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<Guest15083> hi
<raptop> lo
<raptop> apropos nothing: yes, some of the tutorials have issues
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<raptop> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<Althego> less tehn 5 minites
<Mat2ch> OHHHHH
<Mat2ch> thanks!
<Mat2ch> only 720p stream? That's odd.
<packbart> it's all just CGI!11
<Mat2ch> 100th landing, but it still feels weird.
<Althego> soon it will feel weird when the others discard the rocket
<Mat2ch> That feels already weird.
<Mat2ch> SpaceX started recovering tests about 10 years ago
<Althego> and now rocketlab follows
<Mat2ch> and nobody back then copied them. And now they are all about "we need that, too", but will another decade to get there, if at all.
<Althego> even ula will try to recover the engines. the engines which dont exist :)
<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> I don't see any launch vehicle like F9 right now. (Except Starship, where we see tests)
<Althego> next rocketlab launch will be with a heli capture
<Mat2ch> Not a powered landing though
<Althego> and that makes it better
<Mat2ch> Does it?
<Althego> neutron will also have one less burn
<Mat2ch> It's fancier, somehow
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<Mat2ch> but nothing will be Starship...
<Althego> only the sls can rival that currently, but it is already pointless
<Mat2ch> I'm talking about landing only.
<Mat2ch> Hovering over chopsticks and then getting caught with them
<Althego> that is unique
<Althego> in a sense logical. the more mass you can move to the launch infrastructure, the better
<Mat2ch> For Mars and Moon it'll still need legs.
<Mat2ch> But the tankers wont.
<Mat2ch> which means you can carry more fuel
<Althego> on the other hand rocketlab just did the reverse, by eliminating a lot of infrastructure, they added some mas to the rocket, namely the piping for fueling
<Mat2ch> And maybe have to do fewer refills
<packbart> The All You Can Launch buffet. Free refills!
<Mat2ch> They could get pretty cheap if the fuel is produced on site and everything driven by pv
<Althego> the fuel is still relatively cheap in the whole thing
<Althego> so how will they build the orbital depot?
<Mat2ch> They could just launch tankers without fins.
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<darsie> 1337
<Althego> heh
<Althego> i was utterly defeated on two channels
<packbart> 23:05 is better, anyway. illuminati time
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<UmbralRaptor> fnord
<Althego> aldi nord
<darsie> I fixed another LED bulb: https://i.postimg.cc/k9ht1c6C/IMG-6210.jpg Does that make me an illuminato?
<Althego> gwgw
<darsie> thx :)
<Althego> i meant hehe
<darsie> The new LED is a bit dim, though.
<darsie> ah :). I thought good work, good work.
<darsie> But at least it conducts and the others shine.
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<Althego> scott
<Tank2333> manley
<Althego> peter beck is so popular in the last few days
<Althego> kikkerikii
<darsie> Peter's audio is bad, again. Was bad wiht NSF, too, kinda.
<Althego> recurring
<Althego> older interviews are the same
<Althego> probably same setup
<Althego> one suggestion, next time make one interview with all the usual suspects
<Althego> and then he doesnt need to tell the same answers to same questions
<darsie> But with multiple interviews ppl can come up wiht new questions, possibly inspired by the other interviews.
<Althego> yes, that is why they have to be present at the same time
<Althego> they could build on each other's questions
<darsie> The pain is in the redundance of the interview.
<Althego> at least the interview length was progressively getting smaller
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<SporkWitch> Ending the year on a high note, The Babylon Bee, the satire website, got an interview with Elon Musk (yes, this is real lol) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvXkNrlDk1M Full interview should be out tonight haha
<Althego> hehe
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raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Current JWST launch date: 2021-12-25-12:20:00Z
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