Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<Althego> hehe jumping reaper happens an hour later because of timezones
<Althego> i could haveslepta bit more
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<Althego> guh
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<Guest46412> HII
<Guest46412> Wanna see ksp2 release date, i'm from italy and here the game is well knows, i'm studying aerospace engeneering and our professor actually use the game during the lesson to explain some tricky concept
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<packbart> we all wait for it :)
<Althego> too late
<packbart> ah well
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<raptop> stabbity
<Mat2ch> ok, important question: Who has heard of Caramelldansen?
<FLHerne> of what?
<SporkWitch> is that a snack?
<raptop> huh, guess it counts as a dead meme now?
<Mat2ch> Today is the first time I've heard of it?!
* raptop x_x
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* Izaya raises hand
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<Mat2ch> A jwst mirror necklace. How nerdy :D
<Althego> hehe caramelldansen, i could sing it even today if i tried
<Althego> the probe from "inner light" as a necklace would be nerdier
<raptop> I think for maximum cred there you need to learn to play an alien flute
<Althego> cant be that hard
<Althego> and i like that tune
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<raptop> fair enough
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<darkie> .
<raptop> ..
<SporkWitch> ...
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<darkie> Is it legal to throw rockets in the ocean?
<Althego> seems so
<sandbox> I will make it legal
<raptop> We're not going to arrest Jeb
<Althego> jeb doesnt determine the mission profile
<raptop> That's what he wants you to think
<Althego> maybe wernher von kerman?
<raptop> Glushko, Mishin, and Chelomei all sound like Kerbal names...
<Althego> hehe
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<raptop> ooh, Chertok Kerman would be good
<bees> raptop: You try to build a Single Stage To Ocean spaceplane. The KIA arrest you for your crimes against kerbalkind.
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<SporkWitch> the crazy things people come up with are so great lol
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