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<SporkWitch> lol 2m/s to spare on the final burn of the mission haha
<SporkWitch> ... and the attachment nodes on fairings don't decouple when you blow the fairing, so i can't detach the rover...
<Izaya> oof
<packbart> the interstage nodes don't include decouplers. or which nodes did you mean?
<SporkWitch> m'eh, i'll just cheat it back to orbit. that 2m/s included some serious screwuips during my launch burn, so i'm comfortable saying that adding the decoupler wouldn't have made the craft non-viable. I am very curious why it can't correctly calculate the dV for the transfer stage, though. It thinks it's only 12s of burn time with 800 units of liquid fuel for a nerv
<Izaya> I have issues with the root of the craft being in the "wrong" place to calculate the dV
<SporkWitch> and yeah, it was the interstage nodes. i'd thought that when the fairing pops it would decouple the node on the tip of the fairing.
<Izaya> nah you want to use a stack separator
<SporkWitch> Izaya: thought that, so i just changed the root to the probe core that's on the transfer stage
<SporkWitch> still gets it wrong and i've no idea why lol
<Izaya> Interstage node thingers are cool though, lets you pack multiple spacecraft into one fairing.
<SporkWitch> i just know it was actually enough to take my screwed up launch from 64km/-200km to 74km/74km, transfer to duna, shift to a 90.1° resonant polar orbit for deploying the satellites at 400km, and had 2m/s left lol
<SporkWitch> i used it so i could attach the rover to the front and detach it before deploying the satellites, thinking it would be good to lose the extra mass if i needed more dV for the resonant deployment orbit. For the satellites themselves, i did the same thing i did for my minmus and mun commsats: flipped a tri-stack coupler upside down and mounted the three commsats to that. Since I'm using RA-15s I
<SporkWitch> did need to use a hinge to fold the antennas out of the way during transit, and then move them back so they still look good when i deploy them (sure I could just stick the dish on the side, but it looks ugly lol)
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<Izaya> I've done comm network constellations with a big 2.5m engine plate and 6 0.625m satellites
<SporkWitch> but yeah, fixed the coupling issues, just gonna cheat this back to duna orbit and then do the deployment
<SporkWitch> engine plate hadn't occurred to me, but now that you mention it, i guess that explains why they have a decoupler built in
<Izaya> On the contrary, the decoupler is for the thing attached to the distant node
<packbart> reduce the decoupling force if you want your sats on precise orbits
<SporkWitch> i'd only ever used them for using symmetry to mount multiple engines and not have to place and map them each individually
<Izaya> if you want to decouple from the engine nodes you still need decouplers
<packbart> (and also not to shoot them into the upper decoupler)
<Izaya> stacking satellites vertically makes it saner to deploy satellites sequentially IMO
<SporkWitch> yeah, i set the force to zero and then use RCS to move them out of the way, then ion engines to circularize
<Izaya> even ended up automating the deployment with kOS so I could do it in situations where I didn't have commnet
<SporkWitch> the issue with vertical stacking is mass distribution. The original lifter design was that way, but I couldn't keep control of it. Redesigning it with the tricoupler made it controllable with the same lifter design
<Izaya> lets me make nice even sets
<Izaya> oic
<Izaya> I originally went for stacking so I could re-use my 1.25m soyuz/dragon hybrid launcher to launch it
<SporkWitch> all that said, i don't mind a LITTLE bit of cheating. I proved the lifter and transfer stages could do everything they needed even with major screwups on my piloting, so I've no issue cheating back to duna orbit to do the deployment now that i've fixed the coupler layout
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<SporkWitch> likewise, if i can deploy my commsats such that they maintain consistent comms for a year, i'll revert and cheat their orbits to be perfect. My reasoning being that in the real world computers would be running this and not fucking it up with human errors in timings, likewise they'd have automated stationkeeping. Cheating them into perfect orbits AFTER i've placed them in REASONABLE orbits I'm
<SporkWitch> comfortable handwaving away as the computers and stationkeeping that would exist in the real things
<SporkWitch> erm, frelling it up
<Izaya> I like to mount everything on this launcher design because it includes a docking port so you can rip the engine off, stick a docking port on the other end, and add a fuel tank to a station
<SporkWitch> not a bad plan
<Izaya> It'd be even better with a mod to allow me to switch the storage type post-launch, then I could convert them all to LH2
<Izaya> (Or a Skylab Conversion Kit? >///> )
<SporkWitch> that would be handy
<Izaya> Because realistically all I use is LH2 (for nuclear engines doing orbit transfer duty) and monopropellant (docking, orbital maneuvering, and lightweight landers)
<SporkWitch> presumably interstellar allows that, given just how many fuel types it has
<Izaya> ah yup, Interstellar Fuel Switch does that, once tanks are emptied.
<Izaya> Interesting.
<SporkWitch> this duna rover is kind of my last big mission before installing interstellar
<SporkWitch> i think it'll be enough to finish the stock tech tree, so planning to add interstellar to give me new stuff to put science into, and expand the colony infrastructure (and give it a purpose; with stock the building mechanics outside the VAB/SPH are just too cumbersome to be worthwhile given what they offer; interstellar seems built around needing to build infrastructure to provide the new stuff)
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<packbart> Izaya: B9PartSwitch also allows it, I think. at least for the SSPX station cargo parts it does
<Izaya> Huh, I use that, maybe I could write some custom integration to let me convert fuel tanks
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<SporkWitch> is there any good way to find stuff that can be scanned with the rover arm? given how slow these things are, just wandering doesn't really feel viable
<Izaya> zoom out from the surface and rotate around with ground scatter turned off
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<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: Can't you use an orbital scanner?
