raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | DART launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk
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<darsie> Here's the code, if you're interested: https://paste.debian.net/1221062/
<darsie> I used my kspconverttime and kspconvertdate to convert to and from s.
<darsie> encounter.pl
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<RubyBrainbeast> entire craft discarded'
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<UmbralRaptor> discard all your craft, then draw seven
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You instigate a discussion over the merits of a Robo-Human marriage. You fail ISO 9000 certification due to your complete lack of formal process or even any documentation of your space program.
<XXCoder> ok sounds like I really failed
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<UmbralRaptor> Less marriage, more space
<UmbralRaptor> ;mission
<LunchBot> UmbralRaptor: You give the nuclear lunch codes to an IRC bot. Your jets fail to start. Upon further checking, you discover that you installed aerospikes instead of shock cone intakes.
<UmbralRaptor> mmm… nuclear lunch…
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> corn?
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<XXCoder> i guess your bvillian escape failed
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<bees> XXCoder: You encounter a laser and are very concerned. This unsurprisingly causes a resonance cascade.
<bees> UmbralRaptor: You design a series of planetary probes around the paradigm of exchanging reaction mass for ablative lithobraking equipment. You are intercepted and destroyed by the Magic Boulder whilst trying to land on Ike, but no one believes you.
<darsie> There was a paste error in my encounter program paste. This one's good: https://paste.debian.net/1221094/
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<Bebiezaza> is umbralraptor here (hopefully this thing doesn't tag)
<Bebiezaza> damn it tagged .___.
* raptop blinks
<FLHerne> I think he's raptop atm
<FLHerne> it's not dark
<raptop> At least not here in the impact bay area
<Bebiezaza> lol
<Bebiezaza> is there a chance that the wiki will update to mw1.35 (LTS)?
* raptop is pretty sure that I don't have have the rights for any real software updates and would have to poke a proper squad employee
<Bebiezaza> guess so
<Bebiezaza> btw, how does this star thing work?
<raptop> oh, that action thing is where you type "/me action"
* raptop action
<raptop> so eg, "/me pets a cat" becomes:
* raptop pets a cat
* Bebiezaza test
<Bebiezaza> O.o
* darsie feeds a cat to raptop.
* raptop blinks in confusion at darsie
<Bebiezaza> so, i guess someone would have to poke a proper squad employee . . .
<darsie> What do raptors eat?
<darsie> Squad? Taketwo? ...?
<darsie> Private Division?
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<raptop> darsie: well, last night there was ramen...
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<Althego> hehe scott's video from yesterady, i just noticed there is a kerbal in the intro (leftmost windows in the rocket)
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<darsie> Althego: He's been there for a long time :).
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<RubyBrainbeast> does anybody here recall a science fiction novel/series in which someone invents a potato powered device which takes you to the next version of the earth, "left" or "right"
<RubyBrainbeast> eventually they go to mars in alternate dimensions
<SporkWitch> sounds like The Martian, but on LSD lol
<umaxtu> that sounds too cheesy. even for me
<Mat2ch> I only remember Sliders and it was bad.
<FLHerne> RubyBrainbeast: That's "The Long Earth" by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter
<FLHerne> good books
<FLHerne> technically the potato doesn't power the device as such
<FLHerne> umaxtu: It's not particularly cheesy
<Mat2ch> Sliders has 7.4/10 on imdb? Clearly those people never watched that show.
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* darsie lands on Eve ...
<darsie> maybe :)
<raptop> But will you escape
<darsie> From Kerbin :)
<raptop> ah,
<SporkWitch> finally got off my butt and set my bouncer up again lol
<SporkWitch> Mat2ch: sliders was awesome
<Althego> mixed
<Althego> there were good and bad episodes
<Althego> but i liked it
<SporkWitch> true of any standard serial; the need to tie things up at the end of each episode and be able to air them out of order limits what they can do. It's the shift to long-arc content (that started with Babylon 5) that really enabled amazing stories, becuase you didn't need to tidy things up at the end of the hour every time.
<Althego> i have to sleep
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<SporkWitch> that was actually a big problem for Earth 2 lol. It was actually build as more of a long arc, but they DID air episodes out of order, and so it ended up not making sense lol
<XXCoder> fun
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<Izaya> The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya was aired intentionally out of order first run
<XXCoder> why?
<raptop> Out of order, or out of order
<Izaya> My best guess is because the whole staff of the show are trolls and it being out of order thematically fit
<Izaya> The second run was in order, so make of that what you will.
<Izaya> This is the same series that had 8 episodes that followed almost exactly the same story line, but each was entirely re-animated
<darsie> Need 1270 m/s to get to Eve, but only have 1218. 358 m/s plane change :(. Could try a different window or a Mun flyby.
<darsie> Don't say a stronger rocket :).
<SporkWitch> moar boosters :P
<Izaya> What's the name of the mod that tidies up the names and descriptions of parts from a bunch of mods?
<Izaya> Community Parts Titles
<darsie> Looks like the Mun flyby does it.
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<RubyBrainbeast> FLHerne Thank you. I should have at least remembered it was a Pratchett novel.
<RubyBrainbeast> I would have thought the Mk 2 spaceplane parts would have had little drag due to their form, but it seems like the Mk 1 fuselage is the way to go.
<SporkWitch> KSP aerodynamics aren't exactly intuitive lol
<RubyBrainbeast> Evidently :D
<RubyBrainbeast> lol I set out to make the smallest possible mining SSTO spaceplane and it's 37 tons already
<SporkWitch> it adds up fast, yeah heh
<SporkWitch> i'm further limited by struggling with one of my mods. 2 rapiers? fine. 4 rapiers? goodbye FPS
<SporkWitch> need to figure out what it is about the engine effects that kills performance but ONLY with rapiers, and ONLY with 4 or more, and ONLY when it's under 500m from the ground lol
<RubyBrainbeast> atmospheric effects that you cannot actually see
<RubyBrainbeast> ?
<RubyBrainbeast> maybe