raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 https://bit.ly/3DTHsbH | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
Tank2333 has joined #KSPOfficial
<raptop> ;mission impact factor
<LunchBot> raptop: No mission found matching "impact factor".
<raptop> hrm
<raptop> ;outcome impact factor
<LunchBot> raptop: Your confusion of impact factor with impact parameter results in the destruction of several Elsevier and Springer offices.
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You attempt to pick a gimbal lock. Sie Kraken ist nicht zufrieden mit.
<XXCoder> picking an concept yeah no wonder
<raptop> It was an attempt at silliness with the word "lock"
<XXCoder> indeed heh
<raptop> ;mission chaff
<LunchBot> raptop: You fire off large amounts of chaff and flares in an attempt to escape a gimbal lock.
<raptop> compare: ^
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* darsie sends a Klaw Jr. to retrieve the Duna probe.
<darsie> from LKO.
<Izaya> I have a KSP update, is this just linux steam being odd or is there really something after 1.12.2? Didn't see anything on the news page.
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<raptop> Izaya: minor update, notably fixes to some robotic part behavior
<raptop> (so I think base game, but the fixes are mostly relevant to breaking ground?)
<Izaya> ah I see
<Izaya> does that make it 1.12.3?
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<raptop> Yeah, it does
<raptop> hrm, my /topic update was probably too subtle
<Izaya> Oh, missed that entirely, sorry
<Izaya> Also, damn, my KSP version and Minecraft version are no longer synchronised then
<umaxtu> thats an older minecraft version
<raptop> Isn't minecraft at 2.x or something?
<umaxtu> 1.18.1 I think.
<raptop> huh
<umaxtu> but they've reset the version count a couple of times
<X> There are robotic
<X> Parents in KSP
<X> Right now?
<X> Sorry, my keys are off my fingers.
<Izaya> The mods I use are only updated to 1.12
<Izaya> (.2)
<raptop> X: there have been mods with them for ages (infernal robotics I think?), and more recently with the Breaking Ground DLC
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<darsie> All right, looks like I explored Duna enough. Got a Dres mission.
<darsie> Hehe, explore the Sun :).
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<darsie> Sure, why not, put a satellite in Sun-Kerbin-L1 :).
<darsie> Some Eve and Gilly missions, still.
<raptop> uh
<raptop> Is this a mission in Principia?
<darsie> Nah, just dock two vessles in Sun orbit.
<raptop> ah
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<Izaya> This feels like cheating, but man is it nice. https://shadowkat.net/tmp/5Con.jpg
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<packbart> what's the cheating part?
<packbart> isn't capture-to-rendezvous the way to go?
<Izaya> It certainly seems to be! It's much easier than my usual orbit-orbit transfer method :D
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<packbart> even MechJeb can do it. sometimes it needs a bit nudging, though, or else it would set a collision course to the surface
* packbart sings "Everything MechJeb can do, you can do better"
<Izaya> no mechjeb here, just kOS
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<packbart> yeah, I sometimes like to use MJ for missions that need multiple maneuvers/rendezvous, like ground base assembly on a moon.
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<Izaya> I enjoy the rendevous part; I mostly use kOS to automate node execution
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<goblin> this ladder design is impossible... turns out the Pegasus I can be placed upside down
<goblin> Kerbals then turn upside down in the middle of walking a ladder
<Althego> lol
<Althego> never noticed that
<goblin> also appears the right combination of attaching ladders can create massive ejection forces capable of destroying at least solar panels
<Althego> the extending ladders dont do that
<Althego> can you still fly with a ladder?
<goblin> Althego, hm, what do you mean?
<Althego> it used to be so, if you put something above the ladder so that the kerbal couldnt climb higher, then when trying to climb, a phantom force was created on the kerbal's head, and that lifted the whole craft
<goblin> hm. Not sure then ;-)
<goblin> on the flip side, it appears Kerbals can turn left/right on ladders, sometimes being able to seamlessly walk from one ladder to another, perpendicular one
<Althego> i never tried branching ladders
<goblin> but sometimes they get teleported to the other end of a ladder (talking about the one on science lab). And sometimes they just fall off
<FLHerne> Yeah, I've done the upside-down ladder thing
<FLHerne> they can be very finicky to get right
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<Althego> the ladder flying doesnt seem to work anymore
<Althego> i just tried it
<goblin> perhaps the force only works on the kerbal now
<goblin> try launching the kerbal so it hits the ship ;-)
<Althego> but the docking port drive probably still works
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<goblin> Newton would not approve this
<Althego> there is even a wiki page for it lol https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Docking_Port_Drive
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<flayer> ugh, my phone stopped working
<darsie> No more spying.
<darsie> Fortunately it's not yet illegal for your phone to stop working.
<Althego> but it is illegal for you to fix it :)
<darsie> OTOH, in some places contact tracing may be mandatory.
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<FLHerne> ;outcome add Nothing more hard exists in the universe.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: Nothing more hard exists in the universe.
<bees> FLHerne: You force a game engine that was intended for casual iOS games to run a space sim. That wasn't supposed to explode.
<Izaya> Oh that's fascinating. Accidentally left "Infinite Propellant" on after testing a design and it made my spaceplane flip around during launch
<Izaya> Guess the weight distribution changing makes a lot of difference.
<bees> Izaya: You outsource the assembly of your rockets to the General Products Corporation. Jebediah saves the day, but is annoyed at having to deplete his booster stash.
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<FLHerne> bees: You don't really need to send these, the bot does it on-demand :p
<bees> FLHerne: You create a space station in the shape of a giant green eyeball. This time it isn't as bad as when you tried it with the lemons.
<FLHerne> Has bees been replaced by a bot that replies to everyone with missions?
<FLHerne> Lemon eyeball station does sound unpleasant
<Althego> hehe
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<umaxtu> FLHerne: maybe we've corrupted him, and he has been sent to siberia
<bees> umaxtu: You decide to determine whether ClF3 or FOOF is the better oxidizer. This does not confirm Half-Life 3. Quite the opposite, in fact.
<Althego> both eradicate everything so, including software developers
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<umaxtu> FOOF sounds cuter though
<Althego> o2f2
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<darsie> O2F2
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<Althego> ;mission
<LunchBot> Althego: You realise you have been playing KSP for 24 hours straight. The neutrino burst alone is lethal.
<Althego> hehe my favorite
<Althego> the outcome
<sandbox> has anyone here actually played KSP for 24 hours straight?
<Althego> i am pretty sure i went up to 16
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<bees> Althego: In a fit of hunger, you attempt to eat a porkchop plot. Dinosaur invasion begins.
<raptop> Correct, and we will start by devouring the mammals
<Althego> maybe they attack the porkchop plots instead
<raptop> That reminds me, I should probably mess around with GMAT someday
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<raptop> Is part-clipping still heretical?
<bees> raptop: You experiment with dozens of small engines on your craft, EVE online style. You are pulled over by the Physics police.
* raptop feels like bees is using ;mission as a way to generically respond to people
<bees> raptop: You begin another ;mission. Fortunately, Kerbals are expendable.
<Althego> hehe
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<Mat2ch> DART launch!
<Mat2ch> That is a fake Space X channel, which is verified. Wowo
<raptop> o_O
<darsie> SpaceX, Space X
<darsie> It's different :).
<sandbox> Space Y
<darsie> Kevin Space Y
<raptop> Obviously you should watch the launches on this channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/clearusui
<darsie> :)
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