raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | DART launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk
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* darsie is back from Gilly flyby/orbit/return. Got a Duna mission.
* raptop wonders if Crime Cities is any good
<raptop> (free on GoG, etc)
<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You spend weeks waiting for that one mod to update. As a result of a clerical error, you crash into the sun.
<raptop> worryingly plausible
<bees> raptop: You try to go faster than c. You die another day.
<raptop> also worryingly plausible
<packbart> death is relative
<raptop> Pay no attention to the aunt approching you at 0.945 c
<packbart> Friendship drive charging
<Izaya> the new EVA building stuff is pretty neat
* raptop really needs to explore things like EVA construction, fireworks, etc at some point
<raptop> ...also ISRU
<Izaya> I wonder if anyone has done an orion drive using fireworks modules
<Izaya> like, an actual designed for use one rather than abusing robotics controllers to make it eject at the speed of light
<packbart> well, the usual suspects have done fireworks drives
<packbart> but I don't quite remember if they use KAL overdrive
<raptop> I think so for Isp porpoises
<raptop> huh, not danny
<packbart> I think the Stratzenblitzer did some experiments, too
<packbart> Izaya: yeah, that video doesn't match
<packbart> I guess the craft needs to be very light for unmodified fireworks to, uhh, work
<packbart> or you'd need to fire a lot of them at once
<Izaya> B)
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<Mat2ch> lol. To quieten down Blue Origin they now get money to develop a private space station...
<darsie> .
<Althego> eh
<Althego> cry enough and somebody will give you money
<packbart> I never learned how to do that. Maybe there's a tutorial on Youtube
<kubi> you do not have the right friends / connection network...
<darsie> I wonder if someone elses space station would have been better than BO's.
<kubi> at this point of time, who created the most fancy slideshow?
<kubi> it is similar now to the medieval ages when merchants are lobbying for money to get a couple of ships together and sail to the west
<kubi> in short term lots of forests were cut, many died, a few got rich(er)
<packbart> at least Blue Origin's space station will have an Amazon Store
<Althego> now i wouldnt believe any promise blue origin comes up with
<darsie> What kind of space station? Rotating?
<kubi> amazon store is a marketplace where the marketplace owner does not take too much responsibility
<packbart> kubi: they do have a few offline brick'n mortar stores
<packbart> or maybe they'd make it a warehouse on polar orbit. just drop the deliveries at the right moment
<kubi> yes, that would be the best idea ever
<kubi> making the IBCM defense systems crazy :)
<packbart> orbital bombardment? nah, just my latest Amazon package
<darsie> Fry some food during deorbit?
<kubi> that is KFC
<darsie> Space tourist waste could be turned into food in a greenhouse.
<packbart> Soylent Brown
<Althego> hehe
<Izaya> Got my cute little spaceplane docked to my LKO station. Only took me four hours of screwing around with maneuver nodes.
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<SporkWitch> Izaya: that is the trick with SSTO spaceplanes, heh; not a lot of leftover delta-V, so unless you time your launch well, you're going to be waiting a while for a good rendesvous
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<Mat2ch> littering the surface of Mars with plastics and soon micro plastics. :D
<Mat2ch> I wonder in which year the "Cleanup Mars" projects launches
<raptop> There's going to be a weird overlap between acheology and site cleanup at some point for both the Moon and Mars
<Althego> i was just thinking about that
<Althego> cleanup will be resisted by consetvationists
<Althego> who want to keep the landing sistes
<Althego> and the resting places of the rovers
<Mat2ch> And someone will try to get Hubble back in a museum. ;)
<Mat2ch> and they are back at testing B2.1 tank, again. Hasn't popped yet :(
<Mat2ch> And do you remember the time when there was a dedicated stream for those tests?
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<darsie> Does the Hubble fit in a Neutron fairing?
<packbart> isn't a Neutron fairing a bit heavy?
<darsie> idk. It opens, releases the second stage an closes.
<Izaya> SporkWitch: not even a SSTO, just a booster-launched plane
<Mat2ch> jup jup
<Mat2ch> if we want to get Hubble back, we need a Starship.
<Mat2ch> did I get this article from here?
<Mat2ch> Scientists are starting to plan missions for Starship. Huge space exploration missions
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<Althego> very nice
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