Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
<raptop> 63 seconds in the channel
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<HitchHacker> Hey there! I didn't know ksp had a irc channel
<Izaya> always has done
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<raptop> x_x
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<darkie> .
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<Mat2ch> oh, now I know why they cut the live stream so early. Deployment was hours and hours later...
<darkie> hm
<darkie> Side mirrors?
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<Althego> arent the main mirror segments deployment coming up just next?
<XXCoder> 2 days of mirror deploy
<XXCoder> not sure what days
<darkie> Althego: The unfolded ones?
<darkie> Hmm, might make sense to calibrate them before the side mirrors deploy.
<Mat2ch> I was talking about the last Starlink sat launch :)
<Mat2ch> they have laasssssssers
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<Guest82041> hello
<Guest82041> this was webchat
<Guest82041> so u should ADD MULTIPL;AYER
<Guest82041> I MADE A SAM
<Guest82041> SO YES
<Guest82041> DO IT
<Althego> wait for ksp2 maybe
<XXCoder> irc is multiplayer text
<Althego> editor
<Mat2ch> there is a multiplayer mod
<Mat2ch> not sure if anyone is still using it
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<packbart> I saw some streamers use it. It mostly works (not sure which of the two, Dark Multiplayer or Luna Multiplayer. I guess the latter)
<sandbox> I tried one years ago, it didn't work that well back then
<sandbox> I can't remember who I tried it with, maybe it was people from here
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<darkie> IIRC ppl were fighting each other in KSP.
<darkie> shooting and stuff
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<sandbox> I had a dream about 3 gigantic spacecraft things appearing, but they didn't come from space
<raptop> I feel like there are a lot of people who play KSP when they should be playing Gratuitious Space Battles or Children of a Dead Earth
<bees> raptop: You resolve to rescue all the kerbals you've stranded. This ultimately kills an infinite number of kerbals in finite time.
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> They're no longer stranded, mission accomplished
<Althego> fsvo rescue
<SporkWitch> kerbals are pretty hard to kill, like cockroaches, or politicians
<Mat2ch> raptop: but you can play those games in KSP!
<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: just wait!
<SporkWitch> meow?
* raptop pets SporkWitch
<raptop> Mat2ch: well, somewhat. It's iffy
<Althego> for multiplayer space shooter, just play this
<Althego> that noise was annoying even back then
<SporkWitch> lol
<SporkWitch> i miss Space Rangers on the 2600. It used that keypad controller, surprisingly advanced space shooter for the time.
<raptop> hm, pc speaker
<raptop> ?
<Althego> yes
<bees> raptop: You activate the engines on full thrust while still docked to the station. For all the resultant horror, grief, and pain, you put your differences behind you and try again. For science. You monster.
* raptop pokes bees with a stick
* bees are buzzing
<SporkWitch> the bees! the bees are in my eyes!
<Althego> expected that
<SporkWitch> it's literally the only thing anyone remembers that terrible adaptation for lol
<Althego> i dont even know the title of the movie
<Althego> i just know this one scene
<SporkWitch> Wicker Man
<SporkWitch> it's based on a book
<sandbox> I've never seen it but I've been to some of the filming locations
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<SporkWitch> sandbox: it's pretty bad lol
<sandbox> SporkWitch, the new one?
<SporkWitch> the nicholas cage whicker man movie lol
<SporkWitch> didn't know they made another
<sandbox> yeah, that's the new one. not the 1973 original
<SporkWitch> ah, didn't know about the original
<sandbox> how is that possible
<SporkWitch> never read the book, and only happened to see the nicholas cage one randomly back when i had tv
<sandbox> Christopher Lee was in it
<SporkWitch> i only knew i saw him in star wars and lord of the rings. checking his IMDB, I also saw The Odyssey and a couple of the games he did voices for lol
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<darkie> .
<Althego> (kiara minecraft, fauna hilariosly hitman)
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<Guest07630> Please
<Guest07630> It is important
<SporkWitch> Guest07630: If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.
<Guest07630> Click on the link
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<SporkWitch> no one is going to click random links to figure out what should be in the initial question
<raptop> ...
<raptop> always they have no patience
<raptop> also, that looks like a link that's a questionable knockoff of pastebin
<raptop> hrm
<raptop> then again, given the phrasing
<raptop> Apologies for spamming, but I'm suddenly wondering if someone is trying a discord-like scam
<SporkWitch> very well might
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<Revelator> Apparantly it was a simple chainmail sort of thing
<raptop> huh