Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<darkie> "Welcome to #KSPOfficial. Feel free to ask questions, and please wait a few minutes for a response. We hope you enjoy your stay." shows up in the server tab in KVIrc and is easily missed.
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<darkie> 1337
<Althego> heh
<Althego> i failed twice
<darkie> go
<darkie> ok
<flayer> rovers on minmus are always a bad idea :(
<darkie> fayer: They work for me:
<darkie> flayer*
<darkie> Ok, my exploring rover crashed a few times when going fast.
<darkie> That's where the time machine comes in :).
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<darkie> Hmm, an inertial hopper on Gilly might be interesting.
<darkie> I have a chore to do, though.
<Althego> in my experience, never go faster than 25 m/s on any body and then you will be fine
<darkie> I have RWs on that rover, so it can keep attitude when flying.
<darkie> or if it should land badly.
<Althego> and now you can decouple driving controls from orientation controls, so no more problems
<darkie> Ahh, gotta check that out.
<Althego> i think possibly the same or unset, but you can map it somewhere
<Althego> otherwise i used to turn reaction wheels on and off, quite annoying
<darkie> one could use an action group for that.
<Althego> yes but still annoying
<FLHerne> I've never really understood the appeal of rovers
<FLHerne> Driving any distance at a safe speed is pretty tedious
<Althego> even with unsafe speed you are just too slow for planetary distances
<FLHerne> and especially with ISRU, hopping about is easier
<FLHerne> well, biome-level distances are the relevant one
<FLHerne> I think for rovers to make sense there'd have to be scattered point features of value
<FLHerne> "sample three different large boulders"
<flayer> well, there's a bit of that
<FLHerne> "examine five species of tree"
<FLHerne> I suppose some of the "temperature on surface at X, Y, Z" are sort of that
<flayer> with the expansions, there's enough of that to make it feasible to do one rover mission to each planet
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<packbart> "Driving any distance at a safe speed is pretty tedious" - well, there's a mod for that. I like BonVoyage for long-distance rover mission like planting a relay antenna mast at Minmus' south pole
<packbart> or exploring all of Kerbin's biomes
<Althego> on minmus you are way better off by just hopping around
<Mat2ch> well, I drove once from the KSC to the North Pole...
<packbart> Althego: I like sending rovers around instead of hopping. but that's probably just me
<Althego> soon tm
<Althego> rideshare
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<Althego> spacex stream is on
<Althego> (music)
<Althego> Mat2ch: wake up
<Althego> the turbopumps are just chilliong
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<Althego> t-1 min
* darkie winds forward.
<darkie> done
<flayer> it's still impressive if you see it like that
<flayer> from a distance
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<Althego> oh an everyday astronaut video
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<Althego> also second stage in action again soon
<packbart> no separation video
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<Mat2ch> Mat2ch: I had to dig some zombies out. Or did they dig to me? Can't remember, it was all so slow and then so fast :D
<Althego> zombie was jumping, not digging today
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<packbart> Virgin Orbit stream is live.
<packbart> well, that ended early...
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<packbart> taxiing
<packbart> \o/
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