Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<FLHerne> looks just like Jeb's bailouts
<Mat2ch> Could've been intentional
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<FLHerne> In the comments they say more people were waiting to jump out but couldn't because of the plane flipping
<FLHerne> so that seems unlikely
<FLHerne> (unless the comments including OP are lying, which...well, reddit)
<sandbox> it cuts off too soon
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<Althego> (kikkerikii)
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<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You replace every part of your spacecraft with aerogel. Einarr explodes in a fireball of confusion.
<raptop> oops
<XXCoder> lol
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You try to find The Awnser. Your orbit follows a Dho-Nha curve.
<XXCoder> yeah no idea what both refers to
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<bees> raptop: You build a ship for the stated purpose of outrunning its own mass. Your dual-fusion 1500 megawatt super-colliding pneumatic diversitized quantum quantum space tape untangler fails.
<bees> XXCoder: You build a dual-purpose jetpack slash flamethrower. Jebediah finds out where you live and stabs you with a flag.
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<SporkWitch> why is my TWR different on the pad vs the VAB? O.o
<darsie> air pressure?
<SporkWitch> i'm set for sea level
<darsie> pad is above sea level
<darsie> Engine is often above pad.
<SporkWitch> 1.33 in VAB to 1.09 on pad seems a lot, but i guess my margins are just tight...
<darsie> You could compare to KER figures.
<SporkWitch> i'm just trying to make a booster stage for my shuttle :'(
<SporkWitch> i don't have separatrons yet, and the previous design (which worked and was stable) was knocking the canards off when jettisoned (though remarkably i managed to just barely land it without impact damage, just nowhere near where i'd planned)
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