claims credit to Wikipedia itself, arguably waiving their section 230 protections.
join_subline was kicked from #KSPOfficial by UmbralRaptop [cryptocurrency spam ]
<UmbralRaptop> Apparently my phone doesn't get pinged
<SporkWitch> RIP
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<SporkWitch> I need to sit down and tweak some settings myself; can't remember how to get persistent backscroll from ZNC
<Althego> still looks lik a joke to me
<Althego> hell, all of crypto is a joke
<SporkWitch> not as much of a joke as the US Dollar >_< lol
<Althego> at this point the value of money is completely fictional
<SporkWitch> granted
<Althego> we dont need to waste energu to get fictional value
<UmbralRaptop> ^
<Althego> if it was useful computation. like owning land used to mean you are rich. because land was a resource. so say you have a computer cluster, that would be a resource like land. because you could sell the time on that to get money. but this is not even that. it is some useless computation that is assigned value. then just assign value to money as we do know
<join_subline> lootbox NFT's masterrace <*a la south park scarcastoball>
<SporkWitch> fiat currency is not inherrently bad. It has a lot of benefits (it's why the 2008 recession was a recession, not a depression like a century ago). The problem is when is mismanaged by government, like literally doubling the money supply, thus rapidly devaluing the money already in circulation.
<SporkWitch> (if people thought the hockey stick graph for AGW was bad, they definitely shouldn't look at the M1...)
<SporkWitch> actual KSP-related question: anyone messed with OhScrap? What exactly does it do? Is it adding random part failures, or purely consequential ones from in-game physics?
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<join_subline> bragging owning jack dorsey's first tweet, and j.d gotta surcome to saying, 'yeah, that guy owns my first words on my twitter platform'. kinda, like a baby speaking it's first words. so it makes j.d look like a big babby, cause you own him. it's the ultimate psychological faustian bargain / tea-bagging on someone. if you dont believe that, then when you have your first kid, and they speak
<join_subline> their first words, then just give ownership of your baby's first words to a random stranger. one man's treasure, is another man's junk. unless, the other man thinks one man's junk, is his treasure.
* bees slaps Althego around a bit with a large trout
<SporkWitch> mIRC user detected: initiating purge protocol
<Althego> hehe
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<SporkWitch> hmmm, i have now successfully built something with ground construction, but now i need to figure out how to actually "unpack" it lol
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<SporkWitch> grrrrrr can't figure it out. What passes for "documentation" just says to have an engineer in the workshop and be within 300m, but i can't "unpack" the kit...
<darsie> 300m? That's pretty far.
<darsie> IIRC you take it from some inventory and place it on the ground.
<SporkWitch> that's what the Ground Construction mod says. In this case it was next to the workshop, and deploy hint did not show any clipping
<darsie> Oh, a mod.
<Althego> threw it on the ground
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<sandbox> how strange
<flayer> no, it's just me
<packbart> hm. Grobal Construction worked rather well for me so far
<packbart> it is a bit hand-wavy and background construction does have the same problems as converters, though
<SporkWitch> packbart: i'm just not figuring out how to actually unpack the kit. i constructed it, hit finalize, it shoved it out. Sent the engineer over to it and hit deploy, and it does. Says it needs 250EC to finish, but how am i supposed to get it that EC? And there's no button to unpack or anything like that
<darsie> What would a Rocket do to your finger?
<bees> mount a battery and a solar panel on top?
<bees> with EVA construction?
<packbart> SporkWitch: hm. you build a kit in the assembly line? I'd probaby have to check an old save. I produced kits in the assembly, flew it over to the building site and then brought the mobile workshop rover
<SporkWitch> packbart: Ground Assembly Line, loaded in my simple science-mobile rover, built it, hit finalize. It pushes it out, deploy preview shows it having room. Deploy, but can't figure out how to do the final step to unpack it from the kit.
<SporkWitch> just been testing on the runway, trying to figure out how things work so I can determine what I'll need to actually send out
<bees> also you probably have some power distributor thingy?
<packbart> yeah, the assemby line only produces the kit. the workshop builds it into a thing
<SporkWitch> ah
<SporkWitch> it's listed in the workshop display, hence my confusion
<SporkWitch> okay, so i want the assembly line to build the kit, and the inline workshop for construction
<packbart> I rarely use the assembly line, tbh. I launch a kit with a container full of the required MaterialKits and additional resources
<packbart> making SpecializedParts from Ore is too slow ;)
<SporkWitch> i'm trying to figure out what's needed for off-world construction, so assembly was also a requirement, heh
<SporkWitch> and the MKS stuff should make the times quiet manageable once the colony is well-built
<packbart> SporkWitch: yes, that's how it works. the small inline-workshop has some efficiency penalty compared to the mobile workshop, though
<SporkWitch> (i'm expecting these colonies to reach city-level heh)
<SporkWitch> haven't unlocked any others yet. Because all these mods change the tech tree so much, i did cheat a bit of science in on a new save, and gave myself all the science up to the 300 point nodes. Felt reasonable so I'm not suffering through ultra-early game again and can get doing more interesting stuff i haven't done before.
