Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You modify your car's speedometer to give readings in meters per second. For unclear reasons, you find chunks of graphite debris scattered around KSC.
* raptop presses the AZ-5 button
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<bees> raptop: You realize the engineers in the VAB and SPH aren't actually doing anything productive. There is a direct correlation between your level of fear and the exponential growth of the fireball.
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<darkie> .
<Rolf> ;mission
<LunchBot> Rolf: You visit the VallHenge. Your kerbals are vaporized, but your craft survives.
<Rolf> fancy
<Althego> plausible
<darkie> When they're on a ladder.
<darkie> Or in a command seat?
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<darkie> Why does Jeb show up at work without his helmet?
<darkie> Is that default for command seats?
<darkie> Valentina brings her helmet.
<SporkWitch> think it remembers your last settings
<SporkWitch> like in the uniform settings
<darkie> He took his helmet off after his last landing, posing next to a taobao tree.
<darkie> Baobab tree?
<Althego> you can science it
<darkie> Yeah, I ordered him to put his helmet on, then recovered him. Then he brought his helmet.
<Althego> no, the tree
<darkie> Did htat.
<darkie> Yeah, Jeb vaporized in a command seat.
<flayer> d'oh
<darkie> <LunchBot> Rolf: You visit the VallHenge. Your kerbals are vaporized, but your craft survives.
<Althego> hehe
<darkie> Is it cruel when he can't remember?
<bees> darkie: You build a Light-Rail network and you take the first ride on the Light-Train. You travel back in time, only to discover that the universe no longer exists in that timeframe.
<darkie> bees: I just talked about time travel.
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<raptop> bees: do you communicate entirely through missions now?
<bees> raptop: You find a way to strap some boosters to your home. It doesn't work, so you sell it for 20 times the price instead of your usual 10 times the price.
<raptop> I'll take that as a yes
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<Althego> sokath, his eyes uncovered
* raptop wonders if that epside inspired some of the gith stuff in Planescape:Torment
<bees> raptop: You watch a film about human stupidity and what monotonous food does to people that pretends to be hard science fiction. This unsurprisingly causes a resonance cascade.
<raptop> Was the film Dark Star?
<darkie> there was monotonous in matrix
<darkie> foot
<raptop> well, yes. But there were ways to escape from the monotonous food
* darkie couldn't find the d on his German keyboard with Dvorak layout set.
<SporkWitch> hehe
* raptop blinks
<darkie> Typing with one finger becaues the thumb was soiled with food from eating bread.
<umaxtu> I haven't gotten around to trying dvorak on my planck yet. should I bother?
<Althego> not really
<darkie> planck?
<umaxtu> its a 47/48 key ortholinear layout keyboard
<darkie> ok. dunno.
<darkie> I don't see why not.
<umaxtu> the ortholinear layout already makes it hard for other people to use it. so I already don't have to worry about it
<Althego> i have an old twiddler 2, but after the wire failed the second time i stopped using it
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