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<SporkWitch> who do these jerks think they are, trying to make me move my commsat out of position? lol
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<packbart> their boss complained about bad TV receptio
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<Izaya> move it onto their house
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<SporkWitch> i do have a magnetometer satellite from another contracat i could use as an impactor... come to think of it, i think that's what I'll use it for, get some seismo science
<SporkWitch> i want bouncy-ball decelleration, like one of the old mars rovers used... lol
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<SporkWitch> >_< i smashed a kerbal's head into my solar panels and they shattered >_<
<SporkWitch> really wish they didn't try to enforce a "down" when on EVA, it's extremely disorienting (which is ironic, as it's clearly intended to make it LESS disorienting lol)
<Althego> i think you can turn that off
<Althego> sas on/off does something for kerbals
<Althego> if it is off, the kerbal doesnt orient its back towards the camera
<SporkWitch> that's not the issue, it's that "down" for the kerbal doesn't align with the camera
<SporkWitch> and it doesn't allow full rotational control
<SporkWitch> so even if i hold space to have the kerbal orient himself, that might be at 90 degrees to what i'm operating at
<SporkWitch> i can't figure out how to control its pitch, only yaw; pitch and roll are locked to whatever the game decides "down" is
<Althego> i think even if you change camera mode, you will have only 2 axes
<Althego> but maybe an other mode orients itself automatically
<Althego> (c)
<SporkWitch> didn't even occur to me to change camera mode for some reason. i'll see if locked mode is an option. it works great for aircraft and rovers
<SporkWitch> just doesn't make any sense that they'd just have pitch and roll disabled on EVA, makes things very difficult
<SporkWitch> definitely see why people make "space scooters" lol
<Althego> heh not c, v
<SporkWitch> i knew what you meant
<SporkWitch> also why does it keep making me rescue pilots?! i need scientists and engineers! lol
<SporkWitch> 7 pilots now, 4 engineers, 3 scientists. and of those, a scientist and engineer each are stationed at minmus and the mun lol
<Althego> yes, so annoying
<Althego> if i am too annoyed, i just change their job in the save file
<SporkWitch> though apparently rescuing them at least ignores the staffing limit, so i at least don't have to pay to upgrade it lol
<Althego> nasically i am always short on scientists
<Althego> i think as long as you dont bring them back
<SporkWitch> i brought them back... it says i'm at 14/12 lol
<Althego> strange
<SporkWitch> maybe it's because 4 of them are off-world at my two bases?
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<SporkWitch> there is no lock camera for EVA >_<
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<packbart> well, there is (not sure if it would work with 1.12)
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<Mat2ch> nice
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<kubi> mice
<sandbox> strange mice
<Mat2ch> white mice
<Althego> chaos rat is better
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<raptop> chaos rat sounds like a warhammer fantasy faction
<raptop> ...come to think of it, vtubers playing warhammer (fantasy or 40k) could be amusing
<Althego> i am still waiting for them playing ksp
<Althego> cant be harder than minecraft
<raptop> . o O (Ollie explaining Isp and Δv)
<Althego> she could do it
<Althego> but not gura
<SporkWitch> this will always be one of my favourite memes of all time (it's topically relevant):
<raptop> heh
<raptop> gura approves of this sacrifice
<Althego> lol
<SporkWitch> it's just so prefect :)
<SporkWitch> so prepping to get my mining and refueling infrastructure started. The orbital survey scanner I get, but how does the ground component of that work? I ran the scan, but it didn't seem to actually do anything...
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<packbart> its part window shows the local resource in %. you can land it in a hot spot as seen from the survey scanner and move around to find the best spot
<SporkWitch> gotcha, so if i don't see anything, it means that's a dead spot
<SporkWitch> (it's not mounted to what will actually be doing the scouting, i was just bringing supplies and science upgrades to my outpost)
<packbart> hm. it should say "0%". we're talking about the ground canner thingy, not the rotating one?
