Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<darkie> /me went to Kerbin orbit with 2754 m/s vacuum dv.
<darkie> *sigh*
<darkie> The maps say 3300 and 3400 m/s.
<darkie> Well, they also go to 80 km.
<UmbralRaptop> hrm, 70 km is 2296 m/s, and you get ~175 m/s for free…
<UmbralRaptop> The rest being an efficient ascent seems plausible
<darkie> With all my 2759 m/s I get to 73 km, which is good enough and gives me more Oberth effect than 80 km.
<darkie> This rocket was purpose built for efficient ascent.
<UmbralRaptop> nice
<darkie> Slim, smooth, thrustworthy :)
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<Mat2ch> soooooo
<Althego> yes i aws looking atthat a few minutes ago
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<Eddi|zuHause> i can never remember this... in which direction does the mun surface move underneath me?
<Althego> freom west to east?
<darkie> When looking from North down at Mun, it orbits around Kerbin and rotates CCW.
<darkie> Tidally locked to Kerbin.
<darkie> So no direkt signal link to Kerbin from the far side ever.
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm trying to catch some "spaceflight above X m" measurements from a polar orbit
<darkie> Should work. Might need a little plane change.
<darkie> You can observe the rotation ;).
<Eddi|zuHause> wondering right now whether i should try to wait for the locations to pass underneath me
<darkie> Saves fuel, wastes time ;).
<Eddi|zuHause> i have snacks for 15 days
<Eddi|zuHause> how long is a mun day?
<darkie> One Munar orbit is ~7 days, IIRC, and you can cover all surface in half of that.
<darkie> LOS may be an issue.
<Eddi|zuHause> why?
<darkie> If you want to use both orbit halves, one of which will not have line of sight to Kerbin. But you can cover the whole surface in 7 days with signal.
<Eddi|zuHause> but i have a pilot on board, so loss of connectivity isn't really a problem
<darkie> Ok.
<Eddi|zuHause> also, my current orbit plane should be fully in range
<darkie> You can also pick your departure to get the data quickly.
<flayer> Eddi|zuHause, i see you are also a man of culture, playing with the snacks mod
<darkie> This may be tricky, though.
<darkie> Space toilets suck.
<Althego> literally
<darkie> yes :)
<Eddi|zuHause> train toilets, too. nowadays :)
<darkie> Actually (© Sabine Hossenfelder), they don't suck, air pushes.
<darkie> In solids and liquids there can be sucking.
<Althego> right
<Eddi|zuHause> trains don't move. the earth moves beneath them.
<darkie> :)
<darkie> How to talk like a physicist
<Eddi|zuHause> (that's essentially what my dad taught me when i was a kid sitting in a train, watching the station clock move away
<Eddi|zuHause> )
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<darkie> .
<raptop> [insert snek noises here]
<raptop> hmm
<Eddi|zuHause> i still can't land planes in this game...
<Althego> autoland too rough with this aircraft
<Althego> autoland not installed
<SporkWitch> Eddi|zuHause: have you unlocked medium landing gear? it makes a world of difference
<darkie> Planes are finicky in KSP.
<SporkWitch> the small gear may as well be made of popsicle sticks
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<Eddi|zuHause> i have the 2nd generation of wheels... the collapsible ones
<darkie> I think that's the small one.
<raptop> The retractable ones should be non-terrible. Those initial fixed ones, though
<SporkWitch> darkie: the smalls are fixed, not retractable
<SporkWitch> the mediums are what i use on my mk2 format spaceplanes
<darkie> SY-10 Small Landing Gear is retractable.
<SporkWitch> really? O.o i never noticed any smalls that could retract, thought the mediums were the first that could
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<Eddi|zuHause> i need to learn how to use these VTOL engines
<SporkWitch> i've not tried doing a VTOL in kerbin gravity yet; EVERYTHING is vtol on minmus lol
<Eddi|zuHause> so... i think that counts as a landing
<SporkWitch> if your kerbals survive, it counts as a landing
<darkie> I made a VTOL with the Juno.
<darkie> What makes an engine VTOL?
<Eddi|zuHause> it says "VTOL" on the label
<SporkWitch> either extra engines mounted vertically, or a tilt-engine/wing setup
<darkie> Whic engine says "VTOL" on the label
<SporkWitch> literally just the ability to take off and land vertically and then shift to normal flight once airborne. STOL would mean it can't take off completely vertically, but can use a shorter runway by redirecting thrust (most VTOL aircraft will normally do this, as it's far more fuel-efficient than a purely vertical takeoff; they'll even only do that when the runway is short enough to require it)
<darkie> Any jet engine can take off vertically, IMO.
<darkie> At least in KSP.
<Althego> if you have enough of it
<darkie> Well, the craft has to have >1 TWR.
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<darkie> My Juno VTOL had just one engine.
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<Eddi|zuHause> it's probably from some mod...
<darkie> Ahh, ic.
<Althego> cute
<darkie> :)
<darkie> Not sure if I circumnavigated Kerbin with one of these onec.
<darkie> Equator=3770 km, Range=5164+ km.
<darkie> Better range: 7249 km
<darkie> "Since Jet engines rely on a turbine to compress fuel and atmosphere together in order to produce thrust ..." It's the compressor that compresses air, which then gets combusted and the exhaust drives the turbine.
<darkie> But yeah, the compressor won't compress without the turbine.
<darkie> "it takes time to change speed." It also takes time to change speed with rockets. But ... it takes time to change thrust.
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<raptop> Althego: retrospect, I shouldn't be surprised that the Hanako game I sometimes heard hololive-id is 花子さん
* raptop is also at some point going to accidentally mess up the -id and -in country codes >_>;;
<SporkWitch> WEEB
<Althego> i didnt watch ollie's hanako stream
<SporkWitch> :P
<raptop> Duolingo: why do you want to learn Japanese? Me: uh, culture I guess
<SporkWitch> confirmed: raptop wants to know what the tentacle monster is saying
<Althego> says wah
<raptop> Conveniently, ina mostly speaks english!
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<SporkWitch> so i picked up trailmakers, i will temper my complaints bout KSP's aerodynamics from now on (i'll still complain, but it's definitely easier to control KSP planes lol)
<raptop> yay
<SporkWitch> definitely a fun game, though, especially the "transformers" aspect of it. You can hotkey 4 of your vehicle presets and switch between them on the fly
<raptop> Also, I'm legally obligated to point out that ferram4 (yes, that ferram4) often flies planes using PWM
<SporkWitch> i haven't really messed with ferram, much. I like the idea of planes actually handling like planes, but i'm wary of the added complication of dealing with super- and hypersonic flight dynamics
<SporkWitch> if they could just get the weather-vane effect implemented, i'd be largely fine with the stock model
<Althego> oh no, fauna started jump king, and irys will start it soon
<Althego> i guess i have to watch these back on saturday
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<raptop> smol
<darkie> And ran out of EC, because I turned off the engine.
<raptop> oh well
<darkie> np
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