<SporkWitch> Didn't want to cheat further ahead, as unlocking too many things at once would only make it harder to figure things out heh
<packbart> my Minmus Assembly looked a bit like this:
<packbart> (or the Vogon Constructor )
<SporkWitch> i'm also kind of wondering if it makes sense to actually make an initial base next to the KSC, to produce resources locally and save some money
<SporkWitch> (wonder if it still has a hab/homesick timer if the base is on kerbin? lol)
<Izaya> MDRS time
<Althego> what is that
<SporkWitch> packbart: wellp, that worked, i was missing the workshop lol
darsie has quit [Quit: Wash your hands. Don't touch your face. Avoid fossil fuels and animal products. Don't have children.]
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<SporkWitch> well that's an interesting quit message...
<Althego> sounds like life philosophy
<SporkWitch> a self-exterminating one heh
<darsie> which?
<Althego> the no children
<darsie> ah
<SporkWitch> it's just basic maths; if you actually follow that philosophy, the philosophy will die out (barring access to indoctrinate OTHER people's children)
<Althego> people use facebook without being direct descendants of zuckerberg
<SporkWitch> there's a reason no one, especially children, should be using social media lol
<SporkWitch> grrrr extrasolar planets mod doesn't work :'(
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* raptop forgets if I linked this paper on how it's probably not aliens
<FLHerne> It's never aliens
<Althego> the problem is, if that becomes a dogma
<SporkWitch> reminded me of the aliens dude, and the meme that picture of rachel maddow inspired lol
<darsie> Althego: What would it matter?
<Althego> because if you find evidence of actual aliens, the dogma says it is never aliens, so you will rationalize as something else
<Althego> come up with an other explanation, just to avoid it being aliens
<darsie> What's gonna change if we find a techno signature?
<Althego> so it will be never aliens, because the dogma says so
<Izaya> "It's not DNS / It can't be DNS / It was DNS"
<darsie> Or even a primitive biosignature.
<FLHerne> darsie: people will just come up with increasingly strange hypothetical natural explanations
<Althego> exactly
<FLHerne> "it's just two stars colliding while a comet made of plutonium travels through them at 0.999c"
<darsie> Ok, so we miss it. What's the diffenence to finding aliens?
<SporkWitch> anyone know any GOOD submarine mods?
<SporkWitch> can't seem to find the maritime pack on CKAN, and MOIST is poop
<FLHerne> I mean, look at epicycles and equants
<darsie> We couldn't contact/communicate with them because they're too far away. We would still kill each other and our biosphere.
<FLHerne> people spent centuries coming up with complicated ways to make geocentricism fit to observed reality
<FLHerne> before Copernicus and Kepler finally convinced people that elliptical heliocentric orbits are more convincing
<FLHerne> darsie: Maybe the aliens are continuously broadcasting information on how to travel FTL
<FLHerne> who knows
<darsie> Maybe, if the aliens didn't look like humans, then God might look like them, not like us.
<FLHerne> or how to build a zero-point-energy generator
<FLHerne> <insert scifi trope>
<darsie> FLHerne: Yeah, that'd be cool. Not likely, though, IMHO.
<FLHerne> I don't really expect God to look like either, or indeed to exist, but eh
<Althego> why would a god look like an ape
<Althego> really stupid
<FLHerne> !stupid God in our
<LunchBot> FLHerne: No stupid quote found matching "God in our".
<FLHerne> er
<Althego> but i doubt we can continue this
<Althego> religious stuff
<darsie> It's said that god created humans similar to his appearence.
<FLHerne> > Far from our being made in the image of God, we make our gods in our own image.
<FLHerne> darsie: by humans, yes
<FLHerne> Althego: is that a rule? if so we probably shouldn't
<Althego> Political, ideological or religious posts unrelated to Spaceflight, or of a nature deemed likely to result in behavior banned under rule 2.2D;
<Althego> under forbidden content
<Althego> where did i hear this never aliens thing, it was in some video
<FLHerne> Althego: but look how we got here
<FLHerne> it's clearly related to spaceflight ;-)
<SporkWitch> just remember: Europa is forbidden
<Althego> europa clipper doesnt land, so we are fine
<Althego> we havent found the monoliths yet
<darsie> So schuf Gott den Menschen als sein Abbild, ja, als Gottes Ebenbild
<Althego> most people living in countries with christian background know about that in the bible
<darsie> Didn't find it in English.
<SporkWitch> To quote Pierre-Simon Laplace: "I have no need of that hypothesis"
<darsie> Well, ppl would probably keep believing that even if we found (super)human intelligent aliens.