<packbart> oh. "If the surface that you are scanning has zero ore, the scanner will report the ore concentration as "Unknown" (not zero)." - I see
<Althego> there are 3 survey sensors. the folding antenna that needs polar orbit, that gives you resource average per biome on the map. then the rotating thing that gives you better result from orbit, but in its window, and then the tiny brick with a small cylinder at the end that gives you result directly under it, when you are on or very close to the surface
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<SporkWitch> ah, i missed the second orbital one, i just placed the polar survey scanners, and then landed the ground one
<Althego> it doesnt give you science, so i dont use it
<Mat2ch> When I'm getting to use one I usually don't need science anymore...
<SporkWitch> hmmm, it is displaying stuff now. i wonder if it bugged out last night... i did stop playing the sounds for engines, so very possible
<SporkWitch> Mat2ch: yeah, it's pretty far along the tech tree, heh
<Althego> does the smallest one has a real world equivalent?
<packbart> maybe, but probably not that compact or cheap
<packbart> "Much of the oil found in the Gulf Coast states occurs in association with these salt domes, and so the petroleum industry had considerable incentive to develop techniques to detect them. As a result, the gravity meter, or gravimeter, was invented."
<Althego> no, i mean the other two has looks which are copied from real world instruments. one is the radar one some venera probe, the other one is a high gain antenna on curiosity and perseverance
<packbart> ah. form, not function? I don't know :)
<Althego> so it would be logical if the third one was copied from something real too
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<SporkWitch> we've had gravimetric sensors for decades. it's how we figured out in liek the middle to late 20th century that the earth's equatorial bulge isn't actually right on the equator
<SporkWitch> so actually, i think no later than the 80s, as I'm pretty sure that's when Asimov's "Relativity of Wrong" short essay was written
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<packbart> I only read about satellite gravimetric surveys before
<SporkWitch> i was referring to the satellite-based ones; my understanding is that on the surface gravity is sufficiently strong that small variations get washed out
<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: I made it a habbit to do science runs early in the game, using the Mun and Minmus and when I get to visit Duna the tree is already fully unlocked...
<SporkWitch> pretty much where i'm at. not sure if i'll max it before heading to duna (though maybe from initial probes to it before sending kerbals). I want to have my refueling infrastructure and an SSTO first, so i'm not having to climb kerbin's well each time
<SporkWitch> i'm guessing Aldrin Cyclers don't work because of the SOI system? :( lol
<Mat2ch> With the Kerbodyne parts it's so cheap and easy to launch stuff into orbit, I created SSTOs only for fun
<Mat2ch> But I landed one on Duna, so...
<SporkWitch> i just hate waste :P
<SporkWitch> the idea is to get some big stuff into orbit that never has to come down, then just have passenger craft to ferry crews and science
<Mat2ch> you should take some inspiration for SSTOs from Matt Lowne then.
<Mat2ch> He built a few big ones.
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<SporkWitch> strapping 4 whiplash engines to an otherwise fairly light frame goes fast... lol
<darsie> .
<darsie> SporkWitch: post more pics.
<SporkWitch> i managed to launch myself to 72km just on them alone... i just need to figure out where to strap some rocket engines and i think i'll have my first SSTO lol
<darsie> I'm not sure if that qualifies as SSTO.
<darsie> Well, ok :).
<SporkWitch> literally just wanted to see what the engines could do lol
<SporkWitch> i'm tempted to try attaching some stack bicouplers to the mk2 bicoupler, then i can put the four whiplash in the middle, and two nukes on the sides (and still only need liquid fuel, no oxidizer)
<SporkWitch> the trick to it seemed to be to just open the throttle, set it at 20°, and just leave it alone lol
<darsie> Then land.
<SporkWitch> the engines flame out around 25km, but i should be able to use the nukes the rest of the way at that point, just to maintain velocity until the air thins a bit more and they run full efficiency
<SporkWitch> yeah.... i'm slowly descending now, just gliding, gonna see what happens lol
<Mat2ch> the main problem with SSTOs is getting the weight distribution correctly for full and empty tanks
* darsie used the Dart for SSTO.
<darsie> Mammoth does the trick well, too :).
<darsie> Even SST escape.