<darsie> You can.
<darsie> Then in the planet info (button on the right) you can activate resource density view.
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* darsie makes an orbital scan of Minmus ...
<darsie> Doesn't matter, since I'm using a big drill, but still ...
<darsie> I'm intoxicated.
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You attempt a monopropellant grand tour. You end up with an infinite number of kerbals asking you to review their versions of Shakespeare.
<XXCoder> lol
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<darsie> My refinery rover is in a resource rich spot.
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<bees> XXCoder: You engage in high-speed battle with a Bussard ramship. You miss your capture burn because you were texting and flying, and the physics police pulls you over and out into the interstellar medium.
<darsie> interstellar ...
<darsie> Guess that's what happened to the Voyagers.
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<SporkWitch> installed interstellar; holy loading times, batman lol
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<SporkWitch> so much for that plan, so many huge changes to the tech tree, guess i'll start a fresh interstellar career lol
<SporkWitch> gonna throw MKS in there too and see what happens ^^
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<darsie> Ahh, but interstellar medium doesn't mean escape from the Sun.
<SporkWitch> ??
<darsie> You miss your capture burn because you were texting and flying, and the physics police pulls you over and out into the interstellar medium.
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<darsie> live in 4h COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation FM2 Mission
<Althego> i didnt believe in this launch
<Althego> 60% favorable
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<SporkWitch> why did they disable that comet trail effect on reentry? it looks gorgeous and this mod claims it's only reenabling an effect that's already built-in...
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<SporkWitch> i landed on a mountain and i can't recover until i finish sliding >_< lol
<SporkWitch> and i fell off a cliff and exploded... lol
<SporkWitch> but apparently one of the mods with interstellar gives the landing struts a ground tether; my tourists are saved! lol
<sandbox> SporkWitch, iirc the dev who made the reentry effects left at an unfortunate time
<SporkWitch> ah
<sandbox> I wonder how they are all getting on now
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<SporkWitch> MKS is very confusing, I'm struggling to figure out how to start lol
<darsie> Live in 23 hours
<darsie> SCRUB: SpaceX Scrubs Launch of CSG-2 Mission
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<transhohmann> If I needed to get 4 tourists and one pilot to space around the mun, and back, with only the 4th tier equipment unlocked in career mode, how should i got about that?
<transhohmann> I'm trying to get my 5.5 ton passenger module up there, yet moar boosters do not avail me
<SporkWitch> mk1 or mk2 command pod, hitchhiker storage for the tourists. Only need about 1km/s dV on the transfer stage for a FRT. Then 3400m/s to attain stable LKO as usual.
<transhohmann> Nor does Scott Manley ;)
<SporkWitch> scott manley is severely limited by his goon-ness
<transhohmann> hah
<SporkWitch> (will never understand how he can tolerate goonswarm; he's not an idiot)
<SporkWitch> but yeah, i'm literally just trying to figure out how to START the colony and figure out the path to building new modules on-site
<SporkWitch> all the tutorial links are broken lol
<transhohmann> I haven't got a hitchhiker module yet, best I can do is mk1 crew cabin.
<SporkWitch> in-line crew cabin?
<transhohmann> yep
<SporkWitch> could do a couple of those, though i'd recommend doing them radially for stability
<transhohmann> There's a thought.
<SporkWitch> mk1 or cockpit - in-line cockpit, then three more of those mounted radially to it with nosecones
<darsie> transhohmann: How about a 2 Mk1 Crew Cabins and a Mk1 Command Pod?
<darsie> You may get heat problems with the Crew Cabins during reentry.
<transhohmann> I had been trying with a Pea and 2 in-line cockpits, and a trio of radially mounted engines on top of a booster stage
<SporkWitch> you could also stick a probe on the nose of the crew capsule and omit the pilot, then only need 4 seats total and one less kerbal's weight
<transhohmann> Reentry is what I'm best at, honestly.
<transhohmann> I dislike the stayputnik at this stage
<transhohmann> To be fair, that's because I can't keep on a maneuver node without SAS to save my life.
<transhohmann> *Jebs life.
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<SporkWitch> stayputnik has basic SAS, just none of the special modes. it's generally sufficient. it can help if you add a reaction wheel and use throttle to extend the burn so you have more wiggle room. it's less efficient, but easier
<darsie> Stayputnik doesn't have SAS, IIRC.
<transhohmann> Thanks, dasrie
<transhohmann> *darsie, can't type
<darsie> ok :)
<darsie> Generally placed at the top of the rocket, the Probodobodyne Stayputnik provides full command module functionality but no SAS.
<SporkWitch> my mistake, you're right
<darsie> You can use fins instead.
<flayer> i prefer swedes
<darsie> .
<darsie> Swedes are fairly blonde.
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<SporkWitch> figured out why i was so confused: the main manufacturing stuff is done by the ground construction mod, which mks doesn't have set as a dep heh
* flayer slaps SporkWitch