raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | DART launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk
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<raptop> !outcome add You feel the warp overtake you. It is a good pain.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: You feel the warp overtake you. It is a good pain.
* raptop needs to find excuses for more missions/outcomes involving corium
<bees> raptop: You build a dual-purpose jetpack slash flamethrower. You attempt to correct this, but you rapidly realise your crew has eaten all the monopropellant.
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* darsie found a standard anomaly on Ike.
<darsie> gn
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<packbart> "standard anomaly" sounds like a contradiction
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<kubi> why?
<kubi> if there is standard deviation, there can be standard anomaly too
<packbart> well, true. just like the mean anomaly
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<Izaya> Sorta wish I could put a fuse on SRBs so I could have these sepratrons not mess up my perfectly circular 80km orbit.
<Althego> you mean timed start?
<Izaya> yeah
<Althego> yes that would be nice to have in many cases
<Izaya> I want them to drift like 100m away before firing >.>
<Althego> i wanted omsething like this
<Althego> i am not sure why
<Althego> maybe same reason
<Althego> i seam to think of an image of an in orbit separation
<Althego> but why would it need a timer
<packbart> isn't it the decoupler force that messes up the orbit?
<Althego> mostly
<packbart> or do the sepatrons actually push against the decoupled craft?
<Althego> if they hit, they do push
<Izaya> I'll double check, but I'm p sure because I'm using overkill numbers of sepratrons to de-orbit the lower stage once it's spent.
<Althego> luckily now there are those tiny diameter solids
<Althego> use those since they are now available
* darsie is confused.
* flayer is darsie
<Althego> does that mean darsie is flayer too?
<Izaya> What I really want is something like that "reverse thrust" toggle on the jet engines but for my booster engines
<Izaya> so I could stage them burning backwards and emptying the fuel tanks
<Izaya> but that's a very oddly specific desire
<Althego> thrust reverser on rockets is too crazy even for kerbals
<darsie> You could use the impulse from the decoupler to circularize your orbit.
<Izaya> Okay no most of the extra velocity is imparted over time rather than instantly so I think it's the SRB exhaust
<darsie> How are you even using SRBs to get to a perfecly circular 80 km orbit?
<darsie> t
<Althego> no that is needed for separation
<darsie> Decouplers provide separation.
<Althego> not enoughto deorbit the debris
<darsie> ok
<darsie> A probe core could be used.
<Izaya> Trying to do it on the cheap >.>
<darsie> A cheap probe core could be used. ;)
<Izaya> brb radially attaching a stayputnik
<Althego> you need to put that into a service bay because usually they are small
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Think about the Qube.
<Althego> i did the rasial probe core once
<Althego> it was too ugly for even me
<darsie> racial?
<Althego> radial
<darsie> ah :)
<darsie> Leaving debris in orbit is even cheaper.
<Izaya> Aha, not quite.
<Izaya> If I use expensive engines, recovering them with StageRecovery can be very worthwhile
<darsie> You don't even have to worry about Kessler syndrome in KSP. Stuff just vanishes upon impact :).
<packbart> Debris also vanishes on its
<packbart> +own
<darsie> KSP simulates proton decay.
<Althego> no, everything is made from explosive
<Althego> s
<Izaya> the latter fits my experiences well
<Althego> and kerbals are mushrooms which turn into spore clouds upon impact
<Izaya> this explains them having no issue with radiation or lack of food in space
<bees> Izaya: You try to recreate a previous failure as a learning exercise, but this time with greater sarcasm. You misstep, causing the building you're in to collapse.
<packbart> Sarcasmaholics Anonymous
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> nope, yt says no
<Mat2ch> bad yt, bad!
<Althego> hehe worse, the pc died
<sandbox> computer says no
<Althego> random bits in the imaage is not a good sign
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<raptop> F
<Althego> died again
<Althego> something tells me i get to sleep tonight
<raptop> Isn't kiara in the same timezone as you?
<Althego> and tomorrow is saturday. so getting a quick repair is impossible
<Althego> yes but she sleeps from 5 to noon
<raptop> hah
<Althego> although she has a high performance laptop, which could do the streaming
<Althego> postponed
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