raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 https://bit.ly/3DTHsbH | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
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<Izaya> This is the correct way to land a nuclear reactor, right? https://shadowkat.net/tmp/IK0A.jpg
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<packbart> Radiation doesn't exist in stock. It'll be fine
<raptop> Kerbals are remarkably rad-hard
<XXCoder> also hunger-proof
<XXCoder> once orbited kerbal around sun few times
<XXCoder> no ship
<XXCoder> i guess game now have oxygen and food or something?
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<raptop> Base, no. Mods, yes
<XXCoder> ahh ok
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<bees> Izaya: Your finger slips, and you type ";fission" instead of ";mission." Now the whole capsule smells like Kethane.
<Izaya> Given the mistake, that seems like I got off light.
<Althego> not too bad
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You experiment with the Coke/Mentos propellant combination. For all the resultant horror, grief, and pain, you put your differences behind you and try again. For science. You monster.
<Mat2ch> why am I a monster for using coke?
<Mat2ch> uh, wait, that came out wrong.
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<goblin> If there's some wiki editors here, I wouldn't mind adding https://goblin.github.io/ksp_brakecalc/brakecalc.html to https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Calculation_tools ;-)
<goblin> I was planning on adding the Rocket Equation support, but that's probably not gonna happen soon (unless someone wants a crack - there are some equations already there at https://github.com/goblin/ksp_brakecalc )
<goblin> (and the source, but that's also viewable in-browser with a right click)
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<goblin> can kerbals re-enter Kerbin's atmo without a capsule? I remember it used to be possible... and now they even have gliders. But when I tried, he overheated :-/
<FLHerne> goblin: Yes, if you're very careful
<goblin> FLHerne, hm, OK! Challenge accepted ;-)
<FLHerne> You need to start in a 70x70 equatorial orbit or something close to it, and burn just the right amount to spread the heat loading out
<goblin> does orientation make a difference? I remember it used to be helmet-first, but that was for lithobraking IIRC
<goblin> (which probably no longer applies because of the glider)
<FLHerne> I don't think so much
<FLHerne> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC8Tt8r9eLg should be correct if you don't want to spend ages on trial-and-error
<goblin> I'll see how it goes. 69.5km orbit and dropping. Padous looks happy.
<FLHerne> lol
<FLHerne> ;mission add You take Padous Kerman skydiving from orbit
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added mission: You take Padous Kerman skydiving from orbit
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You attempt to launch a rocket using Jeb's excess matter of questionable origin as a bio-fuel. Bob's horrified screams, remixed and set to a techno backbeat, win the next Kerbovision Song Contest.
<bees> Mat2ch: You are contracted to manufacture a series of ballistic missiles for the North Kerbeans. You discover how Kerbals reproduce and swear not to tell.
<goblin> aaand *puff*. At 60km. Orientation didn't seem to make much difference indeed.
<Althego> what if you make a steeper descent. denser air slows you down faster
<goblin> yaaay, that worked! Thanks :-) Burned my entire EVA propellant to lower Pe as much as possible and the heating went up only to about 80% :-) Also, she's smiling way more than before
<packbart> yeah, I keep just about 0.1-0.3 EVA propellant for the final adjustments
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<packbart> the problem with clouds is that I can't see the optimal insertion point for a landing at KSC anymore
<packbart> I might drive a rover out there and plant a flag or just set a waypoint
<Althego> (local) leet time
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<packbart> goblin: this is what it typically looks like for my Kerbals (undershot KSC by quite a bit, though): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAUuB0FJMM8
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<goblin> Nice suits. I'm thinking of getting the expansions, but it seems wrong to do so before I even left the Kebrin SOI... I mean I need to *at least* land on Duna in the base game
<Althego> the dlcs dont really influence that
<Althego> new parts, some new science
<goblin> well, and most importantly, new suits
<Althego> i think the making history has the old suits, but the new is in the base game
<Althego> old as in the space race era
<packbart> yeah, but the BG glowy suits are cool ;)
<packbart> I even use a MM patch that turns on the suit glow by default (but keeps the head lamp off)
<packbart> Althego: "new is in the base game" - the "future" suits are in stock now?
<Althego> i remembered it like that, but maybe they are not
<Mat2ch> so, if SpaceX does a test today, what's your guess what they'll do?
<packbart> go boom?
<flayer> stress test their PR department by allowing elon musk to have a facebook account
<Althego> i dot expecta boom at this stage
<packbart> :(
<packbart> big badaboom is why I'd watch it
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i wouldwatch it for an orbital launch
<packbart> nah, those all look the same
<Althego> it would be the first launch of starship
<flayer> yeah starship orbital launch is worth watching for that alone (for me anyway)
<flayer> although really its the coming back down which interests me
<Althego> probably not much to see there for the first time
<Althego> ei expect it to come down in pieces
<Althego> probably there will be a recording, glowing pieces flying and making streaks
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<Mat2ch> Uh, hot! Could be nsfw! ;)
<packbart> not safe for warp?
<Althego> is this some sun ejection?
<packbart> it's the Parker probe gathering science while "flying low over the Sun" ;)
<Althego> hehe
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<raptop> pretty much, yeah
<Althego> imagine jeb vlimbing out from a hidden compartment on the probe, while the space music is playing. hehe, they thought they can launch without me...
<NGC3982> i love how the twitter feed is filled with people who are dissapointed with the image quality from the PSP venture
<darsie> Is KSP2 vaporware?
<Althego> playstation portable?
<NGC3982> because I cAn Do tHaT bEtTeR wiTh mY PhOnE loLoLo tAx MonEy wAsTe
<Althego> i dont think it is vaporware
<Althego> maybe after 4 more years of waiting
<NGC3982> oh i thought i was in #space again
<Althego> hehe
<NGC3982> dang that darsie
<Althego> the overlap of people
<NGC3982> figures
<Althego> really annoying that Mat2ch is not there
<raptop> hrm
<Mat2ch> I'm here!
<NGC3982> \o/
<raptop> darsie: well, between the management issues and that they didn't realize just how big a task they set for themselves...
<Althego> but not there
<bees> darsie: You attempt to stop the hypetrain. You end up in the intensive care ward.
<Mat2ch> just came back from grocery shopping. Hope I got everything for the holidays
<Althego> hehe fitting poutcome
<darsie> What was the task they set for themselves?
<Althego> even if you stopped it, people would beat you up
<Mat2ch> Althego: oh, you mean in #space. :D
<darsie> Well, I guess what I've seen on youtube so far.
<Althego> ##space actually
<Mat2ch> When I post in #space, then I'm not posting here anymore and then this channel will be dying even faster...
<raptop> darsie: the whole more or less realistic interstellar travel and multiple star systems bit comes to mind, but also the base-building, and trying to have something that fakes up n-body physics well enough
<darsie> Will there me more and more interesting missions in KSP2?
<Althego> there could be all separate games by themselves
<bees> raptop: you can probably simulate n-body with shells of "influence spheres" around binary systems at almost zero overhead
<raptop> something something quadropole moments?
<bees> and it would still be bad, yeah
<darsie> Kerbol-Kerbin-L2?
<darsie> halo orbit?
<bees> Lx points can be approximated by influence spheres too
<raptop> The problem being that Rask/Rusk are supposed to be like Duna/Ike, but more
<bees> halo nope
<raptop> And they set up ring systems as a challenge for themselves
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<darsie> Bump into rock/ice chunks and change their orbits?
<Althego> kikkerikii
<raptop> darsie: maybe!
<Mat2ch> darsie: they were talking about building colonies and managing them
<Althego> something about transporting stuff
<Althego> and then once you did it once it would automatic
<Althego> even the managament of one colony is complicated, managing multiple with transportation among these is even harder
<Althego> then there is the whole spaceship game thing too
<raptop> And it makes time more of an important resource
<raptop> Also, does the player have to fly all ships?
<bees> i'd assume you need to fly them once
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<bees> "Proving Contract: Deliver [slider between 0...100] tons cargo to 80x80 km orbit and [optional] return your rocket back to KSC"
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<darsie> I wish the small RW wouldn't overshoot at lower authority.
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