raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Current JWST explosion date: 2021-12-25-12:20:00Z http://esawebtv.esa.int/ and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBaDdAbGlFDeS33shmlD0A
<raptop> git commit -am "bug fixes and performance improvements
<raptop> git push
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* raptop remains sad that git commit -crimes is not a valid command
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<darsie> .
<darsie> Are there KSP mods that saturate RWs?
<darsie> reaction wheels
<SporkWitch> none i've come across, but that would be cool.
<Izaya> yup
<darsie> Yeah. Maybe annoying micromanagement, though.
<Izaya> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/200480-191-1101-1111-semi-saturatable-reaction-wheels/
<SporkWitch> darsie: aren't most realism-focused mods? lol
<SporkWitch> then again, i also play Stationeers, and that gets VERY micromanagey lol
<darsie> sure :)
<darsie> Not sure how annoying that one would be.
<darsie> It should have a saturation indicator or so.
<SporkWitch> at first, probably very, but it would probably encourage more use of RCS. I dunno about others, but I pretty much never use RCS unless doing docking maneuvers; reaction wheels are just BETTER and don't run out of fuel
<Izaya> Most of my LKO craft use monopropellant main engines so I've been using RCS more of late.
<darsie> Why monoprop for mains?
<SporkWitch> why monoprop instead of ion?
<SporkWitch> i'd think ion would be better for the same weight
<Izaya> because most of my stuff in LKO is in the process of getting assembled
<Izaya> and/or is a service spacecraft for my station
<Izaya> so having heaps of RCS fuel is very convenient
<darsie> RCS doesn't work (well) with planned maneuvers, I think.
<Izaya> ReStock has monoprop stack engines that use the main throttle
<SporkWitch> probably would have to calculate the time yourself, but otherwise should be fine
<Izaya> (at least I think it's ReStock+)
<darsie> Can you tie the throttle to RCS with action groups?
<Izaya> [obligatory ussr-inspired flag cw] https://shadowkat.net/tmp/0Ukn.jpg
<Izaya> that nozzle sticking out of the heatshield is a monoprop main engine, and the main body of the spacecraft is a "station core" part with RCS tanks and a crew capacity of 1
<Izaya> (or rather station utility module, but details)
<SporkWitch> need KSP2 NAO lol
<Izaya> I wish I could use normal RCS thrusters with maneuver nodes though, I could probably make kOS execute the burns with RCS but that's a whole thing
<Izaya> Probably harder to calculate given thrust varies based on direction with RCS blocks though.
<packbart> with MechJeb installed, you can. it's got an option to bind the RCS to the main throttle
<packbart> I use that for maneuver nodes on RCS-only sats
<darsie> Hmm, RCS only sats ... can I make my sats even smaller? :)
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<packbart> possibly. probe core, antenna, a solar panel, small RCS tank and one RCS thruster in the back
<Izaya> I saw a cubesat in a video with thrusters and antennae all inside a cube, and the person deployed like 20 of them from inside one relatively small fairing, anyone have any idea what mod that might've been?
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<darsie> RCS "thruster power" unit seems to be kN.
<darsie> The small RCS thrusters are too weak to get to orbit with only a Hammer as first stage.
<Althego> kikkerikii 2
<darsie> ksp 1.12.3 crashed.
<darsie> Had black VAB before.
<packbart> Izaya: there's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=620yLKlYaGk&t=48s - but they're not cube-sized
<Izaya> it's all nicely integrated like that I guess
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<darsie> ksp 1.12.3 crashed.
<raptop> *whomp whomp*
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<Althego> so small
<Althego> at that size the nuke is probably too ehavy
<SporkWitch> it's so tiny!
<Izaya> cute
<darsie> It's in orbit.
<darsie> I didn't know it should be bigger :).
<Althego> possibly it could have more delta v with a smaller engine
<darsie> And it landed on the second attempt :))).
<darsie> After one orbit.
<darsie> There are certainly better ascent profiles than my firts success on orbit.
<darsie> I shall retract the landing gear. I shall retract the landing gear. I shall retract the landing gear.
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<darsie> 1188 m/s left in orbit.
<Mat2ch> time to land on Minmus with it!
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<darsie> 1351 m/s left in orbit.
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<SporkWitch> landing on minmus is easy, it's the taking off again that can be tricky unless you have some RCS lol
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<flayer> with a spaceplane, yeah
<flayer> i put some of those orange little rockets on a rotation robotics part
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<flayer> for breaking thrust or lifting thrust
<flayer> or an additional boost forward
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