<Althego> please dont go into religion, it will cause a heated debate, and i have to sleep
<join_subline> 16:19 "anyone know any GOOD submarine mods?" -> submarines again. yes, devs, make more u-boat mods.. 🙏x2 . Particularily Type 214 ... bitte 🙏 x zwei
<Althego> i did build subs in ksp
<Althego> in fact i dived on 3 planets
<join_subline> wunderbar
<Althego> but i never had a mod for that
<join_subline> video, or it didnt happen
<darsie> ofc finding aliens would make a difference in the far future, but if we missed them now or in the near future, we'd find them anyways a bit later.
<join_subline> i made a sub with some bodies in minetest. and have the video of it, but forgot where i saved it. gotta find and upload it.
<SporkWitch> one the current theories is that we've FOUND aliens, and that's the reason for the push for a global government; won't let us in the federation if we're fractured lol
<darsie> Do solar panels work well under water?
<SporkWitch> they shouldn't, but i'm not sure; can't control buoyancy well enough to test :(
<join_subline> ohhhh sweet.. you just gave me a submarine wet dream. pre-mature submerging
<Althego> do the engines still work underwater?
<Althego> i think not anymore
<darsie> SporkWitch: I made a balanced sub from a long stack of batteries, and two counterrotating motors/propellers front and back.
<SporkWitch> pretty sure they fixed it so water doesn't count as air
<Althego> but there are electric props now
<darsie> Maybe some small cubes.
<darsie> Those heavy ones.
<SporkWitch> one of the reasons i'm looking for a decent mod for balast and propulsion
<Althego> you dont need to control buoyancy to test solar panels, just sink
<SporkWitch> you do if you don't want to smash into the ocean floor, which is what kept happening with MOIST lol
<SporkWitch> either it wouldn't sink at all or it would sink uncontrollably lol
<Althego> just use some metal part that can take it
<Althego> air brakes used to work
<Althego> not much though
<darsie> I built a sinking Eve lander by chance.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i can imagine the kerbals facepalming in the control room, while the crew is panicing
<darsie> Allowed me to bring data from Eves surface and oceans.
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<darsie> SporkWitch: My submarine:
<darsie> Not with propellers.
<SporkWitch> how many goats were sacrificed in summoning that demon? lol
<join_subline> ۩ vote... it's a close call with , on who takes the nuke
<darsie> I don't need goats to appear.
<join_subline> të gjitha në kohën e duhur. duhet të vendosen pjesët e shahut diku tjetër. kur të jetë gati, do të ekzekutojë Urdhrin 66, për t'u bërë kampion bote i nëndetëseve podcaster IRC. (V)(;,;)(V)
<join_subline> oops, wrong channel
<darsie> Are you summoning me? :)
<flayer> hello
<join_subline> sorry, was giving advice to another buddy. ahh, i'll give you the same advice too (though, it has nothing to do with KSP / submarines)..
<join_subline> ⏰💪🧠🦵 | "Shia LaBeouf "Just Do It" Motivational Speech (Original Video by LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner)" |
<X> Is there anything to find under water in KSP?
<darsie> X: Yes, ground.
<darsie> It's required for landing ;).
<X> Can you take off from water? I thought it killed the engines
<darsie> idk
<darsie> Someone said it does now.
<X> I though that wa the big problem about laythe.
<darsie> Solar panel works under water.
<darsie> oops, solar panel broke when extending while sinking.
<darsie> broken by aero forces
<darsie> Is there no land on Laythe?
<raptop> There's some
<darsie> Solar panel power under water depends on type and depth:
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<SporkWitch> how did it never occur to me that a kerbin day is much shorter than 24h? lol i was noticing on the countdowns when the day went down it jumpecd to 5 hours and change, which duh, rotational period of 6 hours per kerbin day (approximately) >_< lol so freakin' obvious, but never really paid attention to times before lol
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Gives you more equatorial speed.
<SporkWitch> so LEO is ~7.8km/s, equatorial rotational velocity ~1.67km/s. Kerbin is what 384 at the equator? and ~2400 for LKO. Assuming those numbers, it's roughly proportional to earth (which makes sense, if they just scaled things down compared to real world).
<bees> earth has like 300-450 m/s iirc
<darsie> spacex launch scrubbed
<SporkWitch> derp, fudged my units.
<SporkWitch> 1674km/h, not /s
<darsie> Kerbin is 600 km radius
<darsie> I get 175 m/s on Kerbin's equator.
<darsie> Sidereal rotational velocity 174.94 m/s. I used solar days.
<SporkWitch> i'm not sure that would be the right value? given that we're no longer talking about length of days, but literally the "kick" you get for launching prograde from the equator, the absolute rotational velocity is what we'd care about
<SporkWitch> you seem to be mixing numbers. solar day is measured noon-to-noon and would give the wrong result; sidereal day is the actual time to complete 360°
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<darsie> Yeah, but since a Kerbin year is 600+ days the difference is not that big.
<darsie> And yeah, I rounded up from 174.5ish.
<darsie> for solar day
<darsie> gn
<SporkWitch> packbart: you said you used MKS, you use interstellar as well?
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