raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | DART launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk
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<XXCoder> ok weird thing happened
<XXCoder> i went in to get booster shot, and they strapped boosters on me and shot me into high atomsphere
<raptop> Did you get a mysterious payment for breaking an altitude record?
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<XXCoder> what im owed that!
<raptop> you'll want to call the world's firsts society
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<XXCoder> lol new bg https://youtu.be/pog64KmCJyA
<XXCoder> *bug
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<Mat2ch> XXCoder: did you get over the Kármán line? Then you could be an Astronaut now :D
<XXCoder> lol
<XXCoder> LunchBot: you alive
<LunchBot> I am a bot operated by FLHerne. Try !{nextlunch,lunchmode,mission,outcome,stupid,colloid,colloid²,nextfrog,rocks,nextbankruptcy,nextpinecone,nextyear,nextfire,nextbook,banlist,wenhop,help} help.
<XXCoder> lol
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: Realising the danger of the current orbit, you thrust retrograde, only to run into the stage you've just decoupled. Your rocket ceases normal operation and commences dubstep.
<XXCoder> very good match lol
<XXCoder> glad I caught it after I ejected to save my life. Show was very good.
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<packbart> ;nextfrog
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<darsie> I'm so dumb.
<flayer> I agree.
<raptop> Did you forget Jeb's oxygen?
<darsie> In a friends game, I'm launching from Duna at some northern latitude so I get an inclined orbit. The escape trajectory to Kerbin is inclined up, so I want to launch at a time of day which makes the escape parallel to Kerbin's orbit, but I shift it worse ...
<darsie> And not only once. A couple of times I don't get it.
<raptop> oops
<darsie> Now it's good. I think I launched at noon. Really? ...
<darsie> 100 m/s left after departure
<darsie> her situation
<darsie> Facing west
<raptop> too cheap to include landing legs?
<darsie> Too inexperienced.
<darsie> Landing on a Spark may be tricky.
<darsie> But fortunately a bit downhill there's an edge which shoots the rocket off the ground at which point it can be rotated up. She hasn't found that out, yet, though. She did say a ramp could help :).
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<darsie> But first there's a concave edge which often causes the sliding rocket to break up, so one has to start a bit lower so not to hit that edge too fast.
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