<darsie> Just go straight up :)
<umaxtu> RCS balancer can show dry and wet CoM which helps
<darsie> landed :)
<SporkWitch> landing successful lol
<SporkWitch> probably gonna want some speed brakes just for safety lol
<SporkWitch> i glided down to 80m/s but still took a bit to slow down lol
<SporkWitch> it also has basically NO control authority after 15km or so
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<Mat2ch> umaxtu: uhhhhhhh, it can?
<Mat2ch> I always fiddled around with the fuel controls
<Mat2ch> and it made me crazy
* raptop read that as fiddling around with the fuel rod controls and was confused
<Mat2ch> Yeah, it might often not look like it, but my english is rather bad. :D
<SporkWitch> hmmm, i think i might almost have this... two nukes wasn't enough, let's see how four whiplash and two nukes do... lol (doesn't matter how expensive it is if it can get up and back down in one piece! lol)
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<SporkWitch> think i just need to swap the liquid fuel tanks for rocket fuel and it'll be good to go (albeit no payload, but still heh)
<SporkWitch> really wanted to do the nuke engines so i could do liquid fuel only, but had to go with the aerospikes :(
<darsie> SporkWitch: What stopped you from using the nervs?
<darsie> Too heavy?
<SporkWitch> yeah, TWR too low
<SporkWitch> after i get the last tier of aerodynamics i think that'll help, as i'm somewhat limited by parts still. piecing wings together seems to not do as well, at least comparing against others i've seen people make
<darsie> aerospike are kinda heavy, too, IIRC. How about Terrier or Spark?
<SporkWitch> also serious control authority issues, need to refigure weight distribution. i'm wondering if making it longer might actually help, by shifting the weight backwards
<SporkWitch> oh the spikes worked great, i just ran out of oxidizer lol
<darsie> 25 km is quite high, so vacuum engines should work reasonably well.
<SporkWitch> but the airbreathers are using 2 each liquid fuel fuselages; i think if i swap those for oxidizer i'll have at least the delta-V of the space shuttle, but in an SSTO
<SporkWitch> (and honestly, this thing was much easier to launch than my "pure" shuttle attempts; trying to balance that thrust was a nightmare; deorbited, glided, and landed great, but super unstable trying to get out of the well)
* darsie usually makes his second rocket in the game an SSTO, but it doesn't have wings it can land with, so non reusable.
<SporkWitch> oh sure, that's doable, but it hardly counts if it's not reusable :P
<darsie> Well, SSTO is just that :).
<SporkWitch> technically correct (the best kind of correct!) but we all know people really want REUSABLE SSTO :P
<darsie> :)
<SporkWitch> if you can't reuse at least MOST of it, then what's the point of only a single stage? lol
<SporkWitch> i'm still working on improving my heavy lifters, so I'm thinking next I might just send a drone hauler to bring a boatload of monoprop to minmus and have my kerbals there go biome hopping for science, get the large ore storage container, then start my fuel production. Gonna need to figure out a decent design for a heavy lander, though; obviously build wide, but it just feels so weird (and there's still hauling it out of
<SporkWitch> kerbin's well)
<SporkWitch> i am getting excited for this spaceplane, though. just needs some refinement and i think i'll have it lol
<FLHerne> Reusable vertical-takeoff SSTOs are viable before you have the tech for true spaceplanes
<FLHerne> actually that one wasn't quite SSTO, it had a few cheapo SRBs to get it off the pad
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<SporkWitch> if nothing else, i know what to name it (unoriginal as it may be): phoenix lol
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<SporkWitch> wow, i must have balanced this thing incredibly well. tanks went dry and i've been gliding forever. i'm down to just shy of 40m/s horizontal and -12 vertical, and yet i haven't stalled... lol
<flayer> nice
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<Izaya> I've been using that procedural wings mod for my planes recently
<Izaya> very comfy, lets me have my cursed end stabilisers
<SporkWitch> i'm still relatively light on mods, mostly just cosmetic ones like flare, plumes, planetshine, etc.
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<Izaya> I really need to do something about my memory situation, 16GB is barely enough for modded KSP.
<Izaya> Always the simulation games >.